World War Analysis Part 1

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Iran - ომის ანალიზი - 22 Feb 2017 20:10 - 57

 Greetings,  Ace is back in eRev baby.  Today I will start by posting my analysis on the current state affair of the world. The first part will only have Vae Victis countries. The 2nd part will have Délos, Fre United and the rest.

Vae Victis


The great Turkish empire is currently fighting against Denmark, Slovenia, Germany, and Argentina. Denmark is currently deleted and has 0 regions. Turkey has won one battle against Slovenia and Slovenia has managed to successfully defend one battle. The 3rd battle is taking place currently while I'm writing this obviously. With the help of Georgia and Iran-Turkey has managed to maintain a powerful presence in the core regions of Germany. 


The skirmishes in Albania served as a proxy war between Vae Victis and Délos. That's where the relationship between both alliances derailed. With the istance of Vae Victis Albania managed to fend off a total of 7 (Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Serbia, France, Italy and previously Swiss)  wars in this world war. The number includes Switzerland which signed a NAP earlier last week.


Indonesia attacked Italy to lift some pressure on Albania. Through both nations working in collaboration, they’ve managed to pin down Italy. Indonesia has done a stunning job in helping Turkey deal with Denmark numerous revolutionary wars over the last couple of weeks. They have launched a campaign against France recently to ist Iran. Definitely one of the top countries I would consider a true ally. 


Brazil is a new country in Vae Victis but this didn’t stop them from throwing billions of damage for their new allies. Brazil has an active campaign Hungary and Croatia. Definitely one of the active countries in the world war. They are a growing power and over the past few weeks, it has to strengthen its already strong foundation as the leading power in South America. Kudos to them for having a strong and capable organization. 


Latvia is a new member in Vae Victis. Latvia is one of those sleeping tigers definitely a country everyone should look forward to their growth and road to success in the future. 


Georgia currently has an active campaign against Serbia and Germany. They are one of the major key countries that participated in the fighting against Serbia in North America last month. Their growth over the last couple of months is simply stunning. We can see that in the battle of Lorraine against France. 


Morocco is a new member of Vae Victis and one of the newest countries in the game. Their progress over the course of the last couple of months adequate. Building a country from scratch without a foundation is a strenuous work. I have high hopes for them in the future. 


Lithuania is a new member in Vae Victis. Lithuania is one of those sleeping tigers definitely a country everyone should look forward to their growth and road to success in the future. 

The United States of America 

The US's  growth over the last couple of month is simply stunning. From fending off Serbia and Bosnia to combating Ireland definitely one of the countries that have a great future ahead of it. The United States States declared war on Ireland to ist its new ally Canada. The liberation so far has been a smooth sail. The Irish are slowly retreating back to their island.


Ukraine is a new member in Vae Victis. Ukraine is one of those sleeping tigers definitely a country everyone should look forward to their growth and road to success in the future. 


Vae Victis Alpha

The Republic of Macedonia 

The great empire of Macedonia has managed to pin down Greece. Their performance in the Albania 7 wars is simply breathtaking. They have built a great wall of Macedonia defending Albania from all invaders. Albanians in the background screaming Hail Macedonia, Hail Macedonia.


Poland is one of those sleeping tigers. They have truly shown what it means to be an ally. From fighting against the Irelands, Germans, Swedes, Denmark's (or Kummanguard as they proclaim) to helping their allies across the world. Even tho they have been fighting non-stop for the last couple of months they have not flaunted their contribution or anything like that. They have remained a long time ally of Vae Victis whether it’s a move-fight battle to fighting battles that end at a bad timing for them they have always been present to ist their ally. We can definitely see this in the battle of Lorraine against France. Kudos you guys definitely deserve a deep respect and admiration o7


Bulgaria definitely one of those sleeping tigers. When Albania was invaded they were the first country to jump to the rescue by declaring war on Spain. They have managed to pin down Spain for the time being. Although the war has not had much progress there are high hopes they will win when VV closes some of it other campaigns.


