გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United Kingdom - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 31 May 2017 00:11 - 162

Gold pack is a pack that offers everyone 30 days faster energy recover, boosts the rank damage by 20%, gives double experience gained in battle and activates Pport Stamp (which will now be available only through this pack and will offer new, improved rewards everyday).
Players who have 2 gold stars or more get 1 free Gold Pack (30 days). Star Cube has been deactivated.

Activating a gold pack is quite simple, it can be found in Storage and activated under Improved buildings, similar as activating a House. You can stack gold packs and activate multiple at the same time (only time is prolonged, the effects do not stack).

Pport Stamp is now available only through Gold Pack, but now offers much better rewards everyday.

Update: Gold Pack will be activated for all players for first 4 days and will be available from day 508
Have a good day,
eRevollution Team

Vega MKD 2amk8056BOSMANQsnowamk8056sutanuNyCreambambamtJacaentyკომენტარები (162)


Pirinç sal

Money money money - Admin




hail iran

Should have been cheaper, 199 golds per month is A LOTTT!!!

is unfair




Pay2Win o7

bad idea . . .



-.- +1 hugues

what?you want more money.we are tired of the game

Let s start milking the cow!!!!!

Introduce new weapon, Money gun! It uses gold as bullet, each gold deal with 100 mil damage. There is no limit for the money gun and it won t cost any health when shooting it. Paying extra 10k gold and you can upgrade it to Automatic money gun which shoots automatically for 24 hours in assigned battle!


Kill it, like they killed !

What about adding 15 pack at the same time and 3 more TG, unlimited strategic bulding and Q8 on each company, i think it s time for it, so no one can hide from eyes of VISA

Ok go to hell, I would not put a penny in this game anymore.

So basically a sub ion system? Look im not against it just not at the same time as new training ground, just remove the new training ground


omg... time to go in another game


Pay to Win

Shit update for VISA players as usual dear admins. Are your pockets so empty?

Kad ubace neki pack da se daje € igraci kukaju sad kad nude pac da se kupi za gold opet igraci kukaju.
Pa međedi da vam daju djaba opet bi kukali .
199g se moze lahko povratit za 30 dana 

And once again...giving advantages to the players who pays

Tannin liked this.

Time to consider leaving the game

Time to say goodbye ...



199g WTF

Time to quit...I,ve been waiting for a push to quit and thats it

Osea que ese paquete los podran adquirir todos por 199 gold vaya ya vere muchas multies

@admin, will you take action about weekly event BUG??

#NoToNewUPDATE https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/27379

Time to consider leaving the game

what a shit.

Kill it with fire and holy water.

The end for me in this game I think...

Good bye erev !

no vote

so, there is boot camp lvl 5, second strategic building, discount time, and now this pack. Don t you think this is too much?


Can not 199 gold? And for example 50 or 100

pay or die 

Your greediness level is over the bar. You kill an already dead game... Nice..


First time i want to leave this game ...

Wont play this stupid game anymore


thats too much pay to win admin:/

And you can find out what prizes?

solo falta que aparezca plato y ya tenemos una completa copia del otro juego 

bad idea leave the nonpaying players some oppurtunity to play this game.


are you kidding? its not 1st of April

Nice update


I m happy that stupid challange(1k q5 weps or tank with fight) stoped. Give us more energy recover for fights. If people do not want to spend money You can add up to the challenge prizes -30s f energy recover.So everyone is happy.


Ok, this is soon the end.


Great news admins


Time to say goodbye ...


Its nice but sime vone vote to I don t want either in the game yet.
plis go to http://www.strawpoll.me/13079359 vote to 1

Shit one

This should have been 50 gold, 200 is just stupid.

From so many ways that is possible for you to make money, you introduce something like this? ? ? I would support game with spending money, but in all fairness you have no clue how to run business . Is this reason why US has 50 regions, france, itali about 20, even saudi 13 while russia has 8-9 ? is it because you are hoping that people from those countries will spend more money than others, and thats why i was told that map cant be changed as it would piss of them?? Best of luck admins, but you are ruining this game and your chance to actually create steady month to month income.

