გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Greece - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 14 Sep 2016 03:50 - 164
With so much FYROM uneducated brainwashing of their own lation , i have decided to respond on few article made by Sharingan , guy who said he studied history in Cambridge.
I will use print screens with his word , i dont know how to describe this.. its its mind-blowing .. see for yourself .
Please note im not trying to prove that Ancient Macedonian are Greeks (i dont care), i m just proving that FYROMijans are not decedents of Ancient Macedonians
Lets start with his first article : Don't you f***m me !!!!

wrong: Words used in example that you said are ancient Macedonian language are pure Slavic, Its ether that or Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatian, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, CZ, Slovak... we all speak "Macedonian" ????
If that would be your proof , than you are just proving your slavic connection.

7000 year old ?? hot air my slavic brother.. where is your proof ?
and dont post link of Vinca/Starcevo

Yet you claim that there was writing that is deciphered and similar to slavic language today?? I said slavic as you speak slavic not some ancient language. If your claim would be even bit truth, it would mean only that slavs lived here for that long + again proving that you would be slav and that even ancient macedons would be decedents of slavs.. its your words mate, not mine
Sharingan (this is quote from part of his text)

Again, are you trying to prove that there are slavs on Tibet ?? as its again, official language of FYROM is Slavic, secondary , probably albanian (non-slavic) and you dont have third one, unless you speak Greek.

At that time, Greece was organized in to small city states, not united as single state, and King Philip and Alexander did exactly that, unified it by force.
With your logic, Sparta and Athens are not Greek ether as they fought all the time??? never heard of unification of China , or war of Roses... every country had some internal war, and at that time Greece wasnt county it was group of people who shared language and customs, same as everywhere .
After unification of Greece, why did Alexander went to Persia ?? maybe revenge for what Persians did to Greece in past wars ??
Facts about Alexander - he unified Greece by force, exacted revenge on Presia, spoke Greek, thought of him self as Greek, spread Greek language and culture in entire than known world. WHY Greek and not so called "Macedonian" if he didnt consider him self as Greek ?
Sharingan (this is quote from part of his text)

so 50% slav and 50% other, as before slavs there was romans and greeks for 800 years so you are saying that today FRYOM is 50% slavic and other 50%mix of romans/greeks/macedonians . That makes you more slav than macedonian.
This part : Plus the slavs who entered in Macedonia are described as tall
and blond while not many people in Macedonia look like that.
yea, lots of MKDinas are shorter, with dark hair.... what a coincidence.. Greek are too.
I could go on just in this text for few more pages, but lets see what else interesting we can find in Sharingans articles.
Taken from Artificial Greece article

You just face-palmed your self here
Mix of Turks, Slavs and Albanians is exactly what can be said about you more than for Greeks , as FYROM is located between Slavs, Albanians Greeks and Turks.

They didnt make language. Words you used in example are slavic, ask any slav.
You selabrate Cirilo and Metodije and you dont even know what they did for us (you me and all other slavs), you think they created language ???
Bonus addition :

So you are saying Alexander was toward "Greeks" same as Hitler with jews?
ok lets think about it for a bit.. seeing this my mind nearly exploded.
So Hitler and Alexander war same toward Jews / Greeks respectively..
What you are saying is : Hitler have learned Jewish, spread Jewish culture all over europe and thought of him self as jew ?
Dude seek help , there is no time to waste

1.Words in your article are slavic
2. FYROM language is Slavic, so if your neighbor was able to understand someone in Tibet,
speaking your language, that would only mean that this people in Tibet are slavic origin
3. Solun or Thessaloniki in 1913 was part of Ottoman Empire, and not some Macedonian state.
Are you saying that Ottoman Empire was actually Macedonian empire
Please note, i dont care if Ancient Macedon's are Greeks or not.
Fact is you are just trying create your own history and just because Vardarska was renamed by Tito , and created FYROM identity, that dosnt mean you have any more to do with Ancient Macedonians than Greek. What we do know is that Alexander thought of him self as Greek and acted as one.
History of FYROM starts with Tito, before that some of you ware Serbs other Bulgarians.
And just so we are clear, i consider "today Makedonijans" as brothers by nation. After all we are both slavs.
I will use print screens with his word , i dont know how to describe this.. its its mind-blowing .. see for yourself .
Please note im not trying to prove that Ancient Macedonian are Greeks (i dont care), i m just proving that FYROMijans are not decedents of Ancient Macedonians
Lets start with his first article : Don't you f***m me !!!!

wrong: Words used in example that you said are ancient Macedonian language are pure Slavic, Its ether that or Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatian, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, CZ, Slovak... we all speak "Macedonian" ????
If that would be your proof , than you are just proving your slavic connection.

7000 year old ?? hot air my slavic brother.. where is your proof ?
and dont post link of Vinca/Starcevo

Yet you claim that there was writing that is deciphered and similar to slavic language today?? I said slavic as you speak slavic not some ancient language. If your claim would be even bit truth, it would mean only that slavs lived here for that long + again proving that you would be slav and that even ancient macedons would be decedents of slavs.. its your words mate, not mine
Sharingan (this is quote from part of his text)

Again, are you trying to prove that there are slavs on Tibet ?? as its again, official language of FYROM is Slavic, secondary , probably albanian (non-slavic) and you dont have third one, unless you speak Greek.

At that time, Greece was organized in to small city states, not united as single state, and King Philip and Alexander did exactly that, unified it by force.
With your logic, Sparta and Athens are not Greek ether as they fought all the time??? never heard of unification of China , or war of Roses... every country had some internal war, and at that time Greece wasnt county it was group of people who shared language and customs, same as everywhere .
After unification of Greece, why did Alexander went to Persia ?? maybe revenge for what Persians did to Greece in past wars ??
Facts about Alexander - he unified Greece by force, exacted revenge on Presia, spoke Greek, thought of him self as Greek, spread Greek language and culture in entire than known world. WHY Greek and not so called "Macedonian" if he didnt consider him self as Greek ?
Sharingan (this is quote from part of his text)

so 50% slav and 50% other, as before slavs there was romans and greeks for 800 years so you are saying that today FRYOM is 50% slavic and other 50%mix of romans/greeks/macedonians . That makes you more slav than macedonian.
This part : Plus the slavs who entered in Macedonia are described as tall
and blond while not many people in Macedonia look like that.
yea, lots of MKDinas are shorter, with dark hair.... what a coincidence.. Greek are too.
I could go on just in this text for few more pages, but lets see what else interesting we can find in Sharingans articles.
Taken from Artificial Greece article

You just face-palmed your self here
Mix of Turks, Slavs and Albanians is exactly what can be said about you more than for Greeks , as FYROM is located between Slavs, Albanians Greeks and Turks.

They didnt make language. Words you used in example are slavic, ask any slav.
You selabrate Cirilo and Metodije and you dont even know what they did for us (you me and all other slavs), you think they created language ???
Bonus addition :

So you are saying Alexander was toward "Greeks" same as Hitler with jews?
ok lets think about it for a bit.. seeing this my mind nearly exploded.
So Hitler and Alexander war same toward Jews / Greeks respectively..
What you are saying is : Hitler have learned Jewish, spread Jewish culture all over europe and thought of him self as jew ?
Dude seek help , there is no time to waste

1.Words in your article are slavic
2. FYROM language is Slavic, so if your neighbor was able to understand someone in Tibet,
speaking your language, that would only mean that this people in Tibet are slavic origin
3. Solun or Thessaloniki in 1913 was part of Ottoman Empire, and not some Macedonian state.
Are you saying that Ottoman Empire was actually Macedonian empire
Please note, i dont care if Ancient Macedon's are Greeks or not.
Fact is you are just trying create your own history and just because Vardarska was renamed by Tito , and created FYROM identity, that dosnt mean you have any more to do with Ancient Macedonians than Greek. What we do know is that Alexander thought of him self as Greek and acted as one.
History of FYROM starts with Tito, before that some of you ware Serbs other Bulgarians.
And just so we are clear, i consider "today Makedonijans" as brothers by nation. After all we are both slavs.
Tito ArgentispageREEE OYOYOYSTNemanja95ChrisGeoRMG 4 M p3trOs V E RMax KirbiBlack DragonArthur MorganNikolaosCC FosBiskvite sisaj kuracკომენტარები (164)

You have my respect o7


Tito Argenti – history starts with you 

My name is FAJRONT not FYROM


@sure, Pasaluk better than entire history of nation that can be written on doctors note, with space to spare

fino ga odro o7

VelAco - you are right 

Vidim prozivaju te brate, al si ih spustio malo

Fyrom is fyrom

neka me prozivaju, prozivali su me i kad sam pre 3 meseca napisao artikl gde sam samo jednom stavio FYROM (jer to igra sama koristi), i rekao sve o njima koliko su vazna i velika zajednica u igri i da zasluszuju vise od 3 regije. Nista ponizavauce nisam rekao, niti sam i jednom rekao FYROMians (prvi put sinoc). Ali su me na privatno napusili, Atentator me obrisao iz prijatelja.. a par dana nakon mog artikla i FYROM i Albania (za koje sam isto rekao da zasluzuju vise teritorija i obrazlozio to), dobili su po 2 vise regije...
Ali je vazno da su me ispljuvali svi samo sto sam napisao jednom sinonim FYROM jer i sama igra ga koristi. E od tada se suzdrzavam da im stvarno ocitam lekciju ko su i sta su.


Ovi nasi Juzni Srbi kad igraju fudbal, pa im ode lopta u aut, od granicara traze loptu nazad

TopSecret if you published this at Greece for Greeks to comment, they won t. They will get berated by MDP for flamming the new allies

rekoh sinoc sad kad ih se TopSecret dovati je**li su jeza xD
nedajte mi lagati

@ktab, i published it in Greece as few months ago when i praised Albanian and FYROM comunity they called me names including Greek fan boy.. so yea i was in Kozani on holidays, visited Pela , Thessaloniki, Metors (not sure if i spelled it right), and many beautiful monasteries . So yes im Greek fan boy, but my brothers from Vardar are still brothers 

Who r u to tell me how am i going to call myself ? I call myself Macedonian and you can die if you want thats not gonna change. o7

How sad , ur soon getting deleted


@el Macedonico, thats right you have every right to call your self as you want, but that dont give you right to force someone call you that way to, so everyone else have right to call you as they want. pure logic

@El Macedonico, did truth touch your nerves ??

@phantom i have never forced someone to call me macedonian. People can call me as they want is their right they can call me VARDARIAN FYROMIANIAN BULGARIAN or whatever they want. I know who im and definetely dont need someone to tell me how to call myself. Guys likr topsecret are total miser. Probably he is historicly damaged in his brain. If i was on your place i would take care for my country instead of writing silly articles like this one.

@Top stop proving how stupid you are evn tho we know that your IQ is = to a 90years old guy wity down syndrome.

v for truth

El macedonico, that is way .. all you can do is insult.. and by saying that disabled people are like less worth, sub human or something?? It just shows your intelligence and how helpless you are when faced with hard facts that you dont know how to turn in to another lie.

Personally i don t have problem if they want to use a name like North Mac for their country. A part of their country was in ancient macedonian kingdom. Albania, Bulgaria and Greece share the rest of the regions. But they can t take ancient macedonian history. And more important i hope far-right extremists don t start to claim regions which don t belong to them like the greek part of macedonia. Even now some of them are saying that greece stole thessaloniki(salonika) from them and stuff like that..wtf

el macedonico dont cry so much plz,just relax and pto Egypt.

but not understanding what down syndrome means how clever you are. On the othet hand you relate that they are subhumans and stuff like that. Chris i love you too bro.

Macedonia is Greece! 

koji si ti ku.....ac ccccccc ne podpagajte na negovi skapani provokacii samo da ve baniraat ....

Volk so truth you see as provocation ?? Provocation is false claim on Greek history done by FYROM.

I have no problems calling the both Fyromians and Macedonians. In RL I call them Macedonians, but lets be real here. The ancient Macedonia was Hellenic. Today s Macedonians are slavs, a mix between Serbs and Bulgarians.

nema potrebe da pricam istoriju sa tobom i takvi ko ti....prvo kad nekome negiras ime ili ko je i sta je siris fasisticku ideologiju i razna sranja ..ali nema veze tvoji srbi ko po obicaj placace za takve ko ti ..ili ko devedeseti pravi srbi placali za seseljove,arkanove ili milosevice pricice...kad tvoja deca ili unucad pitaju tebe za Kosovo ti pamti mene pricaces njima ko ja tebe sad za Egejsku Makedoniju...svi tvoje srbe napolje,druga imena na gradova i sela i nece biti popa na za lek ...jbg karma is bitch xD

Valk , in not negating your History, you have history just not one that you would like it to be truth.

omg really xD Guys I understand you have problems in real life with country history etc, but this is just a game. Chill out

Tito Argenti – history starts with you 


Well, we want our Timor.

Signed by president of Serbia

ni Grci ih ne priznaju za njihove, ni Bugari, ni Srbi, ni Albanci...kakv je to mucak brate moj :-D

Terorisi ih!

Bob, ma svi ih priznaju kao ono sto jesu, potomke srbo-bugara , ali oni hoce da budu potomci Aleksandra Velikog.. nesutrasivi makedonci koji po njihovom su 2200 godina robovali i ni jednom se pobunili da se oslobode stranog ropstva, to je ono sto oni pokusavaju reci. Sto kad bi bio istina, znacilo bi da su oni najvece kukavice od kad je sveta i veka.. Nezna se sta je jadnije..

shots fired. frebch fries

@TopSecret about bonus. Are you stu**d or u dont know to read , it doesnt mean anything its just what you read LOL read again if u need help i will explain haha

Srbi kazu da smo srbi ,bugari kazu da smo bugari , grci kazu da smo grci... pa dajte ljudi odlucite se vec jednom

za takve price kao sto sada ti pricas nekada davno prije Tita i Jugoslavije neki vas srpski kralj platio glavom u Marseja ...jbg

I m just here for the comments o7

Borba sa vetrenjacama. Glas o7


That s the truth o7

even Beogradski Pashaluk would be bigger than FYROM. For God sake Mobile phones exist longer than your naiton.

Cke beogradske totalno poludele

boys thay can be brainwashed but not like serbians lol i have meet serbs who said thinks starting with usuals like 2pac is alive in serbia , mozart is serbian and jezus was serbian to thinks like serbia got an active nuclear arsenal and one guy who said me serbia defeated mongol empire -_-

Србија пред 19 век се викала Servia. Цел свет ја викал SERVIA. Тоа е затоа што Србите се доселени од Северна Италија од страна на римјаните, за да ги штитат границите на Рим од Варвари. Рим ги викал SERVUS LEGIUS. Во слободен превод значи СЛУГИ НА РИМ 

I still havent met a Serb that stated any of those things, and ive been living here for 25 years. But former yugoslav republic of macedonia teaches its people in schools about their imaginary history which isnt taught anywhere else in the world. Majority of its population belives in those fairy stories.

lol i know lots of brainwashed serbs who arent better than fyromians

So responds from FYROMians is just insults backed up by more insults.. brilliant

i really understand fyromians because they think the name of theyr nation explains theyr history, so do some serbs, they say that serbians are balkan natives because of serbium town in pannonia serbianlogic=fyromian logic

Да вас види Душан Силни, хебо би вам матер 

hail fyrom hail fyros!

yeah, i know a lot of dogs that can walk on just 2 paws, but that doesnt mean that dogs walk on 2 paws. If you arent able to differ the uneducated 5% that havent been in school to learn the facts in serbian case, with the 95% who learned the fairytale history in FYROM case, than im not too sure how old or smart are you.

TopSecret sve pohvale za clanak, a ove nepismene kako god se vec zovu batali.

Nobody has claimed that current Macedonians are Ancient Macedonians. Current Macedonians living on the territory of Republic of Macedonia are a mix of Slavic and Ancient Macedonians. This is the truth. What you re saying up there is that Ancient Macedonians were Greeks. LOL. Ancient Macedonians had different culture, different way of clothing, different war tactics, DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. I cannot deny the fact that Alexaner III of Macedon was taught by Greek philosoph (as his teacher) but that definitely doesn t make sense to claim that he s Greek. If you actually knew other antic people history you d know that the Greek and Latin language was famous between the oligarchs of each country. People loved learning Greek language and Greek culture. This is also something which we cannot deny. Greece has very rich and big history, but when it comes to Ancient Macedonia, it was no Greek, because Ancient Macedonians and Hellens are two different tribes. I hope this is enough for your (un)knowledge in history to prove you that Ancient Macedonians are not Greeks. I highly believe you will appear with different arguements in the further comments which would obviously make no sense. So here s just a SUMMARY of this whole text. ANCIENT MACEDONIANS ARE NOT GREEKS, BECAUSE, ANCIENT MACEDONIANS HAD DIFFERENT CULTURE, DIFFERENT WAY OF CLOTHING, DIFFERENT WAY OF WARRING AND *DIFFERENT LANGUAGE*. GREEK CULTURE WAS FAMOUS BETWEEN THE OLIGARCHS (INCLUDING KINGS THEMSELVES - ALEXANDER) WHICH MAKES GREEKS CLAIM THAT ALEXANDER WAS GREEK, BUT HE OBVIOUSLY ISN T. CURRENT MACEDONIANS ARE A MIX OF ANCIENT MACEDONIANS AND SLAVIC MACEDONIANS, AS PROVEN BY FRENCH geneticists GENETICISTS AND HISTORIANS. 1724/2000, logging off.

@orkan, read article again. At bottom im not trying to prove who ware Ancient Macedonians, just that you , iBringYouHell , Sheridan (as i was directed to his article )and challenged to prove that you are NOT descendent of ancient Macedonians. So now suddenly you saying that nobody claimed that current Macedonians are Ancient Macedonians just check article and give history lessons to your countryman as they are claiming, or you missed that part. And genetics proved that first humans appeared in east Africa, therefore we are all Ethiopian , but if we go just 500m years back we ware all some weird fish. @orkan, i dont care who ware Macedonians, i know that you are more slavs than anything else due to your language culture and customs and that is what defines a people and nation, and nobody is PURE arian .

Que pesaditos sois con esta tonteria, discutiendo cosas del siglo 3 A.C.

You must have some issues with your eyes? Do you wear glasses? Eye lenses? Something? Your vision is very bad, I hope you re not turning blind. The current Macedonians, including me myself, are a mix of Slavic Macedonians and Ancient Macedonians. The fact that Ancient Macedonians were less than Slavic Macedonians when they arrived to the Balkan tells us that they have inter-bred between themselves and accepted Slavic history and language. I have nothing to do with Sharingan s arguements because I believe my knowledge in national history passes his and I m saying something that has been confirmed by historians and geneticists (as I stated up). I laughed at the part where you mentioned genetics. Well if you think smarter ( I gues you cant think at all ) you will realise that Ancient Macedonian genes cannot be found in Serbian people genes. Ancient Macedonian genetics are inside us and that is a fact. This is just the proof that tells us that Ancient Macedonians and Slavs mixed and current citizens of Republic of Macedonia are representing that mixture. PROVE ME THAT WE RE MORE SLAV THAN ANCIENT MACEDONIAN? AND PLEASE DO IT IN FEW DECADES WHEN YOU BECOME A PROFESSIONAL TOP TIER GENETICIST. TALK TO YOU IN FEW YEARS.

Orkan ancient macedonians HAD same language and culture as greeks but possibly got thracian ancestry

sidrit007 Ancient Macedonians had DIFFERENT language and culture from Greeks. I am trying to prove you that. ANCIENT MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE DID NOT HAVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH GREECE AT ALL. It is proven that it had some Illyric elements in fact, but Albanians don t say that Ancient Greek were speaking Illyric, it is Greeks who do it... BECAUSE THEY HAVE STEALING HISTORY IN THEIR BLOOD... LOLOLOLOLOLO

Hmm orkan , all native balkan people had a huge influence from greek language because mostly balkanians had no wroten language this sent on extingt of some languages and cultures , i know greeks like to steal history but this is true

Hahahaha a guy who cant spell FYROM teach us history... I am not Macedonian not Serb but I know is that when Serbia tried to make big/great Serbia they hardly secured their capital city - Belgrade. Iam from Morocco and I was taught that Ancient Macedonians have no relationship with Greece and also Alexander the Great
) Greetings from Morocco

Kosovo is kosovo xD

Hmm orkan , all native balkan people had a huge influence from greek language because mostly balkanians had no wroten language this sent on extingt of some languages and cultures , i know greeks like to steal history but this is true

Orkan, people mix, nobody is pure, im sure im not 100 pure serb (one that lived 1000y ago). Ancient Macedonians, same as Gauls, or Celts, Britons, Scythian etc they didnt just puff gone, of course they mixed with people that conquered them. I was just killing prof that Sheridan provided of FYROM being decedent of Ancient Macedonians . But Some FYROManian that claim to be direct decendeds is as much as valid as Turks to claim to be descendent of even more ancient Troy, after all Troy is in Turkey, and im sure some Turks today are related to Trojans by DNY, but that still woldnt make them Trojans. What makes nation a nation ? answer that question and you will maybe understand what im saying here. Prof of you being more slav is as you said, mix with slavs + Slavic language customs and culture . Nothing you have today is ancient Macedon exept that bit of DNA that is no more than slavic element.

Is something more needed than that Ancient Macedonian gene that we possess to tell who we really are. If Slavic Macedonians taken Ancient Macedonian culture, you would say that we don t have that gene... As I ve told you I have nothing to do with Sharingan (please learn to spell). Please next time explain what FYROManian means, I know that FYROM is an acronym, but I have no idea what the rest anian means. It definitely is not a nationality:/

Or an other example , thracians illyrians and paonians was the most common legionaries on roman armies because of theyr skills, is known that mostly legionaries never go back home , they just created families near theyr legion bases all over ancient world and then ofc you can find people that got balkanic DNA because of this but as top secret said they dont make theyr country balkanic

Modern Greeks are Slavic people who absorbed Hellenic culture.

Seriously nigga -_-

Dude this sh t is old now

1. Aleksander The Great had ancient macedonian father and greek mother. fact
2. Macedonians today are mix between slav and ancient macedonians. fact
3. The language we use is slavic, maybe few words are from ancient macedonian language but who knows for sure???
4. There is no pure nationality, nobody is 100% greek, albanian, serbian, macedonian... there is no such human on this planet.
5. There is no such word as FYROMians... Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonians ??? srsly?

Sidrit007 Paoians were the biggest Ancient Macedonian tribe. Yes Ancient Macedonians were also migrating at that period just like everyone other. The purest Ancient Macedonians are in a village in Iran. Those happened when Alexander sent Macedonians in Persia to mix so it doesnt come to fights between people. These people are not alot and they have origins from Ancient Macedonian culture and language as well.

My dear nothern slav neighbour again you talk without facts.About artifical greece l didnt point my opinion l said clearly what famous german person said.Also about IBringYouHell there is nothing stupid there,Macedonians killed 80 000 greeks in one battle.Other thing you should point each part of my articles not only 1 or 2 but YOU CAN T cause you don t have any facts.To finish with,the article about artifical greece is taken from GREEK tv station recorded on GREEK LANGUAGE it s not like l am talking no sense

My dear nothern slav neighbour again you talk without facts.About artifical greece l didnt point my opinion l said clearly what famous german person said.Also about IBringYouHell there is nothing stupid there,Macedonians killed 80 000 greeks in one battle.Other thing you should point each part of my articles not only 1 or 2 but YOU CAN T cause you don t have any facts.To finish with,the article about artifical greece is taken from GREEK tv station recorded on GREEK LANGUAGE it s not like l am talking no sense

Sharingan, you have my article, please quote where ever i got it wrong and respond as i did to yours, and i will make you eat your own words again. o7

So in Bulgaria in Blagoevgrad and Kustendil the ppl speek the same dailect lake the Makedonians so wath that meaning the ar Makedonians ?

Me feather say 2 me before I go o live in Varna I speek Macedonian. You now this land ther Macedonians live ww1 is part of Bulgaria so wath that ?

If the want 2 cooling Macedonians I don t have problem with that but i fing the have 2 now from wear the are coming

The same is with Solon and Dobrudja the ar Bulgarian lands before ww1

800 of the most common words today in English language comes from ancient swedish or ancient northmens aka viking language... Everything from Window to husbound. All cities in england with end of by like torsby is also from the viking language from sweden, norway and denmark
Also on Ireland their ancestors were mostly vikings same as the people on coastlines in UK. Iceland is also viking language, they kept many words and have few changes in language the last thousand years.

The fact that you took time from your sad pathetic life to write this article, deserves my comment.
there you go.
back to 2-click now...

cel firom da ti ebe majkata vo dupeto.

childish, like usual

ahah you so funny guys. ok lets see. 5 thousand years ago in egypt lived totally different nation. then why everyone now calls state with arabs Egypt? I bet that in Roma live another people than 2 thousand years ago. But we still call them Roma, not Former Ancient Empire Roma. 1 thousand year ago in Kievian Rus lived Belarusians and Ukrainians. then why everyone calls Russia state with mix of finns, polovets, tatars, mongols, merya, chud, mordva, siberian tribes etc.? most of nowadays russians are totally different from rusin in 998. even if macedonians 100% different from ancient macedonians, just call them macedonians and dont start holywars 

Macedonia is Canada
Kosovo is Canada
Zadnjica/Serko is CANADA

Orkan paonians had nothink to do with macedonians , paonia was a roman province named from illyrian tribe paonii and there was a mix o lf illyrian thracian and dacian tribes, there are no things such ass Paonian language or culture , if is true what you say that paonii was macedon tribe , this mean macedoniam had no a own language and culture

ktab-pls bro.no need for that cheap propaganda-))

ktab-pls bro.no need for that cheap propaganda-))

vooztrollin, if there was just another egypt just next to that egypt, which was larger than the arab one, and which represented a larger portion of what was ancient egypt, and whose people wold spreak in ancient egyptian, than it might pose a problem? Just maybe? Too complicated to process?

entexnos its not propaganda, turks need dmg from FYROM, so greece wont make any problems about their allies fighting for FYROM and calling them Macedonia. How is that propaganda?

This is not so much about the name.. but about the arguments. Good response!

We do not fight for Fyrom and them allies !

entexnos my propaganda is always cheap. But not as cheap as mdp sold Greece for some more damage 

Fyromians are brainwoshed Bulgarians :-)

Okey your article is too complicated to read its mostly wasting time but lets start with some of your mistaken facts : 1.Those words are not slavic. 2. My neighbour understood those people in Tibet hardly only some words are same THAT MEANS THAT WE LOST THE OLD ANCIENT LANGUAGE BUT STILL KEPT SOME WORDS AND NOW SLAVS USE IT THANKS TO US,if that was slav language he would easily understand everything. 3. True everything was ottoman back then BUT the poppulation of Solun WAS MOSTLY MACEDONIAN

Another thing l didn t say that roseta stone was written on slavic,l said that the sstone which was translated HAS SIMILAR GRAMMAR TO THE BITOLA SPEACH WE GOT TODAY.Even if we speak mostly slav language our grammar is not the same nub

sharingan, those words are slavic, if serbs for example took it from ancient macedonians (even tho they ware gone long time before slavs came to Balkan), why russians or ukranians use them, or Polish, cz, slovaks,.. prove that they are not , as all you do here is trying to get out of your lies , aint gona work.. people are not dumb as you might think. Fact is i made you eat your words and you are now trying to wash dirt of your face. Enjoy game and be quiet from now, it might work for you better o7

Everywhere is Ottoman!

OMG how did you make me eat my words ? HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHh
You just use my words as you want not the way l wrote them and thought

Macedonia was never a region of Greece. On the contrary, ancient Greece was subjected to Macedonia. In 1913, modern Greece and her Balkan allies partitioned Macedonia. If today a portion of Macedonia belongs to Greece, it is by virtue of an illegal partition of the whole and occupation of a part of Macedonia.

here is simple example that even you could understand . Serbs , croats say kisa for rain, while russians say dozd (if im correct). Now Romanians/Moldovans also say Kisa. Does this mean that serbs and romanians are related?? Sharing few words is common thing, and as Jimmy said languages do change with time. Words you used in example are pure Slavic origins. You dont have to convince me about that, there you go, say to Polish that they actually are partly speaking Macedonian.. On top of that as you are making it like that you speak different language from mine.. Poland is Slavic, Serbia is slavic, and you are.. well i can understand you much easier than Polish, CZ, Slovaks, even russians.. and you want to say your language is not slavic?? Enjoy your day my Slavic brother o7

If We are Fyrom(former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA) than and Serbia are Fyros(former Yugoslav Republic of Serbia) we both was part of Yugoslavia,and Greece is Federal Ottoman Province of Greece(FOPG).

