Radical News

True Liberators are here to save yall

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Georgia - ომის ანალიზი - 27 Jun 2017 02:43 - 68

So recently a new alliance joined our e-world promising a lot of things but mostly promised free-dom to all nations.
If you haven't already read their article officialy announcing their goals and other stuff I am here to help you:


NEMESIS is a very promising alliance, with great fire power especially if you take into consideration their buddies from Delos,Fortuna and FU alliances who are always there to help them in wars. So far they made a great step wiping VV out but wait a minute, wasnt their main goal to wipe VV and liberate the rest countries from those evil, greedy duckers? Of course that was their main goal and of course they are and will be sticked to that until last breathe, here is the proof:






Lets gangbang Italy with fellow brothers, Serbians




I won't mention Portugal holding Sinai because at least they declared war to FYROM.

It is obvious NEMESIS is all about FREE-DOM, they are here to release you from the evil VV forced you to live in for over a year now.

Hasta la muerte
Hasta la vista
Dignity over all o7
Bros over hoes o/


Grizzly021Grizzly021Grizzly021Grizzly021Kinyasraczek32terminator58World Lord of Warterminator58Sterner EKOLabSterner EKOLabno0bsailbotno0bsailbotPeakylmperiusmavidoritosmavidoritosBaby JesusBaby Jesus

კომენტარები (68)

