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Permanent ban for scammers !

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 28 Sep 2016 05:11 - 13

I suggest that it should be more rigorous measures for scammers by admins. Confiscation of gold and sticker named "SCAMMER", maybe it helps not to be deceived others, but the injured  do not receives any compensation.Hence I wonder why someone who spent a lot of their time and even their own real money to disappear for a moment from a scammer who make torture of their own labour and time.Last month took many players that their actions were not fair, and it would not be my problem to present:, Jhonny TAN, Mauro Caballero, Yanderskin, SVSlee and more ... (please if you know the other, put them in a comment)If enforced the measure permanently banning their profiles, much will the greater fear of stealing from them, and the black market must certainly exist without them.Please let us spread this post if you're here against scammers.



კომენტარები (13)

svslee is perma banned months ago, djaki returned gold
djaki is ok I think, we had dealt before Wink
all of them, try to steal , one or more thime, importnat thing is all of they HAD INTEND TO STEAL
dont put djaki in same bag with them, he is alright , and he just forced mods to do something about other scammer. I dont think he ever intended to keep gold. Now scammers should also suffer with companies dissolved up to amount they scammed, and that gold should be given to player that was scammed.
@topsecret I compeltly agree with you, about names here, all of them had or have title scammer I belive now djaki is ok
you must go and kill yourself,if you cant dafance,or thinging.[admin bann scammers] lol Laugh Laugh Laugh
typical thinking of scammer
as long as there is no proper system to see the country tax of at least the last CP term (including gold income which is mostly invisible even for the last 7 days as it works now) income every CP can be a legal scammer without anyone knowing about it...
i am not scammer Wink
sperma ban
I fully agree.
banaj bagru svu
The ADMINS Only returned the gold to the VISA PLAYER, with compensatation, the normal user recibe the tipical: Thanks for the warning we put that acc in scammer list, but we cannot refund you gold, because was you making the deal.