
Exiting update or theft??

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Serbia - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 05 May 2024 00:44 - 32

Good morning lads.

Its has been few days since admin announced "new exiting update" with fresh idea, while i was too busy in RL to write about it, i have some time now and lets see what is really happening here.

About 2 months ago, admin decided to change things in game, by reverting back to land and naval units, and nerffing down all weapon companies, along side of wiping out about 35% of value of them.
So what he did, is basically lowered Q of all companies by 1 without any compensation to us, so Q4 became same as old Q3, Q5 became Q4, Q6 became Q5 and Q7 became Q6. Also value of companies ware also lowered by 35%, so if you had 100 000g value of companies, admin took 35 000 gold of it.
There was some positive updates in that but devaluing of companies is not one of them and it was borderline scummy move at least in my eyes as its nothing more than short of theft.
More about it you can read in article i wrote at that time

Fast forward to this date and admin has announced new update and surprise surprise....

Admin has proposed new exiting company update!!

So now we can get our old Q7 factory that was taken from us and  does same dmg as before, just named Q8 for additional 600 gold???
O btw Q7 per cost of dmg is least affected factory, with lower Qs cost to dmg is way worse than 35%

As most players ether use Q4 or Q7, i will just look at 2 of them not to make too big article but you will get picture.

Q7 factories
Old Q7 factory costed 1930g had 10 employees and did 3x dmg
New Q7 factory cost 1280g have 8 employees and does 2.5 dmg

So from every single Q7 factory admin removed 650 gold that you have spent on, and took  17.5% of dmg.

In new and exiting update, admin wants to give us possibility to buy our old companies that will do:
Q8 factory will cost  1880g (so 600 gold more) and will have 10 employees and will do 3x dmg.

So in this 2 updates what is really happening is if you want your old companies and do dmg as before, total cost is not 600g, but 1250gold, as
we have to ad gold already spent on old Q7

Q4 Factories.
Old Q4 factory costed 270g  and did 1.6x dmg
New Q4 factory cost 180g  and does 1.2x dmg

To get similar dmg to old Q4 we have to upgrade it to new Q5 that will still do less dmg than old Q4

New Q5 factory cost 380g and does 1.5x dmg

With old Q4 value removed was 90gold and now if you want to get back to nearly same dmg as before you need to upgrade it to new Q5,
and that cost additional 200 gold, so total value removed from owner of every Q4 company is 290 gold!!!

Come on, old Q4 company costed us 270 gold!!!!

Im having hard time trying to grasp this... let me try  again...
For 1 old Q4 player spent 270 gold.. now admin removes 90 gold from it and lowers dmg... and if that player wants to get same dmg he needs to spend adidional 200 gold per company, so 90 gold in value that admin took plus 200 for to upgrade it 1 lvl is 290gold to be nearly where he was as new Q5 does 1.5x dmg while his old Q4 did 1.6 dmg so  that is 290 gold per Q4 company.

That is more than old company it self by 20 gold...

Now if this is not theft or scam i dont know what it is...

Now i always try to find positive side in every update as i do in RL, and i did expect at some point , maybe next year some shady move like this, just not in wildest dreams i thought it will be with in 2 months.

Does devs even care about game and players or they are trying to squeeze every bit of money someone might be willing to spend and when that last well dries out to turn off lights here?? I just dont get it?

Admin if you insist on this change and your intent is not to scam people, solution is there and here is 3 of them

- Just lvl up all our wep and navy  companies by 1 lvl, that will mitigate most of issues with company update and upcoming update

- Refund us 35% of gold from all wep and navy companies , value that you have removed from us when you devalued them, tho we will still be down about 20-25% with dmg dealt

- Give us ability to desolve all companies with 90% value of old companies and let us rebuild them as we wish.
Just dont give us gold, create new coin that we cant sell, trade or give  just use for upgrade with 1coin = 1gold


He did it , well guess He got ya!! :)

Lads please share your opinion on this?

Reason for my writing all this articles is not because i want to complain, its because i  started to care about game, as i had great time for christm after 4y of break from this game... But since that infamous update of 2 months ago, activity in game is gone down the crapper, and with this move someone might as well just flush water and be done with it.

