გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Bosnia and Herzegovina - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 26 Nov 2016 07:26 - 36

Hello eRevollution citizens,
We have concluded the Bosnian campaign with a peaceful solution and hereby I announce the terms of the agreement.
I - Preamble
After a few hours of careful negotiations, the governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, and Albania have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. A NAP was agreed and the Terms are following:
1 - Vae Victis will not Declare War or NE on Bosnia and existing wars will be ended by Peace Treaty.
2 - Bosnia will not declare war or NE any members of Vae Victis.
3 - Bosnia will free Italy
4 - This NAP will be valid for 30 days. (Day 351)
Heads of State:
President of Bosnia
President of France
President of Albania
Vae Victis Headquarters:
VV Supreme Commander
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(All signatures in the comments section below)
Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Public Relations
ATEHTATOPOTCaptain HarlockRomyკომენტარები (36)

【Vae Victis】NAP Treaty of Sarajevo https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/18770


this become NAPollution :/

bob_rock it will last 30 days if no one break it so it gives time for other wars.

Vae NAPis !

Signed by random baguette


Signed by President of Albania

Signed - Supreme Commander of VV

If there was no Germany someone should invent it to keep game alive.

Damn this game is boring, what will you do when you erase/NAP greece and erase/NAP Croatia?

@Djaki erase/nap Serbia

Signed - CP of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Archimagus Srbija je vec potpisala NAP (cini mi se) tako da ovo *erase* je suvisno

Haha bosnia free italy then albania or fyrom ocupie

nice moove.now,all VV members,are wellcome to our land


Signed - Supreme Artisan, Arch-Cleric of Turdistan, Master-Linguist of Geurgia and Grand-Inquisitor of Kinyaz

Thanks for invitation @entexnos

Signed, President of France

Signed by the almighty biceps

Signed by Time Traveller President of eWorld


Signes - Secretary of Foreign affairs of VV

cried, by serbians...

VV o7

It show how *strong* you are, when you have 2 countries attacking one. France and albania really have no morale. This is not a NAP its more like Hitler s peace treaty. Looks like Fr/Al are affraid of other countries getting stronger.

Please Nikola RS, do not insult Hitler comparing him with how these dudes play. Hitler s side was weaker, no offense but he had more balls than the guys you compare him with....

Kurogane, you are right. Looks like they are not very happy with their RL and they are trying to show how *strong* they are here. Weak and pathetic.