გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 15 Jan 2020 16:45 - 7
Reaction of some people at admins suggestion ... but lets see how it will end

Here is why i think that what admin suggested is bad idea and from what i could see many dont even realized that.
I wont be able to say much about fighting system , land vs naval battles, as i was always more interested in economy of game than fighting , so i will mainly focus on economy and what this changes could bring and if they would change anything as some seams to hope.
1. Admin suggested to change naval and land fights, strength and intelligence.
Im bit skeptical about that one and how it would work, and from what i seen about 5g per medal (if im correct) to me it sounds just like fancy fishing lure. And to hook me up, 5g is not big enough bait, so big NO from me
Some lads have explained that better so i would trust to them there.
2. Changes to weapon factories including tank/ship air etc.. Refunding 75% for all wep, tank, air
factories.. this is BAD idea on many lvls.
-Some people paid for packs, bought gold etc and now admin wants is suggesting to refund 75% as if we all
built stuff just when there was discount.
Im sure im not only one, but just last September i spent over 30 000g investing in companies and it wasn't
discount.. so why should i or anyone like me especially if player supported game and spent real money lose 25%?
-Why is this suggestion coming just now at the end of this discount ? Will another be added ? Adding one will
at least mitigate some loss that players will otherwise suffer, and imo if admin goes with change,
another discount would be right thing if he care about players that supported game and others who simple
built stuff, while at same time it wont affect those who didnt build anything outside of discount.
-(in case someone cant understand what im on about, simple if you spent 10g outside of discount on q1
factory, you will get 75% of that back so you lose 2.5g, and if admin adds another discount of 75%, than effectivly 7.5g you got back can still build q1 factory meaning nobody will be at loss nor gain)
-Refund shouldn't be ONLY on wep, air companies, but on RAW as well, as if we we get limit of companies and
that will effect raw needed, than we will have huge overproduction of RAW and some players have main income from raw and that could practically destroy them .
-What some people dont get is fact that there is huge production of wep/air, is reason why cost of air is
lowest that has ever been, just 10 months ago, air and before hely was over 60g per 1000 meaning there was less shooting for anyone preferring to fight, and if that gets nerfed again so will dmg that TANKS (fighters) will be able to make and in turn their potential to earn gold from medals.
some of largest like me only real benefit i get is from extra energy and recovery while fighter will get
benefit from full set. So even there it wont be production that will be effected most it will be people fighting.
And thats another terrible idea even if admin would agree to properly compensate for cost of equipment.
So ...
Suggestion 1 looks more like bait to me .
Suggestion 2 is very bad idea..
Some might think i dont like it because i will personally loose lots of gold invested, no thats not thing. Here is example of me and some i would guess average player.
With refund of 75% i will still get over 100 000 gold just from dissolving my AIR.
Average player maybe have 10k invested and he will get 7500g.
Here is what i think that q6 and q7could cost based on cost increase from q3 to q4 to q5 is about x1.7
so q6 could cost about 1090g and q7 1850g.
Lets say it that would be case, than player with 7500g could build only 4 q7 factories and if they God forbid, still give 40 weapons, so he could only produce wep 160 with full bonus, while i could build 54 q7 factories, and 2160 wep.. And even with today suggestion of 30 companies max limit, i would be forced to invest rest of gold in to build others stuff, hurting players producing food, houses, etc... hurting players that depend mainly on that products. So big producers will still be big even this change will affect everyone proportionate .
So you see point that im trying to make, dissolving companies wont change thing but drastic nerf
ability to fight for medals.
Someting related to what admin is now trying to do:
About 3 and half years ago i wrote 2 articles about potential issues that game will face in future, referring to exactly this that admin is now trying to change with few other suggestions. As even than anyone who understand economy of this type of games could see and i warned than that companies should be limited among few other things.
soon after that article we got limit to 5 companies under lvl 4, up to that point there was no limit on q1,2,3
you can check it here if interested just use Google translate
there is also what at that time i have suggested about alliances and how it could work while giving chance to all countries as in my example better country does more expensive it becomes to get strong allies and it would simple make it impossible to put some of strongest countries in to 1 or 2 alliances, thus creating better balanced game.
IMO now its way too late for changes that admin is suggesting and will just create more problems than solve it.
Another thing i would like to add : Supporting game
Every game to survive needs to be supported by players spending money and this is no different.
In one article that i wrote before one above ,i also suggested to admin to get away from selling gold and make money by creating kind of premium account . (that article i have deleted after Biskvit told me that they will keep selling gold even tho by than it was already bad deal and not worth for most to spend real money on)
Idea i put forward was 2 type of premium accounts
With large amount of companies the way game is now, i would definitely want better options to manage my companies and i would gladly pay for that as i would see there better value than buying gold outright that
imo is no value what so ever. And with some clever ideas same could be done for fighters and im sure i wouldnt be only one interested in something like that and that could create steady income for devs and game development, while it wouldn't affect fun in game by nerfing something every year just to try and fix mistakes from past.
One thing thats creating huge imbalance is that we still dont have map for this game, but copy of map from other games. Maybe if we could get bit better balanced game where no country has more than 2x regions than any other would be good start for change..
Also it would be good idea if admin would actually ask for suggestion from community instead of just asking us to pick his suggestion that we cant verify if and what people actually voted for.
For reasons above i have voted NO, they are terrible ideas, and it will hurt everyone not only people
producing actually it will hurt fighters more than producers FACT.
If admin suggestion p and change things, those who voted for will be like this when they realize what has actually happend:

