გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Georgia - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 06 Apr 2017 15:26 - 41

I am Serpent (Luka Tsilosani) I'm elected as SoFA 4th Time. Subscribe my newspaper to get news from Vae Victis.
Today we had an election for the new term as we always have after the Presidential Elections each month, therefore, I am glad to announce you our new HQ for next term.

Vae Victis Newly Elected Team
Supreme Commander (SC): Kris124
Vice-Supreme Commander (vSC): AtropatesS
Military Commander (MC): Resident Evil
Vice-Military Commanders (vMC): Ready To Die, Governador
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA): Serpent

Kind Regards,
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
LosTurcosDeath Angel AzrielMrNiCkATEHTATOPOTკომენტარები (41)