გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United Kingdom - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 23 Feb 2016 10:50 - 70
1. The server has been optimized and is now running faster than ever.
2. The list for searching the countries is easier to use, a great proposal that came from community. Simply type in the letters of the country and proposals of the countries come up.

3. The map has been improved, another proposal from community: When you click on a resource of the region, the region stays marked and you are able to get information of it and travel there by clicking on its name, directly from the map view.

4. We have noticed some spreading of fake information that the game will be restarted. Do not fear, we do NOT plan to restart the game, your hard work is not in vain.
Best Regards,
eRevollution Team

The_French_Tickler_777Kuruc2FibonnacciNipiusPatroklosკომენტარები (70)

Nice job, and put missions too as u said

Good job! o7


Thank you admins ! 



good voted

put some missions


nice work.
And now we need missions

voted o/

Good job o/

Voted mission pls

Sub 198, sub back. S4S


Thanks a lot, it increases the gameplay much and show you listen to the players: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2877

http://prntscr.com/a71euc a lot of fishes i suppose, right? hue hue hue hue

Delete the strenght that some people bought it from your

good updates admins GJ GJ


bring back top georgian players !!!!!


More weekly events plz

More Events, not Weekly Events!

more week events!!! keep up the good job

nice job

change mission of make a food factory, pls.

Delete the strenght that some people bought it from your x2

Another suggestion: Make the url links on chat and article comments clickable. If it goes to an external site you could make a warning, but I'd like to access an article or newspaper by just clicking the url posted.


Error Create http://oi68.tinypic.com/rh3b4y.jpg


when you play in mobile, frequently when you press to join a battle, to eat food, to see storage, to go main page, etc.. wherever you click, you go to phone main page. check this please because it consumes me a lot of data trying to fight on my phone


Keep update, I know you work hard, dont give up! 

we want weekly events e.e

nice work admins and give us missions.

nice work admins and revoke the Albanian President please. He is corrupted


Georgian Flag
good luck!

GJ , we want weekly events 

Nice job

It looks nice 

Delete the strenght that some people bought it from your x3

Very good work (°.°)7

Very good job, especially for the server optimizing. o7 But since the game is still young, weekly events or missions or whatever that rewards players is needed (non-visa players especially need good economy in early days in order to develop)


i playd this game 40 days and you ban ALL strong ACCs in georgia thanks admin GOOD jOB

put new missions..

Administrator ,you must develop the Chat section. Adamı hasta etme

nice work


Make it playable on androids!

Sory, u can recover it in upper right corner, I didnt see it before.

UNBAN Georgian Top Players

Delete the strength that some people bought it from you x5

Delete the strength that some people bought it from you x6

i tak....

Admin add bonus dmg on DO 


Nice. Now give us some missions.

MISSIONS- and no gold or cc as a price. Exp is sufficient.

@admin take damage in battle for citizenship and not by the ubicacion


what's that ? http://prntscr.com/a7ey2b