გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 27 Oct 2016 15:12 - 25
This story is written by Hemingway . It is dedicated to USA Secretary of State and MDP Minister of Foreign Affair Abraham Lincoln who left the game recently. I take no credits of this work, I am simply the publisher and the person who urged Hemingway to write it, Without further ado lets get to it.
The messenger travels on a dirt-paved road. Walking by foot along his tireless journey. He carries news from the front, news of a victory, and a myriad of other greatness. He himself is a messenger, but who is he a messenger for? None shall know until he carries his message home. This messenger is a meager man, of a humble and respectable regard.
The Messenger walks along the dirt path. At first, he walks along the path in a forest like none other. A forest of green, a forest of illusion, and of the macabre. This forest in question goes on for miles upon endless and ever twisting miles He steps, one two, one two into each new piece of horrific and ecstatic greenery.
This messenger knows this forest though; he’s become a master of it. He navigates the forest like it were his own backyard. As it is his own proverbial backyard. He’s laughed, he’s cried, and he’s even had moments of eternal joy in this backyard.
Eventually, as the messenger steps out of the forest he comes to a row of houses, each house with a flag adorned on top of it. They are flags of friends, of allies, and of most of all people he’s known for ages upon ages. The sun is close to setting though, so he must deliver his message before dark. As people are expecting him to make it in time.
Stepping along a now black gravel road, the messenger walks past houses of friends. They wave, they shout, and they sing of his praises. For he is the messenger of victory and of elegant shrewdness. The sun is now behind the messenger and the first stars of the night are beginning to shine.
Eventually, as the messenger makes it to his home with an eagles’ nest high in the tree nearby. He enters it, bringing news of victory, news of conquest, and most of all news of his own greatness.
“The sun has set on this day and of my life as a messenger. Allow me to retire now, in total peace and tranquility.” Are the only words the messenger says, after finishing delivering his message. So be it that the last message is the end of an era and the end of one man’s journey. Rest now, great messenger, and best wishes in the future.
no0bsailbotNyx UlricNick FoxtailsT O R E T T ODiamond LadyxfoxChrisGeoRMS I R I U SRicochetarithTantisკომენტარები (25)

To Abraham Lincoln..............

We will miss you Abraham Lincoln

A poignant piece for a dear friend and leader. 07 He will be remembered.

so cringy its hard to believe , so pathetic sorry

Author s Note - it s filled with symbolism reflecting abe s time in eRev
the forest being the chaotic world, the ever-changing alliances
and the messenger s mastery of the forest is meant to represent abe s skill at foreign affairs
the streets with flags of friends are meant to represent MDP and America s allies
Finally resulting in abe heading home, home to America, to deliver is final message
if that makes sense
I tried not to be too obscure with the symbolism - From the Author Hemingway

Hope he comes back soon o7 PlavSupermen, you are disgusting.

@PlavSupermen Make your own story and let s see how it turns how mate
@Izanagi don t count it this may be permanent ; - ;


😭 so beautiful and sad. 😭

Well Until that sucker sends me Cuban cigars like he promised I won’t leave him alone and I have his skype
DD Abe was one of the greatest leaders, one of my best friends and one of the most honorable enemies of mine. Shiro has spoken. o7

A few number of guys can say -all the world know me- Abe is one of these people. he will return with glory or i will travel to his country and kick his ass to make he return. :d

The community has lost an asset to the game. Really sorry to see Abe go. :

Abe ❤


Goodbye Abe.

: ( Cya Abe! You ll be missed

Bye Abe 


o7 Abe


Why he left?

idk nothing about American player community, but i have few *interesting* moments with Abe... well, he is cool guy i guess
) o/

Good luck in real life. o7