გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 05 Jul 2017 10:42 - 50
Hello dear erevollution citizens,
After a long time here, i decided to write a little bit more serious article in this game because of interesting happenings in past weeks, which were results of many things. This will be my personal view on changes so dont blame any country or group for my statements if you dont agree.
Change of Resistance war rules:
This was the first turning point of this game. If you remember the game before this change, we were able to start 1 RW against occupier, and that was possible only after 24h cooldown. Back in those times, Vae Victis was dominating the game, with damage power on their side, in one moment they had a lot of countries with full bonusses (as i remember, in same moment Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Romania had full bonusses, with few more countries close to full). After change of rules, with no cooldown and 1 more possible RW against occupier, things started to changed a bit in game. This change is one of the best moves from admins, change which will not allow any side to rule the world so easy. First of all, with a lot more RW's VV had against them, their damage power was not that strong like in past, lot of their damage went on keeping their resource RW's. And with special OP's enemies were making, simply it was not possible to keep them all. Some of the above mentioned countries lost bonusses, some of them needed to sign agreements and NAPs with enemies in order to keep alive. Mostly cause of those NAP's, and cause of not so united anti VV block, they managed to keep alliance alive for some time. It was hard to unite anti VV block, cause those were countries with a lot of bad experience with VV, and in new war sittuations with VV, even if they had chance to win, at the first sign of problems, they steped back and signed NAP's, which allowed VV to always concentrate damage where they needed it to keep alliance in life. Anti VV block was formed by 2 alliances, and VV skillfuly had most of the time signed NAP with 1 alliance, so having war with other was easy job. This kind of sittuation was happening for some time and people got bored. Smell of the changes was feeling in the air.
Leavings of VV alliance:
When people are bored even if they are on the winning side, they need to change their way of playing or else game will die together with their gameplay pleasure. That was something realised by individuals playing for VV countries. One by one, individuals or even groups of people started leaving VV countries and moving to anti VV block countries or even going to some smaller country and creating their own communities. Later some of those communities joined anti VV block. And this was just the introduction in coming changes, definite turning point of this game, Indonesia and Taiwan were the first countries that left VV, formed new alliance ACE and instantly went in war against VV. That was big hit against VV, i would say unexpected. For example in that time VV had open war against Germany and Portugal, and they werent able to defeat both countries, although both of them are far away from the strongest in game, and except few countries outside Fortuna alliance, that alliance was all alone against VV in that front. New front in Asia made VV a lot of problems, especially for Iran. After a long time they lost some bonusses.
Soon after first leavings, new 2 countries left VV: Bulgaria and USA. After talk with their representatives, my words that they were bored with game sittuation just got confirmation. Some of the countries recognized this move as a great chance to make a final turning point of this game. New alliance called NEMESIS was formed. From that moment, damage of VV became like damage power of their enemies in past month and suddenly roles were switched. They were aware of it, even Kinyas wrote some article where he called remaining VV countries to drop colonies and resource regions because of happenings in game. Interesting thing was that most of them did that, except Turkey. Iran droped their European colonies and stayed definitely without full bonusses, Georgia did the similar thing but Turkey didnt. They are fighting even today to get back their bonusses which NEMESIS countries with special OPs are taking from them. Meanwhile VV tried to do same with Serbia, they suceed in some OPs but that was not even close to brake Serbs economically. Daily income of VV droped down pretty hard, on the other hand Serbian income went up and seems that VV is loosing economical war against enemies. In one moment Brasil also decided to leave VV. All this things also leaded VV to one big mistake. After negotiations with France about NAP, VV representatives negotiated about Iran regions in Europe without knowledge of Iranians. This was big disrespect towards the Iranians from their allies and at the moment there is a voting in Iran for leaving of VV (for now looks like majority of people is for leaving).
RW rule is, as i said, one of the best rules implemented by admins in this game. It will not allow any side to rule the world and to occupy some countries or alliances for longer period of time. And that rule should stay in game, it will only keep interesting gameplay experience. After first time Vae Victis started loosing bonusses and with fact that they are not able to re-gain them so easily, they just proved point of the most people in this game. Vae Victis was for a long time alliance that kept alive only because of bonnusses, after loosing them, things started falling down like the tower of cards. Those countries that left VV at first, and they never was so close for keeping those bonusses deserve some kind of respect. They decided to risk and start new adventure, which was not sure will it be good or bad for them. But they choosed fun instead of being on the wining side. Because of that respect. Some of them are working now with me and my people in same alliance.
Personally i will fight in that alliance for interests of fun in game. NEMESIS shouldnt be revenge alliance. Yes, VV was cancer of this game for some period and we need to defeat them until the end, but when that happens, we should work hard to prevent NEMESIS becoming new VV. I would like to see in near future few alliances in game, with no 1 common enemy, that will make things really interesting, hope that will really happen after summer vacations.
At the end, i dedicate this article to all those individuals, groups, countries that fought hard for a really long period against dominating enemies. Serbs which were deleted few times but always fought back, Croats for strong mpp wars with VV in times they were underdog and overpowered, all occupied countries that fought for fre hard, to my Germans, to Denmark, Greece and many other countries which were against VV for a long time. To my Panzers, OFC, Kumangaard... for never loosing the spirit and always finding a way to make fun. Game is bringing the changes, some friends will become enemies and vice versa, but remember this is just game and we are here to make it interesting for us.
