გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Croatia - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 14 Apr 2019 23:29 - 29
Dear players,
we sincerely apologize for not being more active when it comes to direct contact with players through articles, but we have very much been there for ticket support and e-mail. We promise there will be more articles and information from now on. This time we are here to announce couple of things, we hope you will like them, so without further ado, let’s start:
Easter event
Easter event will be active from April 15th until May 5th. It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at daychange you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make.
We have also prepared several missions for you to complete parallel to the events. The missions will last from April 15th until April 28th, and we hope you will like them and not find them way too hard. Only the visible set will be available, there are no further levels, and for such a small count, no mission medals will be given, for that you will have to wait some other time with a much bigger event.
Speed week will be available in the week from April 22nd-28th.
Military ranks
One of the things you asked about very much and we believe were really necessary were the military ranks. They are finally here, 8 brand new military ranks for land battles for you to achieve, so instead of 70 ranks we had so far, now we have 78.
Support training center
Once again, we are extending the period for players with lower strength during which they will be able to receive additional strength and intelligence points, to lower the gap between them and the strongest ones.

Beginner Academy
Players who have less than 23 000 Intelligence points will receive 60 Intelligence points daily until they reach 23 000. Players between 23 000- 25 000 Intelligence will receive 50 points daily until they reach 25 000 Intelligence points.

Beginner Camp
Players who have less than 33 000 Strength will receive 60 Strength points daily until they reach 33 000 strength. Players between 33 000- 35 000 Strength will receive 50 points daily until they reach 35 000 Strength points.
But that is not all, since there was another thing you were asking for a long long time - Training center q5. We hereby announce that q5 Training centers will be unlocked on April 20th, and each will cost 370g.
And last, but not least…
Resource shuffle
On April 20th, resource locations will be changed again. This will give you motivation to hunt the bonuses again, conquer new regions, go into new wars, who knows who will be the next world power, and who will be able to reach 4x100 first. We wish best of luck to all of you!
The number of regions for each resource type will remain the same, and no regions will be added or deleted.
If you are having any questions and ideas, don’t hesitate contact us through any of our channels (Discord, support)
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

we sincerely apologize for not being more active when it comes to direct contact with players through articles, but we have very much been there for ticket support and e-mail. We promise there will be more articles and information from now on. This time we are here to announce couple of things, we hope you will like them, so without further ado, let’s start:
Easter event
Easter event will be active from April 15th until May 5th. It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at daychange you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make.

We have also prepared several missions for you to complete parallel to the events. The missions will last from April 15th until April 28th, and we hope you will like them and not find them way too hard. Only the visible set will be available, there are no further levels, and for such a small count, no mission medals will be given, for that you will have to wait some other time with a much bigger event.
Speed week will be available in the week from April 22nd-28th.
Military ranks
One of the things you asked about very much and we believe were really necessary were the military ranks. They are finally here, 8 brand new military ranks for land battles for you to achieve, so instead of 70 ranks we had so far, now we have 78.
Support training center
Once again, we are extending the period for players with lower strength during which they will be able to receive additional strength and intelligence points, to lower the gap between them and the strongest ones.
Beginner Academy
Players who have less than 23 000 Intelligence points will receive 60 Intelligence points daily until they reach 23 000. Players between 23 000- 25 000 Intelligence will receive 50 points daily until they reach 25 000 Intelligence points.
Beginner Camp
Players who have less than 33 000 Strength will receive 60 Strength points daily until they reach 33 000 strength. Players between 33 000- 35 000 Strength will receive 50 points daily until they reach 35 000 Strength points.
But that is not all, since there was another thing you were asking for a long long time - Training center q5. We hereby announce that q5 Training centers will be unlocked on April 20th, and each will cost 370g.

And last, but not least…
Resource shuffle
On April 20th, resource locations will be changed again. This will give you motivation to hunt the bonuses again, conquer new regions, go into new wars, who knows who will be the next world power, and who will be able to reach 4x100 first. We wish best of luck to all of you!
The number of regions for each resource type will remain the same, and no regions will be added or deleted.

If you are having any questions and ideas, don’t hesitate contact us through any of our channels (Discord, support)
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

NilsonMiltiadosNightwatcherHUNgg29the_passengerbambamtszklaramusplNSCynKromionკომენტარები (29)

Finaly. Show must go on.


Eyvallah canım

Wher is BEER Resourse?! 😋😋😋😋😋



Nice o7

You should add every few weeks 1 training...add global events where we as community have to work together to achieve it....also there is hyperproduction of raw,why for example some peacefull nations dont have chance to achieve bonuses by adding raw to their treasury?for example adding million of each raw to country storage gives them 1 month full bonuses,but if they loose core region bonus is reduced(by that there would be less renting regions) and you wouldnt have only 5 same countries fighting for bonuses 😁

v c


4x Traning ufff 4x370 * Big Fail for us 

Nice, but 4x370 (on April 20th) is not nice.. 

Create ORGs for the MUs! The only serious game improvement that you can do.


jeee bote

Reset str/int, all the people left the game will come back. And make us to choose, or train ONLY int or ONLY str. Belive me, people will come...

we want banks

i tought its a fake news

Well, this update is reasonably good comparing with previous ones, and q5 training centers was a thing many players asked. Voted

fun fact the news are real 

I second PericSS motion, all in favor say ALE

