გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 29 Sep 2018 05:26 - 115
First of all, we apologize for our technical issues which caused problems in game and your tactics, we fixed it and we hope that won’t happen again.Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Over the past several months we listened to your advice for improvement of our game and talked with some of you about ideas which we found interesting. If you have more ideas feel free to share it with us on mail or by ticket. Now we announce you big update and some surprises which will come on day 1000 !
In short lines we will make next updates:
- Military Units Tournament
Changing resource on map
Training Ground for beginners
New weapon Company (Aircraft)
New equipment set
Opening new server eRevollution II
Searching for new Moderators

All Military Units will have option to participate in the tournament. The tournament begins on Saturday, 06th of October and concludes on Sunday, 13th of October. Rewards will be awarded to top 10 Military units and to top 10 Soldiers when the event concludes. Top 10 Military Units will also receive Gold Mine when event is finished.
Rank is achieved by doing damage in a battle for your Military Unit.
Players will not be able to change or leave military unit from Saturday, 06th of October to Monday, 22th of October. Players who are not in a Military Unit will still be able to join a Military Unit until tournament starts and have a chance to participate in the tournament.

A lot of you demanded to change resources on map, so we decided to do it. We decided to decrease number of rare resources. Example of old and new resources:

We try to make it as hard as possible for you to collect all bonuses, so we spread it all around the eWorld. Let a war for new bonuses begin. We won’t change the number of regions, add new countries nor delete some countries.

Beginner Academy
Players who have less than 20 000 Intelligence points will receive 60 Intelligence points daily until they reach 20 000.

Beginner Camp
Players who have less than 23 000 Strength will receive 60 Strength points daily until they reach 23 000. Players between 23 000- 25 000 Strength will receive 50 points daily until they reach 25 000 Strength points.
New weapon Company (Aircraft)

We are introducing you a new company which will produce new product, Aircraft Company. To rise up Aircraft Company you need to have Quality 5 Helicopter Company and Quality 5 Warship Company. If you want to produce Aircraft in company, on pair days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) you need to use weapon raw materials, and your production on that day will depend on the weapon bonus of the country you work in. On unpair days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday), you need to use ship raw materials, and the production will depend on the ship bonus of the country you work in. The maximum production will be the same as in Helicopter/Warship company (max 20 for q1, q2 and q3, max 40 for q4 and q5). Example: Cuba has 40% weapon bonus, and 80% ship bonus. On Monday, Cuba will have 80% maximum aircraft production, and on Tuesday 40%. This company can not be sold on company market.

Aircraft is weapon which will be able to hit in land and naval wars. This new weapon will have same damage bonus for fight in land and naval.
Leather set

We are introducing new equipment set:
- Military Suit

- Military Pants

-Military Boots

-Military Gloves

-Military Helmet

We will have both old and new equipment sets in game, difference between those two is in bonus which you get from it, see table below.

In game store you can buy new equipment or change old part of equipment Quality 5 for new part of equipment, but Quality 3. For example if you have Leather Hat Quality 5 and you go to store you will be able to change it for Military Helmet Quality 3.
I you want to rise Quality of your new equipment you can use Blue stone or Pink stone, ods will remain same for both equipment sets, Pink stone can be dropped in battle with same chance like before(we won’t change that part).
Dear players, we are introducing a new server eRevollution II. It will be opened on day 1000. On the same day we will present new updates which were prepared for you. We put lots of time and effort creating this server, collecting advices and ideas from our players. All that in purpose to improve our game and make you happier.
We won’t reveal whole gameplay but here are some of the changes:
- Equipment will be removed
- There won’t be naval regions and naval Companies and Weapons are removed
- Intelligence attribute is removed
- World Map will be changed and number of regions is decreased
- Decreased number of companies and number of companies that each player can have
- Graphical changes
- And much more
Once again we are looking for new moderators.
To apply you have to meet certain demands:
- Age above 20 years
Must be available at least 3-4 hours a day
Must be active as much as possible
Good English knowledge
Must be without a ban
When applying we urge you to write about yourself as much as possible, like where you come from, how old you are, how much time you have, what you do, if you had any previous
experience with being a Moderator. The better you introduce yourself,
the better chance you have to be selected as a Moderator.
Some questions to answer, for better application:
- Do you have experience with Moderating in any game?
Are you a quick learner?
Have you ever been banned in eRevollution?
Do you have a job?
Do you have access to computer at least 3-4 hours per day?
Do you play the game via mobile or computer?
Are you active in Skype?
What is the reason which made you send us application for moderator position?
What do you believe you can really contribute to our moderation team?
Describe your character.
We wish you guys good luck and lots of fun playing our game,
eRevollution Team