There is boot camp lvl 5, second strategic building, discount time, and now this pack. Don t you think this is too much?

We want a strawpoll for THIS GOLD PACK UPDATE too!

shit update

Perfect update 👍

Is a great mistake...I think...




plato approve this update !!!!


Where is dislike button ?

Your greediness level is over the bar. x2

Now you started to sell STR with money and game will die just because of this. I convinced that you are trying to make everyone quit this game.

lmao you can go to hell with updates like this hahaha


Does Golden pack provide intelligence or strength same as Passport Stamp ?
Meaning only rich can afford ...


Time to consider leaving the game

Lol. Just lol.

v c

wow...this one is a killer...

Stupid idea


money whore , money whore every where XD admin stop this .

199g? hahahahahaha

Really Nigga ?

no money , no honey...

good bye erev

Just tragic!!



RIP eRevollution... same mistake as the first game...

wow pay to win, im speachless...

Adm only want money

Sadness of the game

Star Cube has been deactivated
passport stamp only for who buy the pack
bad bad bad update!!!
I don t think i ll spend more euros in this game (i m a 5 stars)

Why I do not have free gold pack?!

Ok, I m done with this game. Goodbye.


Ohh, We implement passport stamp to motivate players to log in every day and reward loyal games, later - maybe, lets only reward loyal spenders. Whatever.

Ok, this is becoming a pay to win like the other game. Visa players will dominate until they will be alone and leave too. Very bad choice for us and for you.

5 minutes ago
Ohh, We implement passport stamp to motivate players to log in every day and reward loyal games, later - maybe, lets only reward loyal spenders. Whatever.

Why deactivate the star cube?

Just killed the game

With all this update i feel like is time to quit game . Was bad ideea to come back
Passport stamp available only through that pack , bleah . . .
I see you have searched a way to breake the balance between non-visa players and visa players on inteligenge . Well done you found it . I`l be out. . .

Why not implement from q1-q5 gold packs ...rewards given in % of quality example q1 - 20% of 30 (q5) -6 days ..12..18...24 and 30 days ..also according to quality change and seconds to reduce time of recover energy ..and also prices of gold pack will be affordable for everyone




Completely ridiculous update that nobody wants (even paying players). Price should be lower and password stamps should be untouched to promote daily players, not only daily VISA players. If you go this way this game die.., as many of similar ones because of the same reason - too greedy administration...

Is this an april fools? Tomorow, it s the 1st of June, Admin...


what are the new passport stamp prices ?

money money money

Memes of the update: www.erevollution.com/en/article/27404

So they remove star cube which is only for visa players and add a pack that can be bought for in game currency, sounds good to me

Why from 2nd star? Make it available only for over 10 diamonds

199 gold are you crazy is a lott

not good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great updates admins! It s about time that some accounts here learn that the game is more than just shoot to get TP to get gold to get helis to shoot to get TP to get gold to get helis to shoot etc

so bad erev

I suggest you bring the price lower for the first purchase. something about 100 gold. or even 1 week for free. that would be a better presentation for such updates. be creative Guys. Creativity is missing in the game. If you wanna sell something you have to convince the buyers.

#RIP Erev!

Drop the price

Gib back cube or riots!!

Star cube deactivated ? yeah push away the gold buyers.

Ajde neka neko prevede, nista ja ne razmumem ovo



Damn... You re killing this game

this is erev or ?

Tomorrow is June not April xDDD

I m sad to say, at least half the updates you ve implemented in the past few months have been completle shit. And the other half are mediocre updates at best.



very bad 


also deactivate star as you did, but give 1 worker for every 1k gold purchased DAILY. We do not care for eds and rockets.

good idea awsome . i like this pack

ktab +1

give us back daily stamp....
