გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 22 Jan 2017 14:40 - 48
Im so glad that we have arranged this gather with our friend from Turkey - Hokage. We spent short , but very fun and exciting time with him and his friends. We were talking about in-game stuff such as how many days will Denmark be deleted , how we all make tons of gold with our multi accounts and a discuss about some real life stuff. We talked about the dictatorship in our countries (rl and in-game). We are sorry that we couldn't show them much our main city (we have nothing to show
) because it was -15 outside and they are going to Belgrade on midnight. We wish them good luck at their jurney through Balkan.
As always ATEHTATOPOT paid the bill at the restaurant for an exchange of 50 gold ( he always does that )

Players on the photo ( from left to right ) : BokiTwister, ATEHTATOPOT , Hokage . Nazzgul
P.S. Nazzgul convinces you guys that Hokage sells the most delicious food in the whole game , so dont hesitate

As always ATEHTATOPOT paid the bill at the restaurant for an exchange of 50 gold ( he always does that )

Players on the photo ( from left to right ) : BokiTwister, ATEHTATOPOT , Hokage . Nazzgul
P.S. Nazzgul convinces you guys that Hokage sells the most delicious food in the whole game , so dont hesitate

Baja sa Najlonano0bsailbotInarius RebornSultan Haydar BasGrey WindEnver PasaATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTB A T A S H ABortecineDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableDoomtouchableMeTaRoREsdeathSnlerdgnSzilveszterSzilveszterSzilveszterSzilveszterSzilveszter22inchlazarusAdminAdminAdminAdminPanzer Aceკომენტარები (48)

These arent Turkish citizens... U just gather some random Albanian from street... xD


o/ P.S. U should call me....

You call this gathering? Hell no 



@Kinyas Small gathering we are waiting for you xD

Kinyas jealous

voted, what a beauty picture from northern greece xD

Says the southern Macedonian

Hokage ♥

grey +1

mason +1

sultan +1

Someone please, separate these Nazzguls eyebrows... xD


ne bozuyonuz a.. kinyas +1

İnsanları ortayola davet etmek için ülke ülke dolaşan ADAM GİBİ ADAM

They are separated as Serbia is o7

@Baja sa najlona who ever is this i guess its a serbian multy just for this article you cant show yourselve hehe

No Ace, No Vote

he didnt get arrested while crossing borders with that beard ? 😾


so ne vikate be pederi

Svaka cast, druzenjem do pobjede o/

I just find network to Write. It was Great fun, and entertainment to have warm chat with you guyz. Thank you very much hope to see you in Turkey to welcome you
btw, yes atehtatopot asked 50 Gold For dinner ehehhee😏

you mean fyromian-turkish

looking for WORKERS ,👉 69 q4 heli👈 per 2X work a day as long as there is country with 100% bonus on weapon. bonus 35 q4 heli + 200 q2 foods for 7 consecutive work day with house. LIMITED SLOT detail via PM o.o7

Count zero or cunt zero.. you decide.

I can see some FYRoManis and some kebabs there in Fakedonia.


Nice to see people interacting with each other not only in virtual world but in real life even from different nations. A milestone for the game and the players for such things. Hope we see many more like this. o7



Is Mongolia in game?

StOL3n +1

des fatses oi mongoloi kai oi skopianoi!

Actually it was G-7 summit but nobody else appeared :S

@spartan oi skopianoi einai alvanoi k gyftoi (tsekare thn istoria tous, pia istoria leme twra 1991 k meta apo tote exoun) (apominaria yugoslavias ftwxoi alvanoi k gyftoi - to 40% twn skopiwn einai alvanoi afto na to xoume simiomeno). oi toyrkoi einai apo thn moggolia. poy ble3ame k meis...

Fyromians we are coming for you


Piroman o Pennisman....you decide