Kame SenninCacique PariaguanFK_Lokomotiva_BiHMODangerouSBATRANUL99EXPLOplue5CitraMoNSnoopy The DogNSCynკომენტარები (115)

pozdrav bratu tovaru o/


I just got back ..now i have to go again 😐😐

eRev II ?? Did this game is a success? Now i feel sad for all those Aholes who thought there will be some improvement, the above article is declaration of defeat.
Whoever wrote this article can commit a suicide 

Biri türkçeye çevirsin reyizler

dal ste vi normalni da vas covek samo pita?

a đe su popusti?

koja urednost pisanja clankajbt zivot hahaha

Biri türkçeye çevirsin reyizler

a gde je pečat?

Amk senin admin

Ahahahah its time to leave this shit called erevovllution ahahah new company ahahahah and when we took bonuses from ufbg you will shufle bonuses ahahahah fuck you game what u w8 2fucking years with shufle?

where is table for aircraft damage?

V !!

I think the New equipment set is useless because the old one wont be used anymore.

Grafikleri bile göremiyoruz amk

sonunda yeni server 

Erevollution 2? so, there will be no more updates for erevollution? well, you re not gonna see me spending any more money on this game.


Svaka čast. Samo napred.

Training ground for begginers - Ok,sure,could help
Military unit tournament - Kinda making the rich and strong richer and stronger,new units don t stand a chance,but sure,OK with it.
Resource change - Uhm...sure
New equipment and weapon - wot,why?How am i supposed to afford a Q5 bombing company?Sell my house?
New moderators - sure,we need em
New server - who exactly wanted that?

Am i the only one that cant see the table damage for the new aircraft?




where are discounts?????????????????

Akşam babandan isteyecez seni


skype is shitty. why not discord or slack?

I have read in discord most of these changes being proposed by players (for good or bad), so at least we can t put all the bad ideas on the adm.
-I like the idea about shuffling and reducing the resources (should keep wars open)
-MU tournament meh, unless there are good prices announced upfront
-Beginner training meh, new ppl don t come a lot but really doesn t affect the rest
-New company, sounds interesting although there currently is a large shortage of weapons so it might take a peace period for it to boom
-Change of equipment meh, but lol. Almost no one will be able to achieve those with the current pink stone drop rate so it should t affect the rest of us
-New server. Some players asked for it but I think its bad idea. Out of the ppl that are really active here (play +2 hours a day) the majority did not want it and wont migrate over. So you are splitting your player base with the inactive ones going to the new server and the rest of us staying here with less players.


@rontow, most of the updates announced, resource shuffle, mu tournament, new weapon and eq are all for this server, what exactly made you think that there are *no updates for this server* 

Cheaters, haven t seen eqipment in months.

Military Units Tournament
Changing resource on map
Training Ground for beginners
New weapon Company (Aircraft)

I already spent a lot of time for there to build my account. I wont play in new server.

Another company - not in for that. Last time when they changed all my ship q5 companies to subs was a lousy idea

Training Ground for beginners?? Do you have any beginners at all?

Definitely no need for new server. It will kill game.


v c

you already have erev 2 :journal:

what a brilliant idea, start from 0 new server, new citizens, New goals + need for gold = VISA
I can not wait anymore I want to buy gold now😂

Can you write the link of imgur for equipement set ? I can t open in new window

New server is bad idea.

I think it is better if you close this server and not opening a new one xD This all new updates have no sense! I was hoping for discounts and now we get this sh*t? Ah, no future in this game 😩

instead of a rollback, back then, when game commited suicide and lost many and active players it΄s easier now to launch a new server? :facepalm:


Military Units Tournament = strong and rich will become stronger and richer *****
New weapon Company (Aircraft) = and in the future diminishing the significance of helis, as you did with ships when you transformed them into submarines? What about people who have tens or hundreds of thousands of those items? *****
New equipment set = biggest LOL, screw you everyone who spent a fortune assembling a neat Q5 set, and if they remain in the game and acquire all Q5 military items, then please add an exoskeleton set next ***** Opening new server eRevollution II = thats not a stupid idea (for you), theres plenty of people who are still going to give you their money, Im sure

As always my comment has been edited and devastated by your genius censorship engine. We would be much happier if you finally let us format our comments and shouts the normal way, instead of all these updates no one needs and no one wants. But who cares anymore really..

Two questions: one, what about RPG? Now Q5 helis and ships have a 3x damage multiplier? Will bombers get 4x now and RPG is to be raised to 5x, or how it will be?
Second: Admin please give us the right drop chance for both blue and pink stones! We do not care if they are extremely low but do not lie to us!! We already now that the real chance is just a small fraction of that you had given when they had been implemented.


Those stones were introduced at the end of 2017. I completed all but two weekly challenges (this means more than 40 weeks times 10,000 hits and also a few weeks back when you needed 5,000 hits to complete the challenge which amounts to nearly 500,000 hits total) and I never received a single drop.

why did you steal me GOLD

fudbal menadzer igra na koja se zarabotuva pari,ako ima zainteresirani neka isat poraka ke im objasnam sve

+ 1 ktab
+1 bikkin

RPG will remain strongest weapon in game, dmg rates of weapons we will announce on day 1000. Drop rate for stone in battle is 0.05% for each hit.. it doesnt multply you have 0.05% in every hit to get stone ...

What !!!???
From now, i am a two clicker ! 

Tovar, statistically it should be a chance for stone every 2000 hits. Weekly event that is 10000 hits should provide, always statistically, 5 stones. Personally, like many others, i have finished 4 weekly lately and received none. A ratio 0/40000 hits. Does not seem to work this 0.05%

The mus which will get the gold mines will be absolutely stronger than the others!
So with this you condemn the rest of the mus or any new mus along with any new players NEVER to be able to fight them!!!
Slowly but steadily you follow the same path that the other (!!!) game followed in order to achieve business success which led ultimately to the game dying...

Imate li vazelin???

Definitely no need for new server. It will kill game. x2

New server ? Game will die 

i agree to disagree with a new server idea. You accept that you have made some mistake here , but you still have change to make it good again here. If you creat second server , you will destroy both platforms. Anyway , it is your decision, i ll keep playing erev 1.

Očaran sam vašom idejom. Svaka čast da ste se sjetili da više nešto promijenite. Svaka čast na trudu i nadamo se da će sve to uroditi plodom pa da što više ljudi bude prisutno na ovoj već dosadnoj igri. Lijep pozdrav !!!

@ktab .. ita 0.05% for every hit
if you make 2 hits its not 0.10% chance its still 0.05% for First hit and 0.05% fir second hit .. stones are droping in game but as you can see nit that much that everyone can have them

You re having trouble with me😂😂😂😂😂

i am not afraid of new server, it s like starting another game like this. You can play both, but eventually the best server, no matter what you have achieved at the other, is the one that will survive.

Same shi7 different game

@TovarDante that is what I was talking about. You continue to treat us as fools. Or you really should look into that code once more.
If the chance for a drop is 0.05%, then statistically you have 5% chance in 100 hits and 100% chance in 2000 hits. Someone who does the Weekly Challenge (10k hits) regularly should earn 4-5 stones a week. So either your code is flawed or you do not speak the truth.

So... no discount? 

Make MU s ORGs. All the rest are USELESS...

Admin please give us the right drop chance for both blue and pink stones! We do not care if they are extremely low but do not lie to us!! We already now that the real chance is just a small fraction of that you had given when they had been implemented.

@Tovar you know nothing about math! Either you are still tell no truth or the implementation is buggy. 0.05% means. In average every 2000 hit I should have one drop. This can mean in 10k hit I get nothing. But then in next 10k hit I can receive 10 drops. And as much as I hit it must be more and more precisely around 5 of 2k hit. But it is not happening!

@Bikini He said that the chance is 0.05% for every hit. That means that if you hit once your chance is 0.05% of 100. For your second hit your chance will be the same 0.05% of 100% and so on

Erev II is a bad idea others are OK

the stone drop ratio is bull, i tanked for at least 5-6 times (20-25k hits each time) since introduction of the stones plus regular 10k hits weekly and all i got is one blue stone or maybe not even that, i cant remember.

*stone can be dropped in battle with same chance like before(we won’t change that part).

good ideas except new server

@flyingcangaroo and bikkin ... chane is 0.05% for each hit ... nothing multiply .... its simple like i writen to you ... you can complicate and make some math but there is no math itsbsimple like i told ya ... for every hit you made you have 0.05% chance to get stone .. and we told this several times

@TovarDante : If you have a 1% chance, statistically, every 100 hits you will find a stone. That is why it is called 1 every 100. That is, every 100 hits, one is lucky.

lets male it more easy to understand
1hit=0.05% chance , 2hit=0.05% chance, 3hit=0.05% chance, 4hit=0.05% chance, 5hit=0.05% chance ... 100hit=0.05% chance, 200hit=0.05% chance, 300hit=0.05% chance, 400hit=0.05% chance, 500hit=0.05% chance ... 10000hit=0.05% chance, 20000hit=0.05% chance, 30000hit=0.05% chance, 40000hit=0.05% chance ... 100000hit=0.05% chance

what chance is than when you make 300,000 or more hits in a year and get not a single stone?

add new resources for aircraft, add aircraft carriers and if there is not in the naval battle no aircraft could fight (at least one player with aircraft carrier make a hit) or make it as as a stucture with hit points and add dive and torpedo bombers
what do you mean naval Companies and Weapons are removed you will refound them? is a different game erevII or what?

since the game was implemented I never received a blessed stone, on the ridiculous updates the only thing they need is that you spend money.
It does not matter if we like them or not they have already decided what they want or hope that in the new server someone crazy will buy them gold.
eRv and eDom killed for their greed

Hahaha Lets make it easy guys even 5billion hits gives u only %0.05 drop rate.u will never have %100 drop rate. It ll be always %0.05,which means Ohh man u should be very very very luck to get one Pink Diamond
.In the beginning, it was different.I

do not let stones in luck only.. Especially when you are ready to implement new equip.

@count zero eRev II will be a new game server from the start (Day 1), and it means that there will be only land battles and land weapon, and there won t be equipment (+ some other changes, but in due time)

drop blue stone in battle till now = 2105
drop pink stone in battle till now = 609

Rovar youtube have no slight idea what 0.05% means!
Pls find a friend that good at math and let him explain it to you!

dear admins since U dont make soon the offert less %%%% companies upgrade
at least make it to exchange golds 1/2 with new erevollutions server

Well I am not really a statistic master but here is where I see the confusion may lay. If you have a barrell with 2000 apples where only one is green and the rest are red, you have a 0.05% chance of picking the green one. If you actually get to keep each red apppe you take out then the odds of getting the green one grows however if you have yo put the red one back reshuffle and take one out again your odds are still the same (0.05%). In the second case the odds are not defined by how many times you are actually supposed to pick the green one but by the percentage of the number green apple in a larger group of apples... its like playung the lotery too, if the odds to win are one in a million you will have a better chance to win if you buy kore tickets but there is really no correlation with the odds of you winning and the times you play it if you were just playing one loterry number each day for a million times. The odds of you winning the lottery like that are really low no matter how many times you play just one number over and over

GEEZ.. basic maths... when you have a a 50% chance of dropping an item, then the odds for NOT GETTING the item are: 1:2 if you hit once _______ 1:4 (0.5*0.5) if you hit twice _____ 1:8 (0.5^3) if you hit thrice ______ 1:16 with 4 hits _______ 1:32 with 5 hits etc **** and vice versa, the odds for getting the item will be increasing. If (with odds 50%) someone doesn t get a drop dealing 10 hits, then it means that he failed with odds 1:1024 (2^10). If its not clear - with these odds mean that only one case out of 1024 should be a failure. ______________________________________________ Statistically one should be getting a pink stone per each 2000 hits. It s possible that someone doesnt get it with 4000 or 6000 hits or someone gets it with 40 and then 60 hits, but not very likely. The more hits you re dealing without success, the more clear it becomes that something is wrong here. Bikkin you are wrong about one thing: 10,000 hits which you deal during one weekly challenge is likely just 500 hits, seeing as most people only deal berks 200hp each, which means 20 hits count as one. I said above that I completed all but two weekly challenges, dealing often much more than 10,000 hits. As I counted above I dealt over 500,000 hits without any drops. Even if we assume that those were all 20-hit berserks, which means it was 25,000 such berserks, then I should have gotten nearly 13 stones statistically (and like I said I got zero). And there are people who by now shoulda received 50 or 100 and havent gotten any. *** I corrected last line in my comment ***

If anyone still doesnt get it, the chance for NOT getting the drop with one hit is 0.9995 (99.95%) _________________ the chance for NOT getting the drop with 3 hits: https://prnt.sc/l0hk2d ____________ with 30 hits: https://prnt.sc/l0hk6s __________ with 300 hits: https://prnt.sc/l0hkba (which means in 14% of cases 300 hits would be enough) ________________ with 3000 hits: https://prnt.sc/l0hkd1 (78% of cases dealing 3000 hits should have received a stone) ___________ and with 8000 hits dealt only 2 % of the cases should have failed obtaining a stone: https://prnt.sc/l0homd ******************* Once again thanks for brilliant tools we have to format comments, shouts etc. An issue which hasnt been improved in 994 days.

Well if zerstorer’s correlation is correct given the 609pink drops according to Tovar we would only need to know how many total hits overall have been given in that same timeframe and see if t is close. Technically the more occurances the more the actual percentage should be closer to the theoretical

Zerstorer thanks for the deduction. There is only one thing to add: in my understanding one berserk contains not just 1 but 20 hits so the chance to get a stone with one berserk is 20 * 0.05% which is 1% chance. Theoretically you should have a drop in every 100 berserks. Practically, the real chance of drop is - though let me note that this is just a very rough guess - at least two magnitudes lower than that, such that you get a stone in every 10k berserks.
This is all fine and well but at the end of the day we still do not know the cause of this discrepancy. And that is why I said it is up to Admin to decide on the chance of drop, this game is theirs and its their exclusive right to decide upon the chance, I do not care if it is 0.05% or 0.0005% or even 0.000001% JUST LET US KNOW.

well the thing is, it doesnt matter how many hit you have done. because getting a pink stone chance is calculated regardless of hit count. if you want to get a decent statistical chance of dropping pink stone you need to hit so many times. maybe 100billion hits since the chance is only 0.05%
lets suppose you calculated it and it says you may get a stone in every 2mil hit. that doesnt mean you will get it after 2mil hit. you may get it after 5mil hit. or maybe at your 300k hit just like people who dropped 609 stones till now
its just a matter of luck indeed

there is no counter for number of hits or how much did every ID made hit there is no any mathematic formula or norhing about math.. conuter is 0.05% for every single hit .. this is last time im writing this

if you have a white and black ball in a bowl, then you have a 50% chance of getting a black bowl if you draw once. If you draw balls twice (returning them, just like here!), then you have 75% chance of getting a black ball (the four possibilities are black-black, white-white, black-white, white-black. Drawing it three times you have 87.5% of drawing a black ball (white-white-white is the only one losing combination and the remaining 7 combos all have at least one black ball).
Are you incapable of understanding basic maths that you keep up with this mantra 0.05% for every single hit? Yes for a single hit it s 0.05% but when you ve dealt thousands of hits this chance grows for the set of thousands of hits combined.

new server si stavite u šupak
hvala za ban 

Darken Rahl sorry but it seems you have no clue what you are talking about. Please refer to Cacique Pariaguan-s explanation above, it is crystal clear. You know, the barrel with the 2000 apples, 1999 red and 1 golden one.--------------The chance of an occurrence can be static or it can be dynamic (increasing or decreasing). If you take our barrel and start picking apples out of it, your chance to get the golden one is gradually increasing, until, no later than at your 2000th pick you have to get the golden one. The chance to get the golden apple at your 2000th pick is 100%. ------------It is clear to me - though it is not clear to TovarDante that it is - that Erev-s drop system for stones do not work this way. Here our chance is static which means that before each pick you have to put back the apple into the barrel. In this case every pick has 0.05% chance to grab the golden apple. But still, theoretically, in every 2000 picks you should get the golden one once. Unlike with the former dynamic chance, this system is static. It is not guaranteed that you really get it in 2000 picks. Not even in 20k picks. Not even in 200k or even more picks. But your suspicion should definitely grow with every failed attempt. At 200k you may already know that the game you are playing is a farce and there are many more than 2k apples in the barrel. Maybe there are as many as 200k. This is what I am talking about.

Precisely. There s another game with equipment (where you increase your avoid and critical hit chances and decrease your chance for a miss) and it was basically proven that regardless of your eq, whether you have 12.5% or 40% of avoid/crit chance equipped, you will have the basic 12.5% for crit and 5% for avoid when server is overloaded. Likewise with miss reduction chance. Base value is 12.5% chance for a miss. You decrease it with equipment. Still people with 0.01% chance for a miss had it repeatedly, sometimes twice or thrice in a row - always when server was working at higher capacity. The game basically segregates then citizens in two groups - those who have entire 12.5% miss chance reduced and those who have some chance for a miss left. And the latter will all have 12.5% then.

Bikkin, no actually we are on the same page. I wrote down the same thing with you. I said its no matter how many hit you do because you have 0.05% chance in every single hit just like you. but the thing is, it looks like you dont to trust admin team and what you are saying is it may not be 0.05% chance but may be 0.00005% chance.

Toware, about that 0.05%, first your maths blows, but even if as you said in your last post, its not counting for any ID but hits in general, than if for all server every 2000 hits someone should get stone, and in turn by simple % every player that hits 2000 times should get 1 stone on average. Bt as you see here is lots of people who never got single stone, including my self. Its ether you dont understand maths or just wont give real information. But in any case, i dont see it as main problem here. About update, i can only say for my self.. 2y ago i would say yes to correcting mistakes done ..I think its bit to late for another NEW game like this, as there are many of them . In a way i hope im wrong and game will be success, but i know i wont be there, and when this game started up to point when map was introduced i was ready to support game, but copied map without much thoughts from original game was warning alarm for me.

I cant beleve it. It was told several time. The chance is for every hit. If you make 1 hit chance is 0.05% . if you make 263829163 hits the chanse will be the same for every one of the hits youve made.

Omg xD Tovar is right brothers. Let me write an example, like my bro Parianguan:
You have 1 red apple and 99 green apples, you buy a ticket and try to pick the red, chances are 1% right? Okay, you pick a green one xD and buy another ticket. In this SECOND try you have the same 99 green and 1 red, so, the chances are.... Yes, another 1%. You can buy 100 tickets but the chances are the same: 1% because the game is pick the red between 99 green.
Here is the same. Each hit is like a ticket, each ticket has the same rate of win.

@Don, so it would take you to buy 100 apples to get on average 1 red. I hope you are not seirous, but if you are, take simple dice, has 6 sides, now pick lets say number 6. How many times you recon you will need to roll dice to get number 6 ? Ofcourse chance for each roll is 1 out of 6, now roll it 6 times , and yes there is chance that you might get #6 2-3 times but you could also not get it.. bit down to luck, but now try rolling it lets say ( we said for 10 000 hits thats on average 5 stones, or should be), so roll dice 6 times multiply by 5 (stones), so 30 times.. Tell us if you didnt get 6 at least 1 time, even tho your chance for each roll is still and always 1/6th. Now do experiment, roll dice 300 times, and wright every number that you got and how many times, and you will see it will be about 50 times each number, even tho for each number chances are only 1/6. Towar, nije da te towarim, but you can do this experiment your self, and let us know results


LEX, 0.05 was told several times, BUT it is not true! The chance is far less!

Tovar, L E X, Darken Rahl, and other, here is my answer to you: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/32601

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