Diablo Welding LTD

Where is deer ?

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Germany - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 05 May 2020 12:26 - 11


Green EyesBaba VossR I OBattal GaziBattal GaziPeakyKane241KingorionBerl1nLaserOrignalQcOsloSKynet00Furious GeorgeFurious GeorgeColumboTrollisIHayaletIZurigorriHomer_SIma Nas Cvorovicaju1986LittleSnake

კომენტარები (11)

Video edit master 😉
Idea is worth it Wink
The deer did not like Croatia s greenery, so Germany emigrated. 🙉🙈
Nevjerojatan video,daj si malo truda drugi put
A master of humor!!! Did you come up with this by yourself or did anyone help you?? I bet all 3 players in Germany are proud of you... btw how much is the fish?? Oh wait..
Make loveLaugh
I think the video is a work of art. It tells a lot to those know to look. And it amuses. Laugh
Croats , dont be like this, we evolved we have a lot of live accounts Smile and also we did twice less damage that you did in our fish bonus, and i am welcoming you to produce your airs and ships in germany, we have 100% bonus tomorrow
Hahahaha yeah you evolved, now one guy using 4 account insted of 2 like you did before 🤣