And i will just do this

If you have read everything, sorry for long post and mistakes, i had long day.. and thanks for your time and patience,
This was just my opinion and feel free to comment if you like and express your opinion on admins suggestion,
and maybe share with us what did you guys vote for.
Enjoy gaming o7

Here is why i think that what admin suggested is bad idea and from what i could see many dont even realized that.
I wont be able to say much about fighting system , land vs naval battles, as i was always more interested in economy of game than fighting , so i will mainly focus on economy and what this changes could bring and if they would change anything as some seams to hope.
1. Admin suggested to change naval and land fights, strength and intelligence.
Im bit skeptical about that one and how it would work, and from what i seen about 5g per medal (if im correct) to me it sounds just like fancy fishing lure. And to hook me up, 5g is not big enough bait, so big NO from me
Some lads have explained that better so i would trust to them there.
2. Changes to weapon factories including tank/ship air etc.. Refunding 75% for all wep, tank, air
factories.. this is BAD idea on many lvls.
-Some people paid for packs, bought gold etc and now admin wants is suggesting to refund 75% as if we all
built stuff just when there was discount.
Im sure im not only one, but just last September i spent over 30 000g investing in companies and it wasn't
discount.. so why should i or anyone like me especially if player supported game and spent real money lose 25%?
-Why is this suggestion coming just now at the end of this discount ? Will another be added ? Adding one will
at least mitigate some loss that players will otherwise suffer, and imo if admin goes with change,
another discount would be right thing if he care about players that supported game and others who simple
built stuff, while at same time it wont affect those who didnt build anything outside of discount.
-(in case someone cant understand what im on about, simple if you spent 10g outside of discount on q1
factory, you will get 75% of that back so you lose 2.5g, and if admin adds another discount of 75%, than effectivly 7.5g you got back can still build q1 factory meaning nobody will be at loss nor gain)
-Refund shouldn't be ONLY on wep, air companies, but on RAW as well, as if we we get limit of companies and
that will effect raw needed, than we will have huge overproduction of RAW and some players have main income from raw and that could practically destroy them .
-What some people dont get is fact that there is huge production of wep/air, is reason why cost of air is
lowest that has ever been, just 10 months ago, air and before hely was over 60g per 1000 meaning there was less shooting for anyone preferring to fight, and if that gets nerfed again so will dmg that TANKS (fighters) will be able to make and in turn their potential to earn gold from medals.
- Removing equipment
some of largest like me only real benefit i get is from extra energy and recovery while fighter will get
benefit from full set. So even there it wont be production that will be effected most it will be people fighting.
And thats another terrible idea even if admin would agree to properly compensate for cost of equipment.
So ...
Suggestion 1 looks more like bait to me .
Suggestion 2 is very bad idea..
Some might think i dont like it because i will personally loose lots of gold invested, no thats not thing. Here is example of me and some i would guess average player.
With refund of 75% i will still get over 100 000 gold just from dissolving my AIR.
Average player maybe have 10k invested and he will get 7500g.
Here is what i think that q6 and q7could cost based on cost increase from q3 to q4 to q5 is about x1.7
so q6 could cost about 1090g and q7 1850g.
Lets say it that would be case, than player with 7500g could build only 4 q7 factories and if they God forbid, still give 40 weapons, so he could only produce wep 160 with full bonus, while i could build 54 q7 factories, and 2160 wep.. And even with today suggestion of 30 companies max limit, i would be forced to invest rest of gold in to build others stuff, hurting players producing food, houses, etc... hurting players that depend mainly on that products. So big producers will still be big even this change will affect everyone proportionate .
So you see point that im trying to make, dissolving companies wont change thing but drastic nerf
