supermanager1 Lottery #11

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 20 Jun 2018 19:53 - 5

Welcome to the eleventh edition of the supermanager1 Lottery. Would you believe that we have already ped ten editions?

First place: AMHS (#25)
Second place: FYNh (#31)
Third place: Gabrielz Horn (#24)

Links to the screenshots (in order of first to third):

    You MUST endorse this article for 25 CC to be entered.
    All other endorsement amounts will be counted as donations to the lottery pot.
    Leave a number from 1-40 in the comments section below.
Play the supermanager1 Lottery to win:

If there are 3 or more participants:
     1. 50% of the total revenue from this article
     2. 30% of the total revenue from this article
     3. 20% of the total revenue from this article

If there are 2 participants:
     1. 60% of the total revenue from this article
     2. 40% of the total revenue from this article
If there is 1 participant:
  1. 100% of the total revenue from this article

    supermanager1 News will provide the link to the screenshot of the drawing. 
    At times of dispute about this service, supermanager1 News has the last say.
    Endorsing this article multiple times will not allow you multiple lottery numbers. Any money gained from extra endorsements will be added to the lottery pot.

    If supermanager1 News has enough of your country s currency to pay you your winnings, you will be paid in your country s currency.If supermanager1 News does not have enough of your country s currency, you will be paid in gold at the USA monetary market rate (keeping the rate consistent for everyone).

The next drawing will take place on Day 900. Good luck!


AMHSsesebiGabrielz HornGabrielz HornBarackStarTricky Dick

კომენტარები (5)
