Eu virgulă cetățeanul

국가 Romania - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 20 Jun 2016 18:47 - 6

No ! You'd better tell the users what exactly is wrong, so they can try to fix it or give up and save time.

I tried to sell some raw materials in the only market I have a license for: Romania. My country is deleted. Is that why I can't place new offers in the market? If not, what's wrong?

P.S. Are you afraid of quotes? Why don't you accept them in the newspaper's title and the articles?


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la mine merge..
Si la mine merge
s v
E atat de gol depozitul, ca a ramas doar de sters praful... de pusca... Laugh
Asta cu „la mine merge” îmi sună cunoscută. Smile)
Cred că știu ce mi-a scăpat - am pus prețul și cantitatea dar am omis tipul de marfă de pus la vânzare. