გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Hungary - ომის ანალიზი - 18 Jul 2018 02:58 - 35
Dear my allies!
Szopjatok le... WTF???

VadgesztenyeDon Juan CorleoneTarsiprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszprogabeszHuMaViAce EconomistAntPrincessZeptanight00KunkkaDandelion Mestersasa11K o BPunisher987ShooT1praetorianus74praetorianus74praetorianus74Gottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonSCAMSCAMSOLARXanderHuang Diკომენტარები (35)

Már látom ahogy a szövetség tagjai zokogva térdre borulva esedeznek bocsánatunkért amiatt, mert nem értek ide a csatára. Egyes hírek szerint sorompót kaptak; meg közlekedési dugóba is kerültek; meg a sarki ABC-ben nagy volt a sorban állás; meg épp Orbán Viktor beszédét hallgatték a rádióban; meg-meg-meg... Nem tehetnek sajnos róla, hogy elkéstek...

Engem is

ezek a k*rva délelőttök általában akkor nem jók senkinek, amikor nekünk van csatánk.

Érdekes, mi a nap bármelyik szakában tudunk/tudtunk ütni nekik...

Hungary do what you think is best for you. If you recall when I was CP of Serbia we were in very good relation. But I really beleive you dont deserve to be in alliance that gave you less dmg that Serbia in your top prio battle while you give your best for your allies.

Serbia is now getting scared and started propaganda etc. We have given more damage in other battles and to be fair you are asking Hungary to give up trusted allies and join Serbia? Which btw gave all the damage away to start a propaganda campaign about how you gave the most damage instead of helping your own allies? Pathetic

Én a kepalairast torolnem. Anélkül ütősebb!

golube prevodi

this is funny, a hungarian publish an article about lack of alliance support to hungary and some guy says its serbian propaganda 🤔

It is actually. As much as I appreciate Hungary s frustration they can see the bigger picture. When an ally is hit by 4 different angles we had to support them. Serbia s propaganda starts when they pick one isolated battle show off their damage and expect Hungary to join an alliance that is in effect begging for help. Hungary is strong and you need it to keep your alliance alive this is why you promote this. I am very sorry Hungary speak to our leaders and resolve the issue. One mistake is not what the alliance is all about.

There is no commucation left in countries. Almost everyone who still play this game are kinda two clickers and they just pick random battle, hit and leave. If there is still any kind of communication channel between MoDs, please urge them to shout such important battles in country chats in game.

Next time send me PM for DMG... i sell 30 bil dmg 

That was great battle Hungary. Respect. Unluckily for you, you allies dont care about you.
Good luck o/

Serbia shoot for you more than all your ally togheder
its so sad 

Zsolti szerintem berakhatod a tengeri csatát is mellé

Melóban vagyok, nem tudtam menteni. Ha valakinek megvan a kép tegye ki.

Invating Hungary to 18+

If a friend need help , he just have to say , its nothing wierd if we trust in them
there is too many fronts and battles right now , we respect and like hungary and support them if they need anything that we can provide !!!

exactly, but Serbs found a great opportunity to brainwash people from one isolated battle. They been shouting all day long Bosnia out Hungary in. IF they can sell out their allies this quickly I wouldn t join them. Also 1 battle doesn t show the support given in any other countries. Finally Hungary had 6 battles open at the same time and Brazil 4 where to hit first. Serbs no offense we are at war with Bosnia not you if you want to kick them out kick them out you don t need a replacement. Or you do?

Elior mangas

You are looking for allies on dead game lol

`Dear Hungary, you ve shown your power, please, please join us` Sure, allies were alerted (at least in Panzer) but only two were online, we did what we could.

the_passenger if you have something to say to me speak English please.
Obviously you want Hungary in your alliance, because your alliance is losing fights every day LOL.

Elior miluje manga

the 36 milions are mine 

Need more communication with allies?

Sen istiyor duj? Verecek 100dolar

yes I love you too, not just manga

I like to read manga and eat mango

Papaj mi papaju hahahahaha

Elior papaj nam papaju

kids can t make a reasonable argument and reply will silly thinngs

Elior sapunjas li macora?