ability to fight for medals.
Someting related to what admin is now trying to do:
About 3 and half years ago i wrote 2 articles about potential issues that game will face in future, referring to exactly this that admin is now trying to change with few other suggestions. As even than anyone who understand economy of this type of games could see and i warned than that companies should be limited among few other things.
soon after that article we got limit to 5 companies under lvl 4, up to that point there was no limit on q1,2,3
you can check it here if interested just use Google translate
there is also what at that time i have suggested about alliances and how it could work while giving chance to all countries as in my example better country does more expensive it becomes to get strong allies and it would simple make it impossible to put some of strongest countries in to 1 or 2 alliances, thus creating better balanced game.
IMO now its way too late for changes that admin is suggesting and will just create more problems than solve it.
Another thing i would like to add : Supporting game
Every game to survive needs to be supported by players spending money and this is no different.
In one article that i wrote before one above ,i also suggested to admin to get away from selling gold and make money by creating kind of premium account . (that article i have deleted after Biskvit told me that they will keep selling gold even tho by than it was already bad deal and not worth for most to spend real money on)
Idea i put forward was 2 type of premium accounts
- producers with better options in company management + bit faster
energy recovery fighters with better options and tools for fighting with again
faster energy recovery
With large amount of companies the way game is now, i would definitely want better options to manage my companies and i would gladly pay for that as i would see there better value than buying gold outright that
imo is no value what so ever. And with some clever ideas same could be done for fighters and im sure i wouldnt be only one interested in something like that and that could create steady income for devs and game development, while it wouldn't affect fun in game by nerfing something every year just to try and fix mistakes from past.
One thing thats creating huge imbalance is that we still dont have map for this game, but copy of map from other games. Maybe if we could get bit better balanced game where no country has more than 2x regions than any other would be good start for change..
Also it would be good idea if admin would actually ask for suggestion from community instead of just asking us to pick his suggestion that we cant verify if and what people actually voted for.
For reasons above i have voted NO, they are terrible ideas, and it will hurt everyone not only people
producing actually it will hurt fighters more than producers FACT.
If admin suggestion p and change things, those who voted for will be like this when they realize what has actually happend:

And i will just do this

If you have read everything, sorry for long post and mistakes, i had long day.. and thanks for your time and patience,
This was just my opinion and feel free to comment if you like and express your opinion on admins suggestion,
and maybe share with us what did you guys vote for.
Enjoy gaming o7
Green EyesFranjo KromanAlexander III King of MacedonPony of DarknessposqrrKame SenninposqrrNilsonRuvikonsteppenwolfnagant895nagant895nagant895B A T A S H Athe_passengerinaroniHuang DiHaile Selassie Iკომენტარები (7)

TopSecret Crying bcs spend a lot $$$ and now is gone lose is company well ganined .



Evo ti endors da ti se nadje kad nam poruse fabrike 😂

@aydante.. i have spent 20e month after game was out, but than we got map and that was start of my silent protest. So i didnt spend £££, but i gladly would if i seen bit effort put in game. I do support others that im playing like WoT.. Regardless of that loss will be even for all, just admin should think bit of people who still do spend money in game and not to screw them up.

It is too long article to answer on everything, but I will say that I totally agree with you about refunding. We did not asked for aircraft companies or anything else, that is all their idea. Now they want to PUNISH us for playing and investing in this game. If they want to dissolve everything, give us 100% we invested. Im sure they can see when we made companies.