The great Persian empire led by Mohammad No0bsailbot  Venerates at his profile picture
Iran is definitely one of those sleeping dragons that you shouldn’t poke. When they make their move all eyes of the eWorld turns around. Iran has been fighting for VV since Day 1. The support they give to allies is definitely commendable. They are currently fighting against France. They have managed to win the first battle against France.


Peru is a new member in Vae Victis. Peru is one of those sleeping tigers definitely a country everyone should look forward to their growth and road to success in the future. 


România has been fighting a hard war on 2 fronts. One against Serbia and the other against Bosnia. They have managed to successfully pin both nations in Balkan. Will this continue in the next couple of days? Time will tell after all Serbia is a superpower like Romania. ( Go Go Romania. Go Romania) 


Canada is currently liberating itself from Ireland. The plan seems to be going well currently whether that will continue is all left up to fate. Canada has rare resources like granite and other bonuses that most countries lack. They are well capable of becoming an economic superpower. Definitely, one of the countries we should all watch out for in the future.


One of the leading powers in Asia. They are currently fighting against Hungary and Croatia. Through their prowess, they managed to push Hungary out of Albania territory and they are currently going for the coup de grâce on Croatia to push them back.


Editors Notes:  Look forward to Part 2 about Délos, Fre United and the rest. If there are any mistake shoot me a PM and I will fix it.

Kind Regard 
spitfireYG (Also known as Ace on Discord)


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კომენტარები (57)

World War Analysis Part 1
Hi Ace! o7
VV o7
maple syrup superpower or bust! ~ nice coverage of all fronts
Peru o/ !!!
Peru the tiger !!! Groarr !! o/
VV o7
VV o7
Ace this is a wonderful article I almost read it
Hail Turkey !
i will shoot you
So many tired Tigers Cheeky, go VV!
Poland shoot so strong because they are puppy. They just giving all best for masters o/
On first glance i saw 2 mistakes, Turkey doesent keep their presence in Germany with help of Iran and Georgia, 2nd mistake is that so called republic of Macedonia IS called FYROM in this game, so edit those mistakes.
v s
Good o7
Peaky, I am waiting to see some serious comments written by, but you disappointed me again. Nothing, but the trolling. PS Author of the article decided to use the name of Macedonia, and I am supporting his right to has own choice. PS2 GOOD ARTICLE, VOTE +SUPPORT
o7 HAIL VV Indonesia MERDEKA o7
Too much sleeping tigers and dragons Laugh
I thought this would be a real war analysis. It fails right in the start, where you say *The 2nd part will have Délos, Freedom United and the rest.* ... the rest? lol ok. Anyway: Des.cription of Bulgaria is wrong: BG and SP were already in war before SP-ALB. Latvia, Lithuania, Peru and Ukraine (and Canada) with same des.cription: I could write the de ion, but I won´t bother. Overall, this is a *VV praising* article, not a true peace of journalism and war analysis. I can only imagine what the 2nd part about Délos, FU and *the rest* will be. Read this: ... links are outdated but it gives a real depiction of War status at day 95. You missed a good chance of writing a great article. Btw, word des.cription is censored because of the s.cript part. Amazing update, admins... Regards
@Ancestral Okay I will reflect on that for my 2nd part
Hail Srbija!
damn spitfire everyone is sleeping tiger country to you Cheeky
Great Article!
Great Article ! O7
XD its strange when list of the VV countries is longer than others.
VV o7 many sleeping tigers...zZzZ...
Its very funny to see the former sofa os vv to write macedonia . I thought u know geography.
Have Canada, have vote xD
Macedonia is Greek! Wink
is one of those sleeping tigers definitely a country everyone should look forward to their growth and road to success in the future.
: ) You guys really like my sleeping tiger statement Cheeky
v+ o7
Great article, keep us updated! Oh, btw... respect Fortuna, the best neutral alliance in-game! Wink
FU all!
Goebbels would be proud
VV o7
Perú is tigger Smile
Taiwan Number 1 o7
o7 georgia and world