After a long time here, i decided to write a little bit more serious article in this game because of interesting happenings in past weeks, which were results of many things. This will be my personal view on changes so dont blame any country or group for my statements if you dont agree.
Change of Resistance war rules:
This was the first turning point of this game. If you remember the game before this change, we were able to start 1 RW against occupier, and that was possible only after 24h cooldown. Back in those times, Vae Victis was dominating the game, with damage power on their side, in one moment they had a lot of countries with full bonusses (as i remember, in same moment Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Romania had full bonusses, with few more countries close to full). After change of rules, with no cooldown and 1 more possible RW against occupier, things started to changed a bit in game. This change is one of the best moves from admins, change which will not allow any side to rule the world so easy. First of all, with a lot more RW's VV had against them, their damage power was not that strong like in past, lot of their damage went on keeping their resource RW's. And with special OP's enemies were making, simply it was not possible to keep them all. Some of the above mentioned countries lost bonusses, some of them needed to sign agreements and NAPs with enemies in order to keep alive. Mostly cause of those NAP's, and cause of not so united anti VV block, they managed to keep alliance alive for some time. It was hard to unite anti VV block, cause those were countries with a lot of bad experience with VV, and in new war sittuations with VV, even if they had chance to win, at the first sign of problems, they steped back and signed NAP's, which allowed VV to always concentrate damage where they needed it to keep alliance in life. Anti VV block was formed by 2 alliances, and VV skillfuly had most of the time signed NAP with 1 alliance, so having war with other was easy job. This kind of sittuation was happening for some time and people got bored. Smell of the changes was feeling in the air.
Leavings of VV alliance:
When people are bored even if they are on the winning side, they need to change their way of playing or else game will die together with their gameplay pleasure. That was something realised by individuals playing for VV countries. One by one, individuals or even groups of people started leaving VV countries and moving to anti VV block countries or even going to some smaller country and creating their own communities. Later some of those communities joined anti VV block. And this was just the introduction in coming changes, definite turning point of this game, Indonesia and Taiwan were the first countries that left VV, formed new alliance ACE and instantly went in war against VV. That was big hit against VV, i would say unexpected. For example in that time VV had open war against Germany and Portugal, and they werent able to defeat both countries, although both of them are far away from the strongest in game, and except few countries outside Fortuna alliance, that alliance was all alone against VV in that front. New front in Asia made VV a lot of problems, especially for Iran. After a long time they lost some bonusses.
Soon after first leavings, new 2 countries left VV: Bulgaria and USA. After talk with their representatives, my words that they were bored with game sittuation just got confirmation. Some of the countries recognized this move as a great chance to make a final turning point of this game. New alliance called NEMESIS was formed. From that moment, damage of VV became like damage power of their enemies in past month and suddenly roles were switched. They were aware of it, even Kinyas wrote some article where he called remaining VV countries to drop colonies and resource regions because of happenings in game. Interesting thing was that most of them did that, except Turkey. Iran droped their European colonies and stayed definitely without full bonusses, Georgia did the similar thing but Turkey didnt. They are fighting even today to get back their bonusses which NEMESIS countries with special OPs are taking from them. Meanwhile VV tried to do same with Serbia, they suceed in some OPs but that was not even close to brake Serbs economically. Daily income of VV droped down pretty hard, on the other hand Serbian income went up and seems that VV is loosing economical war against enemies. In one moment Brasil also decided to leave VV. All this things also leaded VV to one big mistake. After negotiations with France about NAP, VV representatives negotiated about Iran regions in Europe without knowledge of Iranians. This was big disrespect towards the Iranians from their allies and at the moment there is a voting in Iran for leaving of VV (for now looks like majority of people is for leaving).
RW rule is, as i said, one of the best rules implemented by admins in this game. It will not allow any side to rule the world and to occupy some countries or alliances for longer period of time. And that rule should stay in game, it will only keep interesting gameplay experience. After first time Vae Victis started loosing bonusses and with fact that they are not able to re-gain them so easily, they just proved point of the most people in this game. Vae Victis was for a long time alliance that kept alive only because of bonnusses, after loosing them, things started falling down like the tower of cards. Those countries that left VV at first, and they never was so close for keeping those bonusses deserve some kind of respect. They decided to risk and start new adventure, which was not sure will it be good or bad for them. But they choosed fun instead of being on the wining side. Because of that respect. Some of them are working now with me and my people in same alliance.
Personally i will fight in that alliance for interests of fun in game. NEMESIS shouldnt be revenge alliance. Yes, VV was cancer of this game for some period and we need to defeat them until the end, but when that happens, we should work hard to prevent NEMESIS becoming new VV. I would like to see in near future few alliances in game, with no 1 common enemy, that will make things really interesting, hope that will really happen after summer vacations.
At the end, i dedicate this article to all those individuals, groups, countries that fought hard for a really long period against dominating enemies. Serbs which were deleted few times but always fought back, Croats for strong mpp wars with VV in times they were underdog and overpowered, all occupied countries that fought for fre hard, to my Germans, to Denmark, Greece and many other countries which were against VV for a long time. To my Panzers, OFC, Kumangaard... for never loosing the spirit and always finding a way to make fun. Game is bringing the changes, some friends will become enemies and vice versa, but remember this is just game and we are here to make it interesting for us.
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Slave Anti


