გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Austria - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 18 Sep 2016 11:39 - 23

Greetings everyone! Both the world and our beloved citizens.
I Wish to address you with an important announcement; I Hereby declare to every nation and citizen, the foundation of the Kingdom of Austria. With our Archduke and Archduchess Alejandro Madrid and Zaribella as the main Heads of State.
We only have one region, Our Capital Lower Austria, however we have a growing lation and an growing market that we will keep developing to ensure our country can have all products available to our citizens.
We are a Landlocked country, with Poland, Turkey and Czech Republic as our Neighbors.

Our Official languages will be English, Spanish and German. However, for official documents, The language is English. We are not obligated to translate the documents into the other languages, we can, but we are not obligated to.
Here's a link if you are interested to see our current cabinet and our Month's objectives: Click Here!

We also wish to announce the creation of the Royal Armed Forces of Austria (R.A.F). Those members that join us must have the official uniform of our army, to share the pride of being an Austrian Soldier.
Here's the Uniform:

If you need help with the Uniform, Please send Alejandro Madrid or Zaribella a Message, and we will help you with it.
We also wish to declare that we will be re-making all Diplomatic ties of all nations with Austria.

We have also Established a Market! With a Exchange value of 0.01g Per ATS, We are one of the 21 Countries with the same value of currency for gold.
Our Exchange value for Gold is 110 ATS per 1 Gold.
Also, i wish to announce the intension for Austria to have a Q5 Hospital somewhere around this week.

We would like to invite everyone who's interested to join our country! Please send Alejandro Madrid or Zaribella a Message to talk about it (: We are always looking for new players to join our country!
And also, We have an official Discord Channel! Join now! (If the Discord link expires, You can always send me a message and i'll give you one new).
Archduke of Austria: Alejandro Madrid.

RAF904RAF904rrferreiraTHE ONEკომენტარები (23)

Good luck my firend!


Buena suerte mi gran amigo ! o7

Good luck

good luck

Good luck

Gay luck

v 13
sus 99

Suerte chicos 07, y RAF estará encantado xD

Lord Archduke Madrid, jajajaja felicitaciones por el proyecto

good luck

good luck... i love your new MU...
i will see how your country improves...

Good Luck o7

Alejandro is back! Welcome again and if you need some help, just call us!


good luck 

Alejandro, your friends from India salutes you!

Good Luck 


alejandro madrid, el español es otro idioma oficial, ponga pues esa vaina también en español a ver si de acá le copiamos en algo saludos

@Maximus Si se me vienen los suficientes lo hago xD Sin Problema.