გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 08 Dec 2016 15:30 - 32

Today I decided to do an interview with BATASHA, CP of Serbia, former captain of the MU TITANI, enjoy
1. Welcome to the interview BATASHA, it is sad that your other account got banned, how do you feel about that?
It is sad that Serbia lost the best tank which had, since I was in the top 10 players in the world. I had a 7 Q5 heli factory and I was real bomber :-) She lost both Serbia and all allied country, but now I feel better than before :-). I proved that it does not matter how many factories do you have, and how much you strong, but what are a man, and how do you know the mechanisms of the game.
2. Do you like this account as much as your old one?
It can be said that this acc love more than old :-) I made this profile well, and I got a lot more motivation to prove myself among all these wolves :-)

3. What kind of situation do you think Serbia is in now after SSF fell apart and most members left?
If you ask me personally, SSF did not miss me at all, and I think they are not missing to Serbia too.
4. What was your reason for wanting to become CP of Serbia for the month of December?
Let me repeat here what I said to my friends. We are not essential dmg in the game, how we need harmony, and respect. Some of us are not able to abide by their allies, and led Serbia into a difficult situation, just because of their private quarrels and misunderstandings. I expect to have my devotion, to restore the reputation of Serbia, and provide their citizens to enjoy the resources that Serbia has deserved.

5. How did you come up with the idea of making the new MU Srpske Oruzane Snage?
When I came back in the game again, I knew that the biggest problems in Serbia, and I wanted to unite all remaining military units into one, and to be much more serious unit, which is loyal to Serbia without any interest.
6. Do you think its going to be a successful MU and why?
We are already serious unit, and the reason is that we are all as one, and not in the unit because of no interest, but simply for socializing and Serbia. While I m alive, Serbian special forces will be stronger by the day.

7. What are your thoughts on the games current situation?
I expect prosperity course, always be in my life I hope all the good stuff. The game can still make progress, but it was a lot of bad decisions by the entire gaming community.
8. Do you have something you would like to say to the audience?
My message to all players around the world, this is just a game and that is also accepted by all. In order to stop the insults on a national basis, because of that, the largest genuinely sick. We are all one big community, which should enjoy, not experiencing insults. I will also told everyone that to get away from my street, because I got to do a task, and when I do, then run away in front of me :-)
Hvala puno brat o7

Ryuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiBorsalinoBorsalinoPolarB34rPolarB34rNightwatcherHUNG 4 M p3trOs V E RZaganos Pashaკომენტარები (32)



Nice Graphics


nice o7


v c

BATASHA pls ask Santa for an Serbian-English dictionary
(not as an insult, but, mate you really need to work on your English)

@asmin if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all

@asmin , ako hoces bicu tvoj Deda Mraz da ti posaljem jedan Srpsko-Engleski da naucis srpski da te ceo svet razume.

BATASHA is very reasonable, not like a lot of previous serbian leaders who acted very immature and made our positions hell.

@TopSecret haha ovaj asmin je dosadan stvarno 

@Mozoce If I wanted to be rood I would have said you are the guilty one for not correcting his mistakes like a real editor does
, but I did not.. so shhhh

@Sturmmann Batbaianov BATASHA is a great friend and player to many in this game,
@asmin if i corrected his mistakes it would change the answers and that doesnt make sense 

@Mozoce To correct something is never equal to modify it. Just so you know, if you did not know this by now 


best wishes

jebo te Bašo nisam ni čitao ovolko pisanije al sam votao pa šta god piše 

I see BATASHA is permanently Banned

des brt

greetings from iran


@asmin it is rude, not rood . Where is your dictionary?

@topsifon haha i just realized

Dont buy anything from asmin

While I m alive, Serbian special forces will be stronger by the day.
Tako je Bati, SSF ce jacati svaki dan

Ko batasi jamu fantom sam u nju pasendzer. CP izjavi da mu nije zao sto se najjaca jedinica u drzavi kolektivno samoubila , toliko o tome koliko mu je stalo do te drzave.

yay batasha , idemo idemo idemo idemo .....

Pa vi EX SSF-ovci i dalje igrajte u eSrbiji nakon trećeg pitanja.