გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Iran - ომის ანალიზი - 01 Nov 2017 22:10 - 85

There's no better way to start this article than using a screenshot of what ACE did a few days ago. After very little preparation our alliance did the final operation to accomplish our last goal: to capture Iran's capital.¡Y bien! Aquí estás ya..., sobre la plancha
donde el gran horizonte de la ciencia
la extensión de sus límites ensancha.
Many of you might think that doing that amount of overkill was simply out of place, but ACE had an objective and ACE delivered. Where you see a 43.7B overkill from ACE we see a 89.5B overkill from our enemies, where you see a lot of damage wasted we just see the final victory of the alliance:

ACE did what we proposed to do, we took France capital then we did the same to Iran, and with doing so ACE accomplished all their objectives and we, as an accomplished alliance, have only one thing left to do. Myself, as acting chairman of the alliance, declare Asia Counter Empire alliance disbanded.
In the following days citizens from some countries in the alliance will start to leave the game, and there's no point on having a death country confederation. Instead, ACE believes that, quoting an old movie, we all should live fast, die young and have a good looking corpse.Aquí está ya... tras de la lucha impía
en que romper al cabo conseguiste
la cárcel que al dolor te retenía.

We have accomplished the impossible and we cannot see a way to make things more dramatic from now, so instead of letting ACE descend into darkness we decided to do the right thing and leave at the peak of our greatness, looking at our foes being forever outshined by our final blast. ACE decided to let you prosper in the absence we'll left behind, and give you a chance to try emulate what we, a small alliance, has done.
It takes a lot of courage to do what ACE did, and we expect all our enemies and friends around to understand our decision. ACE will no longer live but the memory of us shall survive.
There's not much to say to those leaving more than we see you as the best allies. We managed to have a brotherhood who could beat alliances if we proposed to do so. But today, as we reach our 5 months together the story ends. To finalize, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, I have only one thing left to say you: farewell and thank you for all you did, we will never forget you and you will always have a home with us.¡Miseria y nada más!, dirán al verte
los que creen que el imperio de la vida
acaba donde empieza el de la muerte.
Today, with new members in ACE and the ones staying we are prepared to have a new era, one we hope to bring new experiences and joy to our members. With Mexico leading and the remaining players of ACE we hope to bring the world another blast, and so, as ACE dies a new cycle starts, and from the dead corpse of our alliance a new one shall rise.¡Pero no!..., tu misión no está acabada,
que ni es la nada el punto en que nacemos,
ni el punto en que morimos es la nada.
Que al fin de esta existencia transitoria
a la que tanto nuestro afán se adhiere,
la materia, inmortal como la gloria,
cambia de formas; pero nunca muere.
MlraclEMountainG 4 M p3trOs V E RInglourious BasterdsAjkeNKavehVortxAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralprofetineVokasieVokasieVokasieVokasieVokasimrcowdk3dknightკომენტარები (85)



It was an honour being a part of this journey. Thanks to all friends and enemies. We shall meet again somewhere else. Adios o7

Farewell, brothers o7

Everything was brilliant at the beginning until understand to be puppet of strong side. I am sure this alliance disbanding cuz of nemesis start to lose and looking way for be friend with horizon countries.. Too sad guys. Too cheap politic. ACE was never Neutral. They just afraid from Nemesis. Be honest..

@AtropatesS enjoy your life in this game, good luck

Yeah,enjoy the 100% from USA dude nobody cares about Log Horizon.

Atro lier:3


Its pathetic to see the brain washed mind always using the word puppet. You have to accept the fact that there are people who willing to fight against you not because they are puppet, but because what you did draw people to hate you, you are just an asshole

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Said by Iranian, master of manipulating puppet

leave Atro alone he is a good guy but playing another game 

@Weon Flux don t know to speak spanish :V

I am lier? Ok then lets tell the everyone who stoped u when u want to attack Usa when we did.
And one more question. If u r not puppet why u answer me we need to be with nemesis cuz we have no enough population and strengh whilei blame u not to be Neutral as u say.
But if u say again i am lier i can share logs of that talks and so all world can see who is lier!!

Jajajaja Atro lier:d

JAJAJAJAJA is real, are you knows about history retard? USA take this regions a lot of years ago in RL idiot. Jajajaja

gl :^)

don t post my vivitam pic here plz

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

stop demonstrating how many multis you have LOL

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Adios o7

I think even the gringos know that those are jokes, iranian retard spy 😂😂😂😂😂

Oh no the multi army is spamming D:
So scared

Ok then that gringos thinking thats is joke... What about Venezuela?? R they think same?? Now stfu and continue as a puppet.

Venezuela and we will fix our marital problems, something that will never happen to you, liar, manipulator, Iranian spy:p

wait for us to be drain in Serbia front , then Attack on 5 am ! how courage you have , lets see what will you next time , when we didnt go for serbia first and directly come for you , as president said Iran will never step in Europe and West Again , Guess Why ? 

And i am not apy or smthng like that of anyone. I am Turk not iranian and just friend with 3 iranian player. I just did 1 wrong decision. That was stop Iran and Turkey while they dow to ACE. I secure ur ass. U should thanks to me. But i know u will not so dont worry and just wait. U will understand what i mean xd

Iranian spy alv

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

xd as i said honorless shameless ppl

after all, do you think we will care what you do next? should i care about your feeling? and waste months to wait you come to wipe us? most of the players are gone, enjoy your good dream here, we are going back to real life and enjoy our life

tak tung tung .. o/

i think we all losers here


Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more


Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more 👌🏻

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Ultramagic my young padowan you are so cool xD

Oh, iranian kitties can t defead ACE so make a lot of spam...so cute! ☆.
Anyway have a good game in this death world. Make your ego fly with your multies stock, we are done .cya

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Holy shit multis army D:

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more.

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

En todas parrtes las marionetas siempre.............. hay wey ya hasta me lo aprendi, jajaja (°.°)7
Saludos Diviértanse a donde sea que emigren (°.°)/

good parrots o7

so instead of admitting after using ur 2 years worth of stocks, which is only thing u have along with ur time-zone, u decided to ran away from your opponents, u ve made a cover by using the l excuses like ,,we ll go back to rl,, etc... nice try Mountain but I m not buying it ^_^
see you soon on your capital. each and every one of ex-ACE countries.

There are people that I like a lot in ACE but I wish you guys could pick a harder ultimate goal. Attacking a country in the middle of tough campaign is not quite memorible action, if that is the point. Also, I dont know why people keep saying ACE claimed to be neutral. ACE is founded against Iran and completed its mission. Good luck those who will leave the game, it was fun.

Tu no eres el vinculo!

წვრილთვალება ინდონეზიელები,ცინელები და დანარჩენები ნახეეე..

bahahahahah that was funny good luck with that

Yes, indeed, this battle will be remembered as Pirro s victory over Rome. ... but then does a bad end.....I forgot, it will be remembered as a stupid battle

Now i got un-mute and Atro got t. banned, its good to know there are still justice in this game.
To be honest like Kinyas says we were never neutral. We were founded while we were attacking Iran, and it was more than one time we heavily insulting the Iranian cats, i think that is very obvious already?

@Ikta Solork you are saying Turkey and Iran?

Am I the only one who remembers ,,neutrality,, talks of ACE? Because you were quite sure about it...
@Mountain dunno, we ll see :^)

Ace has left the building

Everywhere and always the puppet is a puppet, not more

Kinda feels like kids buzzing your door and running away claiming it their victory, it s annoying sure but as REAL asians say :The monk may run but the temple shall remain

OMG, Iraqi players are nervous, ACE managed to get 2 capitals alone, so iraqi players should be quiet