Razurnuvac not even a week in MDP and already insulting a founding member? I can imagine after a month how this will be


filipe conquer greece after peloponese war when greece was weak and his son alexander conquer world in name of his fathers country and last name of argead i dont know where they come from but i know country macedonia who conquered greece and after macedonia but culture of alexander was hellenic


@Sharingan: Are you sure that we should not call this as Proto-Indo-European (7000 years ago). And of course there are words of Proto-Indo-European origin în Chinese and many other languages from diferența languages families. There are cognates between all the languages. Tell me where did You get enough ancient texts in Thracian to prove your theory?

@TopSecret: let them to believe whatever they want, its so sad when someone hates his own history his own ancients.. they want the history of another nation

That s because ancient macedonian was a pure slavic that is pure indoeuropean language. You should read more about known macedonian words, and i mean macedonian not ancient greek additions in ancient macedonian.
Same thing goes with indoeuropean Dacians. First Indoeuropeans in Europe were these people who few centuries later were later called Slavs. Hiperborea was preslavic territory. Even Crete had indoeuropean and its name comes from slavic/sanskrit skryty/ukryty - hidden island hidden in sea also greek Okeanos is indoeuropean word also slavic word because its slavic okoonas (water) around us - sea. Even dZeus is indoeuropean word which comes from indoeuropean and means day. First people in beginning of ancient Greece weren t speaking ancient greek which was mix of all languages of all mixed people who came there thru time.

Kids you will learn how to S*ck this is still not Good !
Keep Trying

meaningless argument
With lies you cant change history

@zlotnik , do you have brain ?? Wtf on time we are speaking for slavs was on ural caves not in crete -_- and zeus got nothink to do with day idiot was helios god of sun zeus was the thunderbolt guy :3

much ado about nothing... What s in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet

Serbs , croats say kisa for rain, while russians say dozd (if im correct). Now Romanians/Moldovans also say Kisa. Does this mean that serbs and romanians are related??
In my county(not country) people say for rain daž which is similar to dažd which is similar to dožd . Does that make our people Russian?
I mean, I ve never heard of FYROM in History classes during all of my 15 years education until I ve seen this (and that ) game. I ve known only Macedonia as it is. I don t know even why are you all pissed about it. I mean, i understand Macedons that are furious that they aren t called what they would like to be, but don t pay attention. Live and let live.

let s talk about Naruto instead

@res1n, you havent heard about FYROM in history lessions because FYROM has no history - it exists for only 25 years. You might also want to google macedonia, north greece, and educate yourself about a greek region with twice the population ans territory od FYROM, which is recognized as Macedonia, and which FYROMians dont want to let others live.

V+S superb article

we are all the same.
topic closed.

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!
U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!
U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!
U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!
U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drziU mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi

mislim da su Grci govnam i zaboli me ona stvar kak ce se neka drzava zvati. nek se zove kak hoce,,a ovo spočitavanje Grčke je čisti primitivizam. Oni su ponosni na svoje korijene a cijelu EU su ekonomski sjebali. fuj

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!
Whatever the heck that means

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

S 116 o7

V 133 o7 / U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan dazi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

bla bla bla fyromians... call your selfs Skopjan Empire Citizen or idk. not macedonian. macedonians are ONLY greeks. @Top Secret y have my respect.

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

mozete da me cunete mene fyromanca u kur vi severni i vi juzni 

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!


Добро утро Србијо ко ве научио да пишуете букве !
Кирил и Методиј ?

forever, dva brata grka
A ko vas naucio da pricate srpski ??? sto ne pricate makedonski kao Philip ili Alexander?

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!

U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drz

voted 173


U mog Frica osam kobasica, sedam przi jednu FYROMan drzi!