გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 05 Oct 2018 23:53 - 31
Dear Players,
As you can see, Military Unit tournament has started and it will last until 13th of October. Rewards will be awarded to top 10 Military units and to top 10 Soldiers when the event concludes. Top 10 Military Units will also receive Gold Mine when the event is finished. Damage calculated for this tournament is from battles you made on all wars (resistance war, naval war and direct war).
From today you are able to build new company- Aircraft Company, and it will produce Aircraft. Aircraft is type of weapon which can be used both in naval and land battles. To build Aircraft Company you need to have Helicopter company Quality 5 and Ship company Quality 5.
Raw materials necessary for production will switch between weapon and ship raw every day. If today ship raw material was necessary for building, tomorrow will be weapon raw day

We have changed power rate of all weapons including RPG, as shown in the next table:

Don’t forget that we have also launched our eRevollution II server, feel free to join it and have fun.
Premium members - players who have purchased gold on eRevollution server 1 can contact us via support to receive a prize for server 2
If you are having any questions and ideas, don’t hesitate contact us through any of our channels (Discord, private message, support)
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

As you can see, Military Unit tournament has started and it will last until 13th of October. Rewards will be awarded to top 10 Military units and to top 10 Soldiers when the event concludes. Top 10 Military Units will also receive Gold Mine when the event is finished. Damage calculated for this tournament is from battles you made on all wars (resistance war, naval war and direct war).

From today you are able to build new company- Aircraft Company, and it will produce Aircraft. Aircraft is type of weapon which can be used both in naval and land battles. To build Aircraft Company you need to have Helicopter company Quality 5 and Ship company Quality 5.
Raw materials necessary for production will switch between weapon and ship raw every day. If today ship raw material was necessary for building, tomorrow will be weapon raw day

We have changed power rate of all weapons including RPG, as shown in the next table:

Don’t forget that we have also launched our eRevollution II server, feel free to join it and have fun.
Premium members - players who have purchased gold on eRevollution server 1 can contact us via support to receive a prize for server 2
If you are having any questions and ideas, don’t hesitate contact us through any of our channels (Discord, private message, support)
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

K o BMonte CristoMonte CristoVedo91raznov patrikakraznov patrikakCitraMoNBakiკომენტარები (31)





it s the second time you nerf firepower like that while you could have given us more epic battles, you stupid admin

Auuuu sad ste ga poštenski izmučkali 

I think you do not know how to direct the game

Stop using imgur ffs


Nice try of killing the game

Premium members - players who have purchased gold on eRevollution server 1 can contact us via support to receive a prize for server 2
Welcome visa player

Balkanska mafija ...

Thumbs down for firepower decrease, it is time to stop mistreating us

you forgot to remowe gold for true patriot and true ally medals. We dont need gold also. turn off this so called sad excuse for browser game.

https://www.erev2.com/en/register/128 hehe


Why i can t log to http://support.erevgame.com/ ?
Why i can t made aircraft in foreing nation?

LOL, as I predicted

This ninja-nerf of all weapon damage is appalling for everyone but the few with previous insider knowledge, who may or may not exist.
Admin proves once again - just like in the case of the stones drop chance - that they have neither learnt nor forgotten anything.
You. Simply. Have. NO. HONOUR. Whatsoever.

Bikkin x 10

Here in this article you have explained why not to invest in game , not that i didnt want, but there was to many mistakes from day 1. Changes like this about damage, affect everything, and it can turn game upside down not only for players who are economically oriented but also for fighters, as you have again nerfed their income and with it ability to fight. If you ware to be fair, why haven t you informed us about dmg nerf month ago, and maybe offered 75%gold back for dissolving companies instead of 50% ?? As you still havent learned to show some respect towards players, i dont see reason of me joining to new server, as i wont be supporting game, and i don t want to be in 2 games in 2click mode. I do however wish you best luck and for sake of those who join there, that you will take your job bit more seriously and show some respect and work together with community, and maybe you might achieve something, GL

We worked for 2 years, to get to a point where we finally do some decent damage and again you change tactics. I get that you are in this for the money. We get that. But - - --- - - - -

Low blow that decrease of fire power. Shame on you!

Bikkin +1, TopSecret +1, islandwoodsie +1, Cacique +1 .

the admins are the same in all three games... they will lose players and income in all zhree ... the joke is on them 

when you decrease the fire power back TP medal 5 gold, or more