გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 10 Dec 2019 11:29 - 17
Just wanted to take a moment to thank our great ally Serbia for protecting us from their ally Portugal!
We really appreciate it guys, I don't know why people say you are bad allies...
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We really appreciate it guys, I don't know why people say you are bad allies...
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AMHSVladyslausBattal GaziDondarrionL Dusanqpartestark2097sipinaSpezionqparteKlatchViGoViGoFranjo KromanMister NoLendlHaiN EvLaTmehdiranFurkan06OtiliaBig Pappa WolfserserPalamudinHerokVelikiNico5900BIG_SMOKEFelpudoncitoamberკომენტარები (17)

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Lol, say thanks to Peaky/Nikola257/BATASHA multies
And if we are ,,alliance why are fighting against us in RWs?


Lol, such contribution. Damn

What is even more amazing is the Lack of Serbian damage For Portugal. Sneaky,very Sneaky :-)

Shortest joke ever

@Huang Di I just find it funny that you are sending your allies on us without assisting yourselves so you don t have to deal with us

@islandwoodsie yup, very sneaky indeed

I just find it that your sold your country to Turks.

@the_passenger I m glad the turks came as they were willing to take up the fight, something you don t seem willing to do, only caring about your bonuses and ruining the game

@Sannaski... this is your acc http://prntscr.com/q9aqib

Do not blame us for your stupidity. We had a deal with USA which you accepted, but you broke that agreement. After that you lose 25-30 regions and now you can only cry.

u koji razred ide ovaj deran ?

peti po drugi put

Since when are we allies?

Sagni mi se malo