გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 18 Sep 2016 15:38 - 7
9/18/16 - Day 252
Hello everyone, welcome for a second WHPR written by your faithful and determined journalist, Jean Epsilon, Secretary of Media.
Today’s Topics:
-The Government Recruits v2
-Hospital Situation-
The Government Recruits v2
You are an active player and you wish to work for your country ? rUSA’s government needs you. Again. You’ve been quite numerous last time ( :> ) to answer our call but we are still looking for volunteers in being deputy secretary (or Vice Minister, they’re the same thing). And now, you must ask yourselves some questions :
Yeah, “what am I supposed to do in the government?” well, of course, it depends of the post, which is why I’ll explain it to you the Government tasks :
Department of State :
The foreign affairs. The role of the MoFas is to contact the foreign dignitaries to renew MPP, to sign new ones, or simply to interact with another MoFa / CP in order to keep our diplomatic relations and to clarify the country’s position on some matters.
Department of Defense :
War affairs. In this game there are many battles and the MoD’s role is to figure out the priority of each one, and sometimes to plan future war campaigns. Also, it is also his role to communicate the war directives to the soldiers, in the feeds or in discord channels.
Department of Treasury / Economic council :
Eco stuff. His job is to manage the country’s money. When there’s a project that requires money, the SoT looks at it, makes calculations and either say “nope, it’s a financial abyss” or “yup, we can afford it”. There are also other things a SoT must do, like check the monetary market and making sure it is stable (currency available at the right rate) and counting the money.
Department of Citizens Affairs :
Education and community stuff. The main job of a DoCa is to help young players to understand the game. Also, he is to work on communautary projects.
Department of Media :
That’s me. Yeah, Media stuff. Communication stuff also. Do you like the journalistic module ? The Medias are made for you. Right now, being SoM means writing WHPRs but with a few more people we could develop this minister, and try new things.
Secretary of Technology : Are you good in making websites ? SoTech needs you ! rUSA is very ambitious in the website section and we would be thrilled to develop them further more.
Who ?
Who to contact ? I’ll give you the cabinet once more :
Official Cabinet:
CP: Thomas Killah
VP: dk3dknight
SoS: Abraham Lincoln
SoD: SpitfireYG (Ace)
Deputy SoD: Nothos
DoCA: HunburryDeputy
DoCA: NickerMcfoxtails77
SoTech: Tanishq
SoT: Tricky Dick
dSoT: Talesweaver
SoM: Jean Epsilon
Advisors: BioHaze, EddieA, Tancred, Arith
When ?
Now, tomorrow, next week. Whenever you want !
The Hospital situation
Now let’s get back to the country’s actuality. Many of you have asked or wondered what happened to our hospital Q4 in Kansas (the rUSA capital). Well, in fact, hospitals and Defense systems have now a limited lifespan (30 days) which means that we (and every other country) must buy another one every month, or produce their own. Right now, the State is considering building an hospital company in order to supply Kansas every month. It will lead to a congress debate and a vote. But in the meantime, an hospital Q5 has been bought and is now being placed. We do now have a +250 Energy bonus for everyone who fights in the rUSA capital.
DoCA News :
-Join the eUniversity
What is the eUniversity ? It is a program led by the DoCa that propose courses for players on a variety of topics, like the military, medias etc… Right now the only course available is the introduction to eRevollution however there will be more coming soon. Contact HunBurry for more info.
-Turnlords game :
Check out the new Turnlords game, proposed by the DoCA. It is a risk-like game in development by NickerMcfoxtails77, Hunburry (US DoCA) and Haseiko (French MinOsef).
If you want to learn more about the game, check out the Game’s Discord server
eTwitter is … Twitter for eRevollution, in Discord. This is where players from erev post whatever they want in their own channel. Go check it out. https://discord.gg/zGCvfnD
Jean Epsilon, Secretary of Media.
Thomas KillahWarhaftკომენტარები (7)



g pas lu

Kevin xD

MinOsef xD

putain sa rigole plus jean il commence a peser dans l usa game

g pa lu