გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Estonia - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 07 Sep 2019 14:20 - 42

2 years ago, at the first week of september, the Baltic Union was being formally created by the former governments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Baltic Union was created after the admins implemented the coastal regions. Me and arca7, former CPs of Lithuania and Latvia, knew that even being active countries we could not stop attacks from bigger countries at our coastal regions and so we idealized an new country, an stronger country that could offer a real fight in the battlefield, an country that would not only play deffensive but also offensively, and we would do it in Estonia since Latvia and Lithuania had similar number of players and different allies. Leemet was the CP of Estonia at that times, he received very well our idea and then we 3 began the works to make the Baltic Union possible, an new different country started from the zero.
Now, 2 years after its creation, I can say we are all proud of what we became. Baltics are an active country, with Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians fighting together and having much more fun. We are now the 16th most powerful country by firepower in erevollution which did allow us to do much more in game than we could do in past. But Baltics is not only this, we also got many people from other countries who liked this new union and joined us in this new path, like Akanaka from Belarus, Zepar from Romania, Magaiochi from Brazil and Rompechanchos from Chile.
In commemoration for 2 years of Baltic Union in this game I would like to announce every single citizen of our country will receive 2000 Q5 Airs by commenting this article. And every single citizen of any ally country sharing MPP with us who also comment article will receive 2000 Q5 food. Enjoy guys and I leave here some images and links to celebrate :)
Hail Baltics o7
The article of presentation of the Baltic Union (click)
The Constitution of the Baltic Union, the document that rules our nation (click)
Firepower eRevollution 1 Ranking

Lithuania - Trakai Castle

Latvia - Riga Town Hall Square

Estonia - Tallinn

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Baltics 07

Voted o7

Baltic Union is impressive and a great idea for all his citizens.
Would love to do same with West Europe ! Germany ? (:



2k q5 airs 😍 I want them

we are best!

Hail Walen


o7 Baltics!

Hail Lithuania! Hail Latvia! Hail Estonia!
Hail Baltics!

Hai Baltic Union

o7 Baltics!


Hail Belarus!

Hail Baltics


V c

o7 Voted hail Baltics


o7 Hail Baltic

This amount of cooperation is really nice to see

Well done 😀

Hail Baltics! R E S P E C T


Power o7

Neat and clean article, I really do like professional writing. Good job o7

Stronk Baltics o7

Living in Baltics since greedy serbians stole Finlands start up gold! o7

Hail Baltic Union! And I m also here to greet my old friend Leemet I hope we meet again soon! o7

hail estonia


Hail Baltic Union
