გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - ომის ანალიზი - 06 Oct 2016 15:22 - 28

USA: -Sto ste nama soborili avion?
SRB: -Nismo znali da je nevidliv :(
ATEHTATOPOTWinston XStyle BlueXherrzSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumSaint OptimumTopSecretPatroklosel MacedonicoBiskvite sisaj kuraceVokasiEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunEva BraunCrazyGamerCrazyGamerკომენტარები (28)

Hahahaha xD

Its funny cuz its true

v c

You think this is funny and amusing article,its not.
Bro better delete this s****t of article rather be reported.And believe me youll be reported.


ahahahahhaha rekt

I dont find whats offensive Alex, just a friendly joke for both sides

Orkane, nisam ocekivao ovo od tebe, prijatno si me iznenadio

that was legendary 

Voted ! So true ...




Пиш живи, умр`о сам.

essenin cigan !


bad joke!That period many ppl die little boy

Urzael and what we should do now?
The ppl who survived ?
And it was no joke noob it was true 

Bugarine ako je neko ciganin na balkanu to ste vi vardarci i vasa braca siptari 

Cigani se Romancite, a ocigedno i ti

@essenin Nemate region za popustite hahahaha cigani

essenin tezak cigan !

@orkan. Romanians are not gypsies. those are separate people.(I google translated your coment) SAme thing for serbs, macedonians,bulgarians. Just because someone speakes romanian, bulgarian etc does not mean that they are romanians, bulgarians and so on.

Nu iti bate capul cu astia care fac trolling

Former yugoslav republic of vardarska should apologize on their knees for calling romanians gypsies.

People died