გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Germany - ომის ანალიზი - 25 Apr 2018 08:35 - 15
ZerstorerZerstorerZerstorerMaeveMukhraniPeakydk3dknightკომენტარები (15)

It was a bugged war so it was fixed.

Ah -bugged war-, right, and no possibility of declaring a war on Germany, either, very convenient.

Germany was bugged and the DoW s against Germany were not removed because of this. After that Germany got back on map but the DoW was still active. Poland should have reported this before the war was launched (or after it was launched without dow at least). But it is okay because I m sure Poland didnt notice this, very convenient.

No, admins should have programmed the game better. I don t see why Poland should do admin s work. It s not Poland s fault at all. When opportunity arose there was no possibility (and I reckon only now there is) to declare a war, only an attack was an option, so an attack was launched, obviously.

The game is already programmed well. Bugs happen with even the best software. Our job is fixing them ASAP. Players are expected to report bugs when they notice it, not exploit it. Germany reported the bug so they knew it was going to be fixed; now they have the initiative. If Poland reported it, Poland would have the initiative right now; it is just a small reward for honesty 

-The game is already programmed well-
So well I can t use enters, apostrophes or quotation marks in comments, shouts or PM s. It is really not Poland s obligation to check whether something is at anytime bugged. I don t see why should anyone in Poland check, after the war was closed, whether it really was closed or just pretend-closed because the game is oh-so-well programmed. Also in civilized world we always operate on presumption of innocence, so implying that any party was dishonest or that another one was more honest than the former is just inappropriate, especially when it s uttered by someone who holds some degree of power in this game.
So, once again, maybe now it ll be easier to comprehend: 1. There is an RW in Danish region. Poles are not to fight there, only one loose cannon about to leave the game (I wonder why) fights against orders. However, despite his efforts, it looks like the RW is going to be defended. --- 2. Later on Bosnians step in and liberate the region, to everyone s surprise, leveling huge wall. --- 3. Polish CP rushes in to declare a war on Germany, not because Germany could be first, but because Bosnia could. German DoW was proposed 12 hours later, it s irrelevant, goes to show how well oriented you re in this whole situation. Polish CP cannot propose that DoW, it turns out that the war is already opened, for whatever reason. --- 4. Obviously, Polish CP launches an attack. --- 5. Moderators -fix- the bug (LOL) by closing the war, but not closing the DoW proposed by Bosnia (and Germany) even though Poland, despite their best efforts, couldn t do anything about it..

You were making implications yourself, why do you get angry when I make the same kind of implications? I am not saying one side is more honest than the other, I m saying that cooperating with us in such issues always has benefits. This is exactly why you should report any bug when you notice it, because if you dont, someone else will. Anyway I m not here to argue, I just wrote all that so people who read this article can find out what s going on.

Germany strong

You are the one who said that Germany was rewarded for their honesty which is an implication that Germany is, at least, more honest than Poland in this case (if not that Poland was dishonest), which is an arbitrary and groundless notion. By the time you read the report about Poland not being able to declare a war, Bosnia would have proposed their DoW (nor suffering any bugs) ten times. What admins should have done is quit judging -honesty- and rewarding (wtf?) for some alleged acts of said honesty (which in fact was just convenience in case of unaffected parties), and really FIX the bug by closing all DoW s, or opening all of them at the same time, or setting a race at an exact hour on which all DoW s can be proposed again. But that s probably too difficult of a task to perform.

dishonorable country #Loland

cmoon, Loland, there is clearly bug happened ( same happened with Canada), Hesse was free, and just 1 minute after battle you attacked Germany, which cant be done, since Germany was deleted and all dows was deleted also.So first thing should be sending Dow to Germany, your CP didnt do that, on other hand German CP send dow to Loland, so enjoy.

not fixed yet!!!!

Germany is bugged country in this game. Stop losing your time about this issue.

-So first thing should be sending Dow to Germany, your CP didnt do that- ------------- Because he couldn t?

Germany is adminland, deal with it, especially Crying Fernandes