Ah re radical.aftes tis vlakies na mhn egrafes k 8a soun o kalyteros Laugh
Βλακείες είναι αυτά που λέτε, μόνο η Πορτογαλία κράτησε το λόγο της. Πήγε Σιναι κι άνοιξε πόλεμο με VV, οι άλλοι απλά τρώνε περιοχές γύρω από VV και ένα NE δεν έχουμε δει, ακόμα έστω Smile
hahaha Laugh good job o7
When bulgaria was in vv why didnt you cry about their regions and bonuses then? Cry vv your one year reign comes to an end
Thats all you have to say? Why we didnt cry for Bulgaria before? HAHAH Thats your only excuse for all these? Bulgaria left VV in the name of free-dom and joined the enemy side and all they do and really wanted is to be safe from NEMESIS and keep increasing their bonuses. Nothing else.
Good article!!!
H boulgaria exei dikaiologimena ukrania. H croatia eixe polemo me albania k apo kri tis phre tis perioxes opws k oi serbikes sthn italia. H serbia exei aftes tis perioxes gia ta bonus. Dont write bul.shit Kiss
good article
Good article ! o7
Θα μας τρελάνεις? Δεν βλέπω κανένα ΝΕ ή εστω DW από καμιά τους σε χώρα της VV. Τσιμπολογάνε περιοχές από άκυρες, αδύναμες χώρες κι αυτό είναι όλο. Η Ρωσία απελευθερώθηκε και τα τσιράκια σας οι Κινέζοι ήδη χώθηκαν χαχα Sad but true.
Of course we will have bonuses, this is only the begining xaxa
Good article ! o7
Aaaa den vlepeis p egine wipe h albania. Oute p efygan oi 8 apo tis 18 palies xwres ths VV. To ne k to dw den paizei roli. Tous nikame k mono me rw Wink
Dude where were you when georgia, iran, usa, taiwan and turkey held entire world under them and you rant for this? Get a life and stop crying over few lost bonuses
Well I asked Nemessis only to wipe Georgia and only because of you radical, they said YES
peaky only wiped person i see is you Laugh
i dont know how you can have friends like this? how you can trust them? they can sell you for bonuses anytime, we are not for sale this is diference Wink
I love seeing your real face guys, I was accused for propaganda but your whole gameplay is based on lies, lies, lies. Yoy promised the world free-dom to follow you and support you with their damage and so far you only conquer random countries, except for PT.
What s the point of article? Serbia is imperialistic and fascist country? We all knew that already.
@Peaky Blinder you really think poor nemesis can wipe georgia? Laugh
Brain : Use it Georgian
To be honest,in direct wars countries out of VV vs VV are weak (or it was weak before Nemesis creation),so RW is a strategic solution and it worked.Most OFC battles are RWs,and we fought in these regions that you show.With simple words, VV had these regions,Fortuna-Delos-FU liberated these regions and took them.Thats almost the same as a direct war against VV Smile
This article is full of failed propaganda. Sorry ραντικαλ Smile
Radical, stop complain ! Mode War ON, i still see ur country up.. so, just wait for the peace and then talk, for now, yes ! only propaganda! you only talked about countrys that left VV days ago! so STFU and keep playing!
Why didnt you make an article like this in last 1+year when Georgia occupied way more countries and regions than this? Now it is useless to try blame others after all you have done with your farming. Be a man and take it, not a whinny p****
@ChrisGeo I thought NEMESIS was honest about liberating the world. All you say is that NEMESIS has the right to occupy those regions although its not needed cause they would IF they went in direct wars, but they didn t. So why have them? lol @DreSanu i dont remember VV promising free-dom to the world and occupying him 3 days after.
Que hipocrita,toma se te cayo la dignidad.
This is not true, this is propaganda, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BfOONXHA7I
Radical θέλεις πουλάκι μου μια αναλυτική αναφορά για το που και πότε θα επιτεθούμε; xD Θα το καταλάβεις ούτως ή άλλως από το 4*0%
see Radical, this article would be good but only if you ware writing this kind of stuff over last year, while for all this time VV have dominated entire world with intention to create farmville.. So only way you can compare nemesis and VV is if Nemesiss dominate game over a year... till than if you didnt speak against VV your words count for little now.. as this time you are only so loud as you have lost 4x100% and vv is going down so this is just propaganda, nothing more o7
that funny moment when nemesis say they will wipe georgia loool
What a hypocrit you are now omg. I feel like i am talking with someone kinda of brain damaged..or maybe just with a big crying baby. VV (and also MDP before it) was never interested of anything else than wiping and napping everyone so they can secure their bonuses. Thats all what most of VV countries ever played for, also sacrificing the smaller ones of their own allies goals and interests in this process. Sometimes tho they had to step in a land a finger from time to time to their little allies so they will stay silent and satisfied being under their table while the big guys(masters) played it cool in their 100x4 bonuses. Now this greediness for bonuses turned against you, the farming nations of VV and you are already crying after seeing about how some countries did for few days what you did for over a year. And also, Nemesis wont wipe VV as they cant atm and probably never will be able too giving the current balance of forces (who knows) but at least stoped your farming and made this boring game interesting again.
Hail VV
My name is radical, i don t know geopolitic but i know the truth.
I think he is butthurt because he went to crappy copy/paste MU in crappy copy/paste *empire* under claims such as *we have 4x100 bonus*, only to get there and see it all gone. Now he feels cheated on, so he tries to create this alternative reality where VV is victim and all others are the bullies. There`s some nice fairy tales going on right now. Keep it up. Laugh kek
I see... So much salt in this article ! xD
nemesis new fail alliance!
well this is just begining, alliance isnt formed yet, I know that you all are scared, and you should be
Fear and crying, love to see it. Please write more!
Its not about you disbanding VV, it s about you trying to fool people by promising free-dom and all you do so far is conquer random countries
same dead countries where you take resources radical Cheeky
we didnt make any official announcement saying we would set the world free, we were clear to our intentions in addition to NEMESIS.
thgania mas ta exeis kanei
Ρίξε καν αυγό πάνω
@radical so your intention is to cry before war has even started?? Nobody said nemesis wont fight wars and expand , but im sure they want create farming as VV have done for over year.. This is your third article where you crying about Nemesis while alliance haven t even been formed fully... Just say truth, Gorgia lost bonuses after full year with nearly all 4 at 100% and that hurts.. Also Just iran, georgia and turkey have population of 24 000 that is 40% of entire game population, + other VV countries...
VV is formed for world domination like other alliances, succeed for months and still continue. The real hypocrisy is NEMESIS claiming to set free the world but deleting countries for bonuses @DreSanu.
yeah topsecret keep the propaganda, start liberating the world in a year when you will be in hard times again and you would need people s help again to win us.
1. There will be a fre for everyone. 2. There will be not fre for everyone, because some wants bonuses. 3.Excuse: other side did it in same way. MY CONCLUSION Nemesis is not better than VV. End of discussion.
Well @Impersius , nobody can truly set the world free, its a war game after all in which everyone looks to dominate as you said, yet it can be better for some nations than it was before. Also if i recall correctly nemesis claimed very clearly that their goal is to set the world free of VV Wink You are actually mad just cause you lost your beloved bonuses? Because in our eyes everything else is rant about is just propaganda, sadly.
Yeah Dresanu thats why China your puppet is taking Russia right after they got free from Georgia, or even Bulgaria who DW them as well, or even Belarus Smile Keep up the propaganda man but NEMESIS is nothing more than new VV, at least VV had the guts to admit they were dominating, you are just feared to tell the truth because without your 10-15 countries (Delos-Fortuna-FU-Nemesis) you are nothing.
Savaş mı istiyosunuz? Kamooonnnn.
Hahaha, man first of all russia is no longer populated, most of its citizens went back to france after so many months of gurgia either wiping them or keep them under ridiculos naps so you can farm the bonus out of it. Your countey basically ruined all they ever tried to achieve in this game, all their fun and efforts since they gathered there, and just now after they left you are worried about Rusia fate??? Hahaha, lmao im tired of your shit, have fun crying from now on ill just my laugh my ass off each time i read your crap.
I am not worried about countries like Russia, I am just worried for people who are not smart enough to see that NEMESIS is nothing more than new VV, but as I already said NEMESIS difference is they have no guts to admit they just care for bonuses and not really for VV destroying small countries so far. They were just jealous of VV bonuses and want a piece of world dominance as well
You get it wrong @DreSanu, im not mad at anyone, im just pointing the truth. Actually i am happy for it, you have the all traitor countries, will be fun to watch it Smile https://i.hizliresim.com/Dd2NQv.jpg
We did rule the entire world for last year , stop talking and do the same if you can , its the game of strongs and weaks will go down :-P longlive VV
Radical, we are not going to wipe the whole world. We are just going to wipe Georgia.
Dont feed the troll pls
Well Diesel you are already wiping a part of the world, countries who have nothing to do with VV XD
remember everyone! while the 2 big clusters of nations are fighting each other, you can always buy weapons from Coshi, and ships from me Wink happy world war^^
Don t worry, as long France is here, no one strong alliance will stay more than one years : ) Because french are true player who want balance the game all time, not farm player like VV.
or NEMESIS Rapin Smile