გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Turkey - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 12 Nov 2016 05:50 - 40

RAF904RAF904RAF904RAF904Grey WindKant Step In Ze Rap InXooKaip3Ali Begenკომენტარები (40)

Interviewing Demiurge and Grey wind https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17993

i cant see anything

fail x)

Hmm Let me fix the Image

Good one o/


Give me couple of minutes am working on it

fake. lies

this article looks like a 31 years old logical talking player have to fight against 20 years old brainwashed kid... seriously: if you are all offended that much you turks should think about your relation to your history... if you dont do that i think shutting down the whole internet would be a good solution in turkey...

@RAF904 My brain washed? Come on 

@RAF904, sure. All of western nations are great, they re all working for world peace and they don t want to start any war. And Turks was always bad guy
Yeah. Thanks for reminding it.

With war you cant do anything!!
Words are strong weapon when you know how to use it
Make words not war !!!

tbh yes... you both have get the same questions so it was a fair interview for you both... (thats why i endorsed the newspaper because its journalism without trying to push something...) and for me a lot of turkish reactions (not just yours and what you call *justice*) remembered me at the beginning time of the national socialism time in germany... as i said maybe a shut down of the internet or at least a strongly censored (i mean your country is on a great way to get that *soft* internet whith your censorship) version of the internet would be a great way to protect you all turkish people from those evil people all over the world...

31 years old logical talking player, who trolls 7/24 a nation and its important figures. And a 20 years old brainwashed kid, who always respected other nations.

Here we go again...

Lol, Trying make that s***head player cute...Good job Ace.. He isnt to one who decide how somebody lives, i have religion history and sacred things to protect. I would die for them like many of Turks, and Atatürk is one of our Sacred, so NO ONE in the world has right to make joke about.
This article is nothing but piece of s***. You disgrace my community by publishing such article.

@Hokage No need to curse at me, o_0 I am simply the interviewer, trying to help people understand what went on

who always respected other nations. @nyx Ulric thats what i meant... you cant have access to the internet AND live in your fluffy happy world... so you have to shut down the internet in your country to be protected from all those evil people who could say something bad about your turkish paradise...

@RAF904 Also; yes, he is thinking logical. Insulting Ataturk is a good way to making Turks angry. But he is not clever. He can t thinks that: if Turks leave game, who will kick Serbians a**? Plus, yes it s not a friendly react but it s a fair react for Demiurge and people like Demiurge

I only wish you people were that sensitive about Ataturk and his principles when you stand in front of the ballot box. And electing a zealously religious clown to demolish everything Kemal stands for. Or do you REALLY think, that if Kemal could speak right now, he would approve a limit at your freedom in order to protect his name and legacy? Against whom and for what. History has already judged him, and he s got his place on it.

It is not because something is legal that you have to do it. The reaction of the Turkish community is understandable, and predictible. Regardless of the laws in our country, doing such a thing is hurting the whole game s community. -_-

What??? eRev banned in Turkey?

wtf is that fail?

@RAF904, you dont get it or manipulating the situation.
Simple there is no way to escape from toxic people. So we dont need to shut the internet down or leave. If there is a system, there is a manager of it. So we simply requested to remove the toxic, there is no escape but there is a way to get rid of them.

dude stop crying u resembled us to natzis and yourselves to allies that picture is your discord flag

Hikage how you except that christians dont insult you when you were TAKING KIDS FROM THEIR MOTHERS TO CREATE YOUR OWN ARMY

@Hokage even thats what i meant... irl (or in other parts of the internet) you have no one who is managing such things... YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT... if you cant deal with it you have to shut down the internet... i hope you understand now what i meaned... i dont talk about the insulting of ataturk... tbh i dont even care about it... i just mean how often have been burning german flags or burning merkel puppets just in europe? and remember how your erdonoob was reacting after it wasnt allowed him to speak to the people on demonstrations in germany by video wall... you can do and demand what ever you want in your country but you have to understand that you cant change the things what people are doing in their countries or in a free room like the internet...

Yanlışlıklad anlamadıgım sey icim bagıs atmısım 

RAF internet in Germany is also censored a little bit
I can t watch here some documentary movies, and my playlist on Youtube is totally deleted ( due to copyrighting i think but working everywhere except Germany or naturally on other websites)
Anyway both sides act like childrens, Personally i am also conflicted with eTurkey but i keep my mouth shut up and dont provoking anyone.Past learned me that we need to respect people. When everybody earns ban here, provokers move on Croatian and Serbian discord and there end what they started
Good luck both sides, respect every people on the earth, and we playing games because we want go off from reality, not to bring here nationalism, conflicts or cases from RL.
Regards o/

Truth is bitter always -_-

Y por eso en México tenemos la sagrada frase Aguanta Vara para evitar estas tormentas xD

@giovinco69 the good thing is your playlist on youtube will get bigger... some days ago there was finally a agreement between the GEMA and youtube... so its a bit different... in germany youtube isnt censored because of germany... its censored because a independent organization wich is paying money to the artists (or the people who own the rights of a song/movie) is saying to some video uploaders that they cant use some content in their videos because they dont own the rights of it... the most funny thing was when some artists published their own music on youtube but have been blocked because the gema was saying that they arent earning money with that video... but now youtube is paying a fix money to gema and the gema pays that money to the artists...

great ! votes

yeah RAF i check my playlist and GEMA released it
Finally, after so long period of time

Please guys, a little bit respect to each other an the eRev will be more playable.
Such as it is in the whole world in all countries there are good and bad people at all sides, so it is even in theese countries too. Yes, it is a game based on wars, but love, the foundation of the human being, should not neglected.


Thanks for a nice interview, keep it up Ace!

It s funny that nobody interviewed me from day 1 but everyone was talking about me XD

Welcome to eRevollution kindergarten

Many people have had their feelings hurt by satirists and trolls but the pain is nothing compared to the damage that has been done to the world by ideologues.