გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 08 Feb 2017 00:26 - 26

I haven't had the time yet to mention my return. Some people who use Discord and are related to the American community would know since they have been seeing me around active for the past few days but this article is very due to let everyone know that I am actually back!
However, while I may have taken a good time out, it is important that people understand that my interaction in this game as well as whatever approaches I take will no longer be exactly the same. So you'll probably ask, what will change and what will not?

For starters I would like to leave very clear this few points:
1. I will not be spending one cent further in this game. The administration team profited enough from me during my time before in here and taking into consideration the way I was treated several months ago I do not consider them worthy of my money. If I returned, I want the admins to keep absolutely clear in their mind it was not for them: It was for the community. Now, I will profit from the game without spending a penny on it.
2. Taking in consideration the previous point, I will not be seeking back control of the old Military Unit Seal Team 6. I no longer have the economic means to sustain a military unit like that and I'd rather just be left to fight against the enemies of USA and whoever dares to swing their steel against Vae Victis.

Things that have not changed and will never change:
1. I will continue to support and help USA as I have always done. This support will be done through whatever means the community requires of me to as long as it doesn't conflict with the principles I stated above. (Sorry guys, I won't spend money, but I still love you all anyway!)
2. I will support any alliance USA is a member of through whatever means they require me to.
3. I will always upfront inform and write about things that I find wrong and I will mercilessly expose with evidence the wrongdoings some people eventually might do or have done if I find it out.

A few statements from what I've seen upon my return:
1. I support the unification of both political parties and military units and I even made that statement on the last radio show, however I would like to reserve myself the right to join the unified political party (whichever name results from it) after the name, stripes and graphics are set on it. If this is a merge, I would like it to be done in a coherent manner.
2. I will run for Congress this upcoming elections and I hope this is done already through the Unity Party. Only reason I haven't put up an article yet detailing all my thoughts is literally because I just returned and I am still trying to get familiar with all the changes and catching up where I can put myself to work. I will also be working very closely with Vae Victis this month.
3. My door is always open for dialogue. I know I am somewhat of a savage sometimes but that does not mean I am an unreasonable man.
I look forward to work with all of you!

You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

PolarB34rnakituminayashinakituminayashinakituminayashivoozTugaWolf IIno0bsailbotChrisGeoRMChrisGeoRMChrisGeoRMTricky DickAjkeNDiamond LadyNick FoxtailsPalmerThe Redკომენტარები (26)

First denied for the return!

Welcome back 

Welcome back Abe o7


i like savage man in the proper place 😱
【THE EXILED ONE】Address #1 😓 https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/22898 😓 is it because of my avatar ?😟 drop me a vote for vote

Welcome back Abe !

Welcome back, friend.

Welcome !!!!!


WB, Abe. o7

Welcome back 

Welcome back!!

Welcome back brother

Welcome back 

Welcome back Friend!

Welcome back abe!

Welcome back

Welcome back Abe 

Welcome back my brother o7

Welcome back abe. I know you will always do what you believe is best.

Welcome back Abe o7

Glad to have you back Abe! Let reason win the day.

welcome back =)

Welcome back and congrats on vSC!

Welcome back