გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - ეკონომიკური ანალიზი - 10 Apr 2016 02:30 - 6
Hi everyone !
I'm glad to introduce you my new project : Cerberus Securities Investment Services (CSIS).
You've noticed that current economy is weakened by several updates related to raw and weapons damages & production.
Definitely, every internal market is under control of helicopters sellers.
Nobody, among the new players and non-visa players, can afford the necessary investments to stay profitable.
That's why I've created CSIS.
If you buy securities or lend CSIS your money, you'll receive every month interests, according to the funds' results. You can also sell your securities to other players to make profit. If you lend me cc or gold, the capital will be returned after 3-6-9-12 months, you choose.
CSIS is playing on monetary markets, on goods and raw makets, and has also a production (& selling) activity.
Obviously, there is a gdoc to publish every accounting data.
There is currently 1000 securities and 100 bonds to sell. Every costs 1 gold.
The game is young : the late you buy, the less you'll earn interests !
I'm waiting for your MPs.
I'm glad to introduce you my new project : Cerberus Securities Investment Services (CSIS).
You've noticed that current economy is weakened by several updates related to raw and weapons damages & production.
Definitely, every internal market is under control of helicopters sellers.
Nobody, among the new players and non-visa players, can afford the necessary investments to stay profitable.
That's why I've created CSIS.
If you buy securities or lend CSIS your money, you'll receive every month interests, according to the funds' results. You can also sell your securities to other players to make profit. If you lend me cc or gold, the capital will be returned after 3-6-9-12 months, you choose.
CSIS is playing on monetary markets, on goods and raw makets, and has also a production (& selling) activity.
Obviously, there is a gdoc to publish every accounting data.
There is currently 1000 securities and 100 bonds to sell. Every costs 1 gold.
The game is young : the late you buy, the less you'll earn interests !
I'm waiting for your MPs.
კომენტარები (6)

Interesting investment scheme but still the game is way too young to implement a system like that since this is based on trust. So there is a risk and you need to earn trust in order to run a scheme like this successfully

You stole my words arith

And when the game will be too old, you ll say that you are rich enough cause you re an old player and you can develop your land by yourself.
I thought US people was used to detect opportunities, may I ve mistaken ?

The government has thought of banking opportunities like this. There is a lot of trust involved. The people have to trust the person/country they are investing in or it is no use. We don t trust you, so it is no use. Nice Idea though.

Tangor, I personally would like to see an article that goes into more detail on this operation.

All right, I ll try to write it soon
thanks for your interest