chicken s husband approves this!

Lijepo napisano o7

Iranian buying cheap q5 heli on market

Dje su slike? :/


This is great! Thx for summering all that in one article, it makes easier to newcomers to be in touch with world events

alija drogeraš

Pisi cirilicom 

What a great sum

Big vote hater o7

Nice o7

Wasnt France first country to leave VV?

Endorse sam 25 dem, uzeše nam Srbi I hrvati nemačke bonuse pa se nema više od 25 dem 

@Leviatan After RW changes, i didnt consider period before that. But yeah, i forgot about LTU and Ukraine (also thought that happened before RW changes but some people reminded me it was after). Now i am to lazy to edit article : (

France was first country which left vv
for the exact reason u tell : extrem boringness of farmvill

About the poll held by iran s next president, there are ppl against it and it was a hardcore propaganda to boost, but yes we are mad at VV representative for leaving us out of loop

I think with this 2x RW rule and no CD, we are bound to see endless ping-pong wars in best case. We might never see really long wars again, or serious occupations or country wipes if the sides are relatively balanced ... which i think will make the game very boring. It was a good idea to stop a never satisfied dominating alliance and it might prevent a new one from forming and domination the world, but as said before, we will see just boring ping pong fights

It was unreal that 1 side wins mpp battles with keeping RWs. In this way, if you want to go in war, you need to prepare your land for that, which includes droping colonies. If you know how to use game mechanics, even mpp attacks can be succesfull.

It is disrespectful to leave Hungary out of the dedicated countries.

Hungary in this game should not even be mentioned

There are polls in Iran, not voting

RW Rule : eRev became the olympic Ping Pong Competition. Ending VV domination was good, but damn don t let this rule like this, keep the no 24h between each RW but remove the 2 RW at the same time 

This 2 RW rule is horrible. Killed the military module of the game. There are no more real wars, just a boring endless ping pong. It may have had a reason to exist, but it is still awful.

@NieltonCFP, 400+ days stocks was way more fun, right?

You are giving us another prove that games administration is deeply involved in the games affairs and far away of be neutral. This is totally understandable because stability is not what is positive for financial income of the owners of the game. Like it or not, VV was an alliance which brings stability in the game. This stability allows fair economical development of many accounts, without any need for using RL money to buy gold, or to make financial robbery of state s Treasure. It s a well known fact that games administration are not punishing players for this kind illegal boosting accounts, if the players are their favourites. Anyway, there is a way to turn current situation again and rise the power of VV once more, and I hope that their leadership will recognise it. Although I am from the small neutral country, fighting almost every day against them, I can not deny the fact that a few active players from small countries have no right to blackmail many players from the big countries and prevent them to achieve full bonuses for their production. For the end, I wish a luck to games administration, after so many months, they regain control over the game and I will express my hope that you will lose it again, very quickly. Free game for free players!

Right, Levi. Cause the whole point of this game is your entertainment. I would say that the game is alive again at the time. And that is all that matters, right?

Well, the game is about the entertainment. Otherwise, we should stop call this a game, and start to use word BUSINESS.

So... Albania was wiped in a ping-pong war?

Bulgaria and USA got bored, but now they are still on the winning side :thinking: ?

@Levi. Use it. Nobody is stopping you.

Nema BiH nema endorse ali ima vote


@Skynet00 Use it? As the entertainment or as the business?

Although the risk to be boring: just start to count votes on the top articles - most of them have something around the half of the number of the votes on the top articles just half year ago. Who is responsible for this? My impression is stubborn administration + stupid (favourite) players. Maybe it s my mistake, but I doubt about that. Let us start cooperate on this project - game or business, whatever...

