გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Hungary - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 25 May 2016 03:27 - 36
Honorable players around the World!
As many of you know Japan, Poland, and Iran has left the WOLF alliance.
They were a great allies to us, we sad to see them leave, however they made their choice and so did we.
As a minister of foreign affairs I would like inform everyone that Hungarians will stay with its present allies with respect, and welcomes appointed new members.
At the moment Serbia, Croatia, and Macedonia signing MPP with Ukraine. Hungary is in war with Ukraine right now, but we would like to stop this war, and sign MPP with them also. We already started peace talks with Ukraine, and as a result of that we agreed to release them back the regions we took. We haven't made it official, but as everyone can see in present battles we are not fighting against them.
So we are releasing taken regions back to Ukraine right now, but signing MPP with them require an important step which is an apology.
Hungary started war against Ukraine in order to help alliance when it was required to do so, so we understand Ukraine's high tension towards us right now. However we would like to state that we have no problem with Ukraine and its players. Furthermore we would like to apologize to Ukraine.
We ask Ukraine for forgiveness, and to understand that Hungary just did what a good ally needs to do. Now that Ukrainians became friends with our friends, we look at them as our friends as well and we hope they can accept our apology and our MPP proposal.
Minister of foreign affairs
As many of you know Japan, Poland, and Iran has left the WOLF alliance.
They were a great allies to us, we sad to see them leave, however they made their choice and so did we.
As a minister of foreign affairs I would like inform everyone that Hungarians will stay with its present allies with respect, and welcomes appointed new members.
At the moment Serbia, Croatia, and Macedonia signing MPP with Ukraine. Hungary is in war with Ukraine right now, but we would like to stop this war, and sign MPP with them also. We already started peace talks with Ukraine, and as a result of that we agreed to release them back the regions we took. We haven't made it official, but as everyone can see in present battles we are not fighting against them.
So we are releasing taken regions back to Ukraine right now, but signing MPP with them require an important step which is an apology.
Hungary started war against Ukraine in order to help alliance when it was required to do so, so we understand Ukraine's high tension towards us right now. However we would like to state that we have no problem with Ukraine and its players. Furthermore we would like to apologize to Ukraine.
We ask Ukraine for forgiveness, and to understand that Hungary just did what a good ally needs to do. Now that Ukrainians became friends with our friends, we look at them as our friends as well and we hope they can accept our apology and our MPP proposal.
Minister of foreign affairs
MarlockTarsiBoraxკომენტარები (36)





Apology accepted. Left back regions 



Mar csak az a kerdes, hogy miert akarja Ukrajna elfoglalni a roman bonuszregionkat.

Melyik régióra gondolsz Ehed? Román régióra biztos nem, mert ami onnan kellett az már nálunk van. Esetleg moldáv területről beszélhetsz, arról meg majd megpróbálunk egyeztetni velük.

http://prntscr.com/b89jdh http://prntscr.com/b89ixg http://prntscr.com/b89jlu

egyébként tényleg a románt támadta be de én sem figyeltem fel a 2 betű eltérésre. akkor viszont ezt védeni kell

Ehed: az ukrán elnök benézte. Véletlen volt. Védjük és elvileg ők nem ütik. (persze akadhat kivétel, mint nálunk is kárpátaljai felkelés esetén)

Remelem lesz egy 150 millios kivetel aki Inspectionnek hivnak. Leszallhatna a szipurol az ukran elnok.

Köszönöm szépen.

It was honor for us for being ally of Hungary since start of game.(Bulgaria and others) But personally believe Serbia made that deal which it disappointed. Good luck

Dear god.. Ok it was a war both fought and enjoyed and now you would like to be friends again. So far so good. Have some dignity man. Apologies and beg for forgiveness? Seriously now? It s a game, one day you fight the other turns to be friends, depending on the conditions. IMO this article is a disgrace for all Huns

ktab: You know wise people apologize sometimes. There is no shame in that.

There are ways to apology and ways to humiliate yourself mate. This is not an apology. And to be honest there should be no apology you did your duty over an ally. Things change and war must stop. Best apology is give in the battlefields while you help your friends. Your current friends. Battlefiels, where friendships and brotherhoods raise
Good luck

Minden tiszteletem bandi ! Hiszem hogy ezt átlag polgárként nem tennéd meg mert nem engedné a büszkeséged . Komolyan mondom : RESPECT o7

Ktab: I don t really know who you are to tell me if I m right or wrong, but frankly I don t care. I stand by my words and actions.

Dingo: tényleg nem volt egyszerű.
Örülök hogy átlátod és megérted a szitut. Legalább te nem vagy olyan akinek egyszer az a baja hogy sapka van a fejemen, máskor meg az ha nincs
Respect neked is!

I m one of those who hoped to the last that you would have come with us. I ve always had respect for you, i have always fought for you, without ulterior motives. This article made me sick, it seems that someone has done brainwashed. This way of apologize to the Ukraine is nothing short of shameful and humiliating for you, it seems more out of fear than honesty. I m really disappointed, but in this type of games you have to be prepared for anything.
Goodbye Hungary.

Unknown: apologizing is not shameful. Leaving your allies is. An apology from Japan would be accepted and respected not shameful.

I don t want to sound that repeats everything written by ktab, but there are ways and ways. In my opinion, you are doing the figure of hangdog. If you have half a brain, unlike someone, you understand the reasons why Japan has left, and you know very well that it is not for Hungary. You know very well that all Japanese respect Hungary and you know that you have been in close battles ... and who does not! It s a game based on the war, right? Why now i read that you were forced to declare war on Ukraine? The game is this, or are we on Farmville? However, stop, you have made this decision? I respect it, but i keep my disappointment.

Nice to hear of you, Hungary. Stay alive! 

Unknown: I m not familiar with the reasons but I do know that you guys didn t even try to compromise. Got upset and left. That s childish in my eyes. Anyways regardless what happened, bottom line you guys left, you guys went somewhere where we don t want to go, so I can only repeat myself and say that we were great friends, we are sad to see you go, but now it is what it is. No hard feelings, no disrespect, good luck guys!

Humiliation lol nice article


i just cant stop lol what a humiliation
