Honor tlansation from polish to english.

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Poland - ომის ანალიზი - 20 Jul 2017 08:00 - 13

Last time we could read in one newspaper that Ukrainians dont know word "honor". 

Lets check last moovments of Polish government. They asked France to block Germans* on their cores. They had just given their regions for free to not to let Germans* make any attack on their core regions. I am just asking, where is your honor? Why don't you want to defend your cores by yourself. I think Poland should be wiped soon without any german* heli burnt. They will sell all of their cores.

@Shenici Sad, isn't it? 

To every Polish player, change ur goverment becouse they r scared of  fight and they are just stealing  gold from the budget, arguing with and harrasing political enemies. 

@Raczek I am w8ing 4 another erasure of mine article. 

Lets make Warsaw burnt!!

This picture presents Polish King, Jan III Sobieski, who wiped all Turks out of Europe in XVII age. I think Poles, u should do the same as your former king did.

See u on battlefield.

Upsi, have forgotten.
u dont fight, u r just giving regions for 3.


PeakyKavehLoving Pabl0Giovanno69

კომენტარები (13)

Rząd oddaje Polskę kawałek po kawałku w ogóle nie biorąc udziału w bitwach. Mam tu na myśli członków rządu - ONI NIE WALCZĄ w obronie kraju. Skoro oni nie walczą to po co walczy reszta kraju? Po co obywatele walczą w tej wojnie skoro cały rząd nie bierze w niej udziału?
Fajnie, fajnie, każdy ma Cię w dupie i tego wyżej też
To po co się odzywasz?
Tak, żeby Ci przypomnieć, że jesteś zerem Laugh
1-france was already in poland ..with 2 regions and 2- i find Poland honour fighting 4vs 1 ...who will be 5th ..6th maybe ??
@AlbRevolution everybody know that they have no balls to attack stronger country so they attack Poland second time in a row with many countries Laugh What a shame!Laugh
Loland Laugh
Ambru dzięki. Na Niemiecki ból zwieraczy jest tylko jedno lekarstwo - butapirazol. Dla twojego bosa mam chusteczki. Dobierzcie jeszcze kogoś do ataków bo siara będzie jak nas nie skasujecie.
@Mordor to lekarstwo nazywa się amboruzol
German talking about cores while more than half of germans cores aren t theirs, uninstall this game pls, cheers.
We r not farmers, we r wariors.
@Mordor, butapirazol na ból dupy nie pomoże, ale jeśli ambru bolą stawy czy też kręgosłup to jak najbardziej. ;D
Boli mnie dupa jednak.. @Tomek dawaj do nas do Niemiec xD powojujemy sobie;p