გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United Kingdom - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 08 Jan 2017 01:20 - 117
For game's birthday we are announcing 25% discounts that will start on 11th January and last till 14th January, from Wednesday till Saturday. Discounts include all buildings which are already in the game, new buildings are not included in the discount.
We are increasing the strength limit for Begginer Camp Workout area. It now gives 20 strength bonus for players to 2500 strength and 10 bonus strength to 5000 strength.
As for the big update, you already know that we are changing the resource locations on the map, adding coastal areas and bringing 5 new resources to work with on naval companies and items for naval fighting. The storage section and marketplace is getting some redesign for quicker and easier selection and better look.

Next weekend will also include double energy for double the fun.

To another successful year,
eRevollution Team

TeodorKfaez1377ConradBagratiBagratiBagratixrey1996Milk007AbramelinAbramelinAbramelinHeLL KnNiGhTPanzer AceSpyOneDim302pingDurantinaNaftamitamsieddranyararaszklaramusplკომენტარები (117)

sal ulan


olm q5 kitlere bak abuuu


!!!!!!!thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

bad news for system of Economy

Whaat? No discount for new tg????



Nista novog sto vec nismo znali...

krdşm güzel güzel

why no discount for new tg ?

very good:d


v c

Q5 warship has 3x firepower like q5 tank


#SayNoToDiscount was just a joke



No discount for new tc?

will there be discounts for lks and missiles buildings ?

Why discounts for existing companies.... why....


There will be no discount on new companies and new TG as we are just implementing them to the game. There will be discounts on Life Kits and Missile buildings, old companies, old TG s, storage, and all items in the store.

Voted.... Apply discount to new building also... 

#Admins - how many inteligens lirning centers will be there?


263 q5 booster???????
are you mad?


I love that warehouse

saldım şukunu

25% discount??? Only? And not applied to the new builings? Of course almost everyone will spend the gold with the new buildings...

will there be given a free Intellegence center level 1 to all players like workout area level 1 ?
will there an extra intellegence center for us newbie ?

Great, congratz!

can we train in naval and land skills in one day ?

vote nice

Nice !!!!

What about company limit?

nice update o/

So if have my tank factory and when buying my helis factory this will not have discounds??? This is bullshit!!

i like discount over the life kit but about new TG is bad news

@Miles read, old factorys will be on discount


Miles, no you will have discounts on all old companies (Houses, Hospitals, DS, Food, Weapon, Tank, Heli, and food raw, weapon raw, house raw), but you wont have discounts on Warship companies, and warship raw.

Biskvit how many new intelligence centers will be implemented

What about company limit?

admin in depu da bi ülkeyi silecek kadar doluymuş o life kit ler ne öyle

Will strategic buildings have discount ?

Only 1 new Intelligence center will be implemented (no currency needed for training). Strategic buildings will be on discount.

@kazys There will be discounts on Life Kits and Missile buildings, old companies, old TG s, storage, and all items in the store.


missile can be in ship wars ?
admin make limited for q5 comapny s
and make booster center for us pls o7

Hey, am I handsome?

Can you guys give us some more information about the warship companies? How much will it cost to build a company? how much for upgrading it? How much for the training centre? How much raws will be needed to build a Q1-Q5 warship? Please inform us before we will be spending thousands of gold!


voted, thank for this update and improve the game



Wow, 1 year in hell.

Spain bring people to play on naval battles, and now they are going to leave the gme, becouse the cant grow up their inteligence camps OOOOOOOOOOh yeah bye bye new players that come for new oportunity 

Will be new medals for reach x Intelligence (like Super Soldier medal)? And how much intelligence will the training ground give in Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4?

Hani yok mu bir şeyler

I cant swim. Am I will drown? 

Build on Cyprus!Take 9% of ur tax back! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21036

Build on Cyprus!Take 9% of ur tax back! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21036

Good idea the discounts (but 25% is too few)
Good Idea the x2 refill (i hope u ll add it more often)
Good idea the ship and change location resourse.
BAD BAD BAD idea apply for now the possibility to up the intelligence train!
BAD BAD BAD idea made the possibility to up the new building at 5!

poor rewards for game celebration.

se ve interesante.. a prepararse para las batallas navales.

poor rewards for game celebration ×2
pay pay pay is rewards 

No discounts on Ships factories and ship raw factories are okay tbh, but i just cant understan, why you dont make discounts to the new TC, noobies need to upgrade it and will be harder whitout discoutns =(

At least you can fix the tax calculator (when you put offer on market), add option Edit to the offer... not just change pictures

And one question - 1 or 2 new TGs will be implemented (for intelligence)

Only one TG for Itelligence will be implemented and will be free to train

Will be discount for old training grounds?.
As for other updates,even though dont quite understand the point but assume it will be good updates.

Please give more bonus strength for newbie players like 30-40 per day.

admin you need to restore missile damage





At 693 damage boosters, that player has 346 hours worth of stored booster time, or 14 days of straight battle clicking. Or can we stack different Q-levels of boosters like we can houses?

I am colour blind... this update will be a problem with me when I trying to sell raws.

Voted! Thanks for the info! I m happy!

maybe better give 50 str bonuss till 10 000 str

yea! great erev!!! 

Tko bude radil u tim novim firmama? I sad nemamo dovoljno radnika i bez toga

Seems I joined the game on the right time xD

Admin, can you send me q5 house? 

I can not write here what is on my mind even if this doesn t brakes rules, because Admins will use again moderator Nime to cenzure my post. Freedom of the speech is jeopardiset with your actions.

V 0/


admins can you give us free golds for game Bday??? come one don t be miserly 

also, add possibility of support allies rws

Admins why you dont give special reward for players who plays long time?

Why start the discountsupdate at day 367?
usually 1 year are 365 day... or 366 (every 4 years)
i pretend a reward for day 366!

I HAVE 4000 STR where my Begginer Camp 5000 ????

Connecting all coastal region is a BAD idea. Only a BAT can program something BAD like this !
Bat don t mean batman because batman is cool, if you want be batman you must program it with lot of smartness without connect all of them !
I say it for my country because we will get probably wyped with this update, but I say it also for others country like Pakistan, India, China, Japan and Thailand (even if Thailand is wyped) already 5 of them and I m talking about Asia ... now what big country have coastal region ? France, Turkey, Georgia, Iran,... hehehehehe
Update is good, but connect all region is BAD and everyone know it

@Rapin You are smarter than admins, ofc connecting all costal regions is bad and unrealistic idea.Maybe attack from bigger country could be limited to countries with similar dmg or regions or something. Because at this moment big countries can wiped because they want do it. You have many possibilities like draining bonuses from far colony, expires colony if they dont have a connection with main country or even failed attack because moving other ally attack... dont cross ally naval attack.

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