You got a new subscriber!

Hail ACE

interesting commentary. vs

levi i just feel like calling you every disgusting name i came to mind, the only reason i dont do it is because the admins that you seem to be against will punish me for it, who the hell are you? you bloody twat, you dont even lift a finger while we fought for months against VV, we did the heavy lifting not the admins, you got some nerve i tell you, do you think we managed to weaken VV just because admins gave us a power boost? ridiculous. you are a despicable human behing, and rest assured, my control with semantics is only because im CP of Portugal, if i was a simply citizen oh boy you have no idea of the things i want to call you right now

so all the hard work put into fighting VV coordinating, spending gold in supplies getting people to fight together for a common goal, organizing alliances brokering deals, that was all admins? give me efin break you are just pissing on everybody hard work, both VV side and anti VV

Marcial, learn to read. Did you read what is written in the article? One of the moderators is so happy, because administration somehow managed with changing the rules to help you to win VV. And now, they are proud because of this. So, please read the article also, not just my comments. I know that they are much more interesting than a serious effort made by the author, but still, you have to know what is the topic and to understand why did I wrote, what is here. Ofc, FIRST READ THE ARTICLE

I see I need a simple form to help some players to understand. Here is an example. Marcial and I are playing football. He is better player and winning the game. But I am the owner of the ball, and the playground, so I am claiming the right to change the rules. So I will make as forbidden to score with right foot, after that with the left foot, after that... What s so ever... Marcial love to play football and he is accepting every changes, just to stay in the game and have a chance to win. But, in the end he lose :-( And I am writing an article how I managed to win the game against Marcial. This is what is about in this article. Erev today and fictional football game between me and my friend Marcial is the same. If you win fair and square, I will congratulate. But, when you are using power to change the game in order to win, do not expect my applause.

No, this article is not about how we won the game as you claim.
This article is about change of rules, which are same for all players in the game btw, and my personal opinion about them.
Your last sentence in previous comment doesnt have a sence since you are giving applause to alliance which used power to dominate in this game.

I am sorry, Antinational, coss I didn t express myself clearly about using the power. I was pointing on the power of the game owners, power to change the rules of the game. This kind of power is reserved only for the game owners, what makes you unfair as a players and terrible as the game owners (abandoning the neutral position in the game is completely wrong move. Comparing to fictional football match between Marcial and me, I am putting you as the referee, and your role is on the paper to ensure following the rules. But in the reality, Marcial is an extraordinary player and we (you, as referee and me) are working together, so you are playing side by side with me, explaining in the article how I change the rules and how this is helping us to win the game. After all, you are explaining others how unfair is Marcial because he is an unstoppable player, and he is using his virtuosity to win the game, but NO, WE are better than him, because of the fact that we will fairly change the rules and try to make an mission impossible for Marcial to win this game.

the rules should be changed from time to time to force people to adapt and anti gave his opinion based as a player experience not as a mod wich is diferent from admin, mods have no say in changing game rules. about your metaphor, there is no wining the game here, there is no end goal, this is a constant ever changing game because we the players wich are human are the main factor and i will keep telling you the only reason VV is a shell of what it used to be is do to the players that fought against them, scheemed against them, lost ours of sleep, dedicated themselves and fought like brave people, even VV leadership says they are this way becaue they were greedy with bonuses and failed to adapt in due time like they are doing now, VV is not finished, far from it, they are finaly adapting and most of them are finaly having some fun because they are challenged, you think you are defending them but you dont even know how they feel about it, try spending a bit more time talking to people instead of repeating the same thing over and over again, (yes i remember you saying the same stuff months ago) and by the way the same rules apply to both of us if you cant score with your legs you should adapt and score with someting else no one has imagined yet thats what ppl in high positions here do, adapt and come with new strategies to counter their enemies, the ones who adapt faster have an edge

Interesting point of view, Marcial. So, in my imagination you could be excellent player as Ronaldo in Football, but because you are so better than others, let us change the rules and start playing football with the hands, instead of legs, because.... It is to boring to play for the players who are unable to match you? Challenging should be a sport for the weaker players to find a way to improve their skills in the game. Instead of this we will have here constant changes in order to prevent better to dominate Erev world. Game without the goals is what? Every game should have an end, or at least the next stage. Game without the winner is just an exercise. So far I can see here an eruption of Egomaniacal behaviour and countless insults on one or another way. People will not tell you what they feel, they will show you with their actions. I can admit a differences between two of us, but I don t need to hate you, or to insult you. My goal is to recognise and show when people are unfair, when they are trying to pretend as the friends, although they have only one thing on the mind, how to use other people. Exposing them has another purpose, giving a boost in intention to get over this and change ourselves by avoiding wrong manners and decisions.