გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 05 Jan 2023 09:24 - 33
Dear Players,
As we step into 2023, we sincerely hope that you are all well and healthy. Last year was turbulent for all in real life lot of happenings, we wish you to remain healthy and to keep your peace. Some good news is that in the last quater of 2022 we have constantly a bigger number of players. This year we will provide you with more different evens and try to make you as happy and distracted from the real world as we can. Also big big thanks for all your ideas, comments on our game nice ones and specially bad ones we appreciate it really. Lets start with our first news in 2023 year.
7th Anniversary

There are 7 years behind erevollutions games. You had nice and not so nice days with us, we hope that you will remain enjoying and shortening days with us. We promise that we will keep you entertained as much as we can.
From 06.01.2023 to 15.01.2023 we prepared daily free gifts for you. Upon a login click on Anniversary and collect your reward by clicking on reward box. There is 10 rewards in total, so each day a reward, if you miss one reward it will be lost.
This is a well familiar event in game, with a system like older events of a kind. Event starts 06.01.2023 and lasts until 15.01.2023.

You played this event already and all you have to do is find a bell on Christmas three. In this game you are finding bells on Christmas three and 40 of them have rewards (experience).With each click on a Christmas three you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked with Santa and you will see 0 experience in bottom.For spots which you gain rewards you will see Bell and number of experience below it. Each attempt to find a bell costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

Discount and Packs

We know that you have kept gold for our anniversary to build up your company. From Day 06.01.2023 to 15.01.2023 you will have discount 25% on Workout Areas, Storage upgrade, Improved and Strategic Building, Companies.

At the same time you will also have option to buy yourselfer a pack, again you have erev pack, supply pack and business pack. We hope you will find everything you need in those packs.
Also in this period we will provide you for price of one pack another one gratis in store (this apply only for Gold Packs and Energy Packs).

As you know we have pets in the game and they bring you advantage in strength/intelligence and energy. Some new players joined the game and they didn't get pets until now. From date 11.01.2023 until date 15.01.2023 we will provide you options to buy pets with Gold and upgrade pets with Gold up to max 40 level for Cat and Dog, and for Bird maximum will be 25 level. We think this will help players grow stronger and be more competitive on the battle field. This will be the only option to buy it and spend gold to be stronger, but it is not necessary. There will remain options to win Pets or upgrade them like before.

Map and Resources
From 06.01.2023 we will make changes on World Map and Resources.
We will restart resources on the game map as we did before. Script is doing it's job like before, so for all who ask once more we do not choose who will get which resource or pick on map where to place it. We are using a randomized script to random resources over the map.
This time all countries will return to their core regions, and from there they will start chasing their bonuses.
In order to make it even more exciting, we won't announce details about regions. You will be able to see resources on map and make plans, but before make sure that you click ctrl+f5 to refresh map, or delete cookies.
Beyond the limits

Beyond the Limit event start 13.01.2023 and last until 29.01.2023 We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities in game, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles. We have made some visual changes for the event and you will be able to see a table with points the whole time. Also in same table you will be able to see process of gaining points.
These are points for things you can do in game and you will get points instantly after you finish each one of it. As much task you do more points you gain. It s a simple event like in the first place when we lunched it. This time you will see progress of some things like using workers, RPG, Weapons etc... So you will know how much you are missing until gaining points.
There will be two leaderboards. The first one will be World Wide leaderboard where all players are fighting for their places. Second leaderboard will be separate for each Country, we hope that will make you enjoy event and show that you are the best player in your Country.
- During January we have some negotiations with other payment systems.
- We have changed Weekly Turnament tiers, and changes will apply with the start of new week. We have imagined to change it by strength so small players rewards won't be taken by strong players.
One star tier : 0 - 110k strength
Two star tier: 110k - 125k strength
Three start tier: 125k+ strength
Strength calculated is only by normal (main) strength, without pets. Also number of players is decreased from 50 to 30 for each tier.
- We are still working on other players proposals, and as you send to us tickets, we will answer you when we make a decision, if you ticket is opened it means that we didn't process your proposal.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,

As we step into 2023, we sincerely hope that you are all well and healthy. Last year was turbulent for all in real life lot of happenings, we wish you to remain healthy and to keep your peace. Some good news is that in the last quater of 2022 we have constantly a bigger number of players. This year we will provide you with more different evens and try to make you as happy and distracted from the real world as we can. Also big big thanks for all your ideas, comments on our game nice ones and specially bad ones we appreciate it really. Lets start with our first news in 2023 year.