Thanks for time if you read this, and enjoy Youtube :)


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კომენტარები (32)

It took me over hour to write this, if you lads have 1 min of time, please leave comment, be it you agree with me or disagree, as i still believe if admin care as much as we do, maybe he will listen if large number of players express their opinion.
If today wasn't Easter, I would tell Admin: I'm a Christian, not a cretin. This sounds so much better in Romanian... Smile
Top Secret. Ti si car BGM.
Totally agree with you, unfortunately he doesn't care about the players but what he can glean from our tracks, and this is where the opening of the third server proves it.
Only fool will accept this theft and keep giving € to admin.. pure scam! To be honest, we are all fool for still playing this dead game
When the equipment was changed, the admin defrauded us. I hope the breads won't change soon. 😂
Scam! Scam! Scam! Scam!
I agree with everything you said, and you are right to feel deceived by the admin.. I think solution would be to maintain the damage of the old weapons, and increase + 0.5 firepower from q8 = x3.5 and RPG = x4... It would be the fairest... But in reality, if we think about it, what counts is not so much firepower of a weapon, but rather the firepower of one player compared to another... or the firepower of a country compared to another country.. Like this , a player who had 20 q7 factories and another player who had 10 q7 factories lose the same firepower ratio.. In a battle it means the same, although the player does less damage..
Ya! if you don't upgrade our company's I WANT MY GOLD!
Lynx, 100% spot on, dmg is not important but if they tell us that most of gold in game is from medals and that there is too much gold in game, and thats the reason they removed gold from all other medals, in that case it is, as now thats just another hit on players trying to earn gold. Tho idea that most of gold comes from medals is false, and i will prove that in my next article on thursday or friday .
"€ € € .. moree... € € € ... not enough.... € € €... must have moooore....." - Who is that?
this is totally a scam! And I agree that get True patriot medals become harder because of this and last update.
Scam! Scam! Scam! Scam!
Admin nam ga gura svakim mjesecom sa novim updejtima… Bez ikakve najave zagura ga duboko bez vazelina…
On friday i will be giving away 100k Q3 food, shared to all that leave comment with your opinion on subject in this Article . Minimum 5000 Q3 food per player, and best 3 engaging comments will get 10k q4tanks (that i will pick here)
i remember the fists year in erev, you must spend a lot of gold for max lvl of gun to unlock army and max armyto unlock air, thousend of gold wasted with the last updates but is nothing new, before add new lvl of something they downgrade all for obligate you to spend a lot of gold for upgrades, now 600 gold each (like 35€) and some user will made this update, too WE are the troble not admins, remember in past when all user do not like an update that was deleted Wink
I agree with you. Admin scam us gold with this update. He should compensate us but he never will do. He did the same with equipment when implement military clothes (leather q5 equal military q3 so 2 lvl lose). He never cared about any of that.
admin scammer! scamming money, it should go to jail!
never spend money. admin will continuously devalue your ets through inflation and changing game rules to keep the game alive. it's a complete scam, treating players like fools!
Updates ingame are going from bad to worse. I have a feeling next few updates will just make it even worse than now, but we will have to wait and see. The only direction for the game is strictly p2w. I am still having my money on an update where card details will be needed to work as manager or even login.
Even if the administrator opens Q8, as long as everyone does not upgrade Q8, I think there may not be any loss. The key point is whether everyone can work together?
The administrator is so evil Smile
I agree totally with your detailed analysis. This devaluation exercise really stinks!
ortodoks kelte nema više glabanja odavno, kako ide na kraju nećeš ni smoki moći kupiti za hiljadu golda, hahahahaha
There are a reason behind that.. Perhaps, they need to keep u spending money or time and playing this game even they find u are blind and dont see this rob...
This game is in chain of weakness.... It has negative new player growth cuz more people are quitting compared to how few are joining. That's the main reason why admins deploys the milking strategy and boy do we have enough addicts who cannot stop snorting the store page. As long as people keep leaving, as long as no1 wants to waste the time of new players that will end up quitting anyway on this dying game and the ones that stay keep buying packs (and they will, all boycott attempts failed miserably so far) things will only go worse from here until a point when profits will go so low that lights will shut down... For admins, encouraging baby booms and fixing the economy is too much work, for too small margins and high risk of total failure, that they rather squeeze as much juice from the ones that still pay before those quit too..
This game is dead.
I agree with this, its discgracefull that I came back to game after some time and my companies dont make sense at all.
well negative growth of players could be stopped... but admins every 2 years open new server and new game Wink
Thanks to all that have commented on my article, i will now start sending food as promised