გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Germany - საბრძოლო ბრძანებები - 03 Feb 2018 05:00 - 15

1) Baltic Union will regain all cores when time comes.Estonia cores immediatly.
2) Baltic Union will pay 300 gold compensation(symbolic).
3) Baltic Union will not fight or start any Scandinavia Empire Rw s.
4) If Scandinavian Empire lost a region because of Rw, Baltic Union won t take that region.
5) If Scandinavian Empire lost an Latvian-Lithuanian region on RW, Scandinavia dw at that region and Baltic Union won t defend that region
6) Scandinavian Empire wont send DoW to Baltic Union, there is an exception on 5.
7) Baltic Union wont send DoW to Scandinavia Empire.
8) If Nap isnt broken and Scandinavian empire not at war with another country which member of Atlas/Nemesis, Scandinavia Empire must release all Baltic Union regions at day 814.At day 784 Baltic Union must regain, 1 regions from Latvia(Latgale) and 1 regions from Lithuania(Lithuanian Highland).
9) At first month of nap Atlas/Nemesis countries won't attack directly to Scandinavian Empire and vice versa
10) This Nap valid till day 814+ two months if both parties agree to.
11) If the treaty breaks, it will pay1000 gold indemnities to side which breaks it
Cp of Scandinavia Empire chicagolupanpa
SoFA of Nemesis/Atlas Governador
MC of Nemesis/Atlas DrethGar

კომენტარები (15)


Signed, Archbishop of Perpetual Deliverance




Dobicu proliv od ovih imperija...

SoFA of Nemesis/Atlas Governador
MC of Nemesis/Atlas DrethGar
dddddddddd aahahahahaahahahahaha

great o7

Signed Mc atlas

Invalid ! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/31024




Signed by Slave Bender