There are 7 years behind erevollutions games. You had nice and not so nice days with us, we hope that you will remain enjoying and shortening days with us. We promise that we will keep you entertained as much as we can.
From 06.01.2023 to 15.01.2023 we prepared daily free gifts for you. Upon a login click on Anniversary and collect your reward by clicking on reward box. There is 10 rewards in total, so each day a reward, if you miss one reward it will be lost.
This is a well familiar event in game, with a system like older events of a kind. Event starts 06.01.2023 and lasts until 15.01.2023.

You played this event already and all you have to do is find a bell on Christmas three. In this game you are finding bells on Christmas three and 40 of them have rewards (experience).With each click on a Christmas three you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked with Santa and you will see 0 experience in bottom.For spots which you gain rewards you will see Bell and number of experience below it. Each attempt to find a bell costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

We know that you have kept gold for our anniversary to build up your company. From Day 06.01.2023 to 15.01.2023 you will have discount 25% on Workout Areas, Storage upgrade, Improved and Strategic Building, Companies.

At the same time you will also have option to buy yourselfer a pack, again you have erev pack, supply pack and business pack. We hope you will find everything you need in those packs.
Also in this period we will provide you for price of one pack another one gratis in store (this apply only for Gold Packs and Energy Packs).

As you know we have pets in the game and they bring you advantage in strength/intelligence and energy. Some new players joined the game and they didn't get pets until now. From date 11.01.2023 until date 15.01.2023 we will provide you options to buy pets with Gold and upgrade pets with Gold up to max 40 level for Cat and Dog, and for Bird maximum will be 25 level. We think this will help players grow stronger and be more competitive on the battle field. This will be the only option to buy it and spend gold to be stronger, but it is not necessary. There will remain options to win Pets or upgrade them like before.

From 06.01.2023 we will make changes on World Map and Resources.
We will restart resources on the game map as we did before. Script is doing it's job like before, so for all who ask once more we do not choose who will get which resource or pick on map where to place it. We are using a randomized script to random resources over the map.
This time all countries will return to their core regions, and from there they will start chasing their bonuses.
In order to make it even more exciting, we won't announce details about regions. You will be able to see resources on map and make plans, but before make sure that you click ctrl+f5 to refresh map, or delete cookies.

Beyond the Limit event start 13.01.2023 and last until 29.01.2023 We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities in game, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles. We have made some visual changes for the event and you will be able to see a table with points the whole time. Also in same table you will be able to see process of gaining points.

These are points for things you can do in game and you will get points instantly after you finish each one of it. As much task you do more points you gain. It s a simple event like in the first place when we lunched it. This time you will see progress of some things like using workers, RPG, Weapons etc... So you will know how much you are missing until gaining points.
There will be two leaderboards. The first one will be World Wide leaderboard where all players are fighting for their places. Second leaderboard will be separate for each Country, we hope that will make you enjoy event and show that you are the best player in your Country.
- During January we have some negotiations with other payment systems.
- We have changed Weekly Turnament tiers, and changes will apply with the start of new week. We have imagined to change it by strength so small players rewards won't be taken by strong players.
One star tier : 0 - 110k strength
Two star tier: 110k - 125k strength
Three start tier: 125k+ strength
Strength calculated is only by normal (main) strength, without pets. Also number of players is decreased from 50 to 30 for each tier.
- We are still working on other players proposals, and as you send to us tickets, we will answer you when we make a decision, if you ticket is opened it means that we didn't process your proposal.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,

HaiN EvLaTHaiN EvLaTPANZER llllIMao PichittiBuxy77teshu77TsiggerPratinospagemalviკომენტარები (33)





First... of the rest.






Gold mine ? 






Just shut this thing down already!

- During January we have some negotiations with other payment systems.
good news

Cum kkt sa anunți că ne întoarcem în core cu o seară înainte?


Some kind of logic is apparent. So... probably there is a new Admin.

Also number of players is decreased from 50 to 30 for each tier :s

Voted nice ....Winter is here ....The War is here .......Admin give us more ranks for Land and Naval battles 


Three start tier: 125k+ strength, and a decreas in playsers on the list from 50 to 30... Im guessing you didnt follow who is doing and what kind of dmg in that tier and you expect that the top rewards are available to everyone when you (AGAIN) just excluded all non buyers for TOP 3 places so the best prizes will be won by usual people who spend a lot and have a lot from before. You didnt think this trough it seems - correction is comming in 6 months after you see what is already obvious now.