გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United Kingdom - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 08 Feb 2017 08:35 - 87

Alliances enable multiple countries to work together. Country president is able to create an alliance or propose to congress for his country to join an existing one. The funding fee for creating an alliance is 300 gold.

Alliance enables to set daily order to all military units in countries that are part of the alliance. The leader of the alliance has the option to set the daily order once a day. Leader has the option to also write an article for the alliance.

Leader also has the options to invite a country into alliance, to set other country as the leader of the alliance, and the option to suspend a country from the alliance.

When a country is invited into an alliance, there is a voting in the congress to join the alliance or not. If the voting is won, the country enters the alliance. When country joins an existing alliance it does not pay anything.
The maximum members of alliance is 10.
Country president of a country that is a member of an alliance can suspend his country from the alliance as well, should he not be happy with the alliance.
If the leader of the alliance wants to leave the alliance, he proposes who to set as the new leader.
Alliance is not deleted if your country is fully captured.
In the next 5-10 days the MPPs will be deleted and alliances will serve as the new as the new option for countries to cooperate.
We wish you a good day,
eRevollution Team

Grizzly021Panzer AceK o BeVokasiJoker Evilfaez1377TrumpSennabambamtMiltiadosZE BUNDAMukhraniI am doneosteanromanVeTeRaNკომენტარები (87)

pirinç XD




Te la mamaste señor admin xD

sal gelsin admin

This is SPARTA! o7

It looks good, we ll see if it s useful or not


wow (Y) great news ^_^


Sounds great o7


Who will be leader of the alliance ? Country President of country which is leading alliance or someone choose by this country ?


300 gold? Yea... This is MADNESS!!!

-Alliance enables to set daily order to all military units in countries that are part of the alliance. The leader of the alliance has the option to set the daily order once a day.-
Explain better, please . So alliance leaders are over the Commanders of Military Units in the placement of DOs?


i would make it better, each country have an X number of power, number of citizens, quantity of damage dealt, etc would be able to calculate that power and alliances would have a maximum number of power , if 4 or 5 countries have that max power, no more countries would be able to enter in that alliance. this will help low power countries to be in an alliance and would equilibrate the amount of alliances



+1 on Sucaterir0 suggestion


Better yet, it would have been better to make it max number of an alliance 10 and keep the MPP so members of a big alliance can also have each 3-4 MPPs with small countries witch can be considered under protection of the country that has MPP with them. That way smaller counties can also be protected by larger ones....

so MPP has a new name and a limit is 10 and not 6 any more...


opet pomažete VV da prezivi...
dajte da Savez ukoliko stavi odredjenu bitku kao prio ima 5-10 % bonus dmg za odredjenu bitku i dnevno tako moze 3 x staviti order s bonusom.
Isto tako treba uvjetovati da postoji opcija saveza da svih 10 VV zemalja nemoze biti u jednom savezu - da postoji određeni balans. Pronađite ograničenja za savez kad se tiče velikih država koje već imaju sve resurse kod sebe . Opcija da 2 zemlje mogu sa full resursima, 2 sa 2 resursa i slično... NAPRAVITE BALANS... da igrica traje a ne da završi prije baby booma...


Finally I will have my first true ally medal
Delete MPP +1

+1 asmin, you told that smaller ones could survive better, but in this condition they cant, better keep MPP and alliance way.


remove _insert threat here_ or turkish community will leave the game!

what is the benefit of this? 300 wasted gold

Ula admin makalesine bile pirinç yapıyoz korkun bizden ulen eworld 


at least you could make that if we hit in battle that is set by alliance our damage is +10% ....at least something...
koji amaterizam brate

remove _insert threat here_ or turkish community will leave the game! X 1389 !!!!

good one where is VV alliance now?

Bulgur yapılmamış sal gelsin

So a country is now forced to join an alliance in order to survive? LOL VV will just form a VV1 and VV2. So now it s RIP small countries and RIP medium *neutral* countries. GG.

v c

cıvık cıvık iş yapıyon

Öyle Brazzda bende olsun bende ittifak kurarım

Another way from Admin to disband VV 

IF YOU REMOVE MPP... Why 1alliance=max 10c ? Why 300g ? Is it better that you have installed the maximum number of participants at 6 and price 100-150g ? Think about it... more alliances, more wars, more dmg, more buying etc...

Removing MPPs is really really bad..

10 Alliance member but 6 MPPs ? I think something is wrong with this. http://prntscr.com/e66nfh Check this SS, I mentioned you to change DO page so MU leaders can see which battle is navy or ground. Another idea you can give one option to Country Presidents to controll all MU Daily Orders. He/she will allow to reach DO of Military Units. In order to this MU leader should allow President access with another option of course.

Stupidest update

maximum members of alliance is 10.

Good idea. Although the word Union fits better. Please better explain DO, it is controversial right now. PS Timing of your updates is a little bit awkward :-(

Odlican potez skidanja MPP-a. Ne znam sta ce vam kada se napravi alijansa!? Potpuno logicno da nema MPP-a. Mislim da ce DO koji postavi boss alijanse da bude takodje vidljiv na pocetku stranice kao DO od MU.

No idea with what this update improves the game. Update for the sake of updates...

@Srdjan moram se slozit s tobom.Ajmo mi da napravimo Alliance
Btw admins great articles and changes o7

300 gold is too expensive for small countries who wants to form alliances.

what 300 gold pay go admins game dead. no pay no win


+1 on Sucaterir0 suggestion

Walen +1

[Admin] Proposal to form new alliances

Add mpp limit 2-3 except alliances

This is a good new addition to the game. But some features need tweaking, in my opinion.

bana ekmek lazım

Air balloon was more useful than this update

10 countries in alliance and just 6 MPPs? Admins, where is logic?


delete MPP is will kill small countries!!!!!!!

warrrrr XD

Deleting MPP s means deleting minor countries, bad news really, for small societies.


Its my idea, right?

gj o7

So the leader of the alliance gets to dictate foreign policy of all member countries in the alliance? At least before, Congress got to vote on all MPP proposals, but now one player makes the invitation without any vote from current members and then only Congress in the invited Congress gets to vote. I guess there is only a small group of players who actually conduct foreign affairs anyhow, and Congress was just a rubber-stamp formality. Foreign affairs is much less work for each country now.

Food Help ?
Ekmek sal admin
Her türlü yazdim okur herhalde pirinci 

If he sends me 40 golds for creating MU, he can set orders. Otherwise he can go and f... himself. Stupid change, to much power in one man hands. It could be easily abused. Not much thinking was involved in creating this change. It is not alliance it is a dictatorship. I wonder where did you get that idea? Oh, yeah...

I would have a problem... I have a MU in one country but I travel to other countries ...In this case, what happens if my country where I am for a period and the other where I have the MU are part of alliances different? Please do not remove the possibility to set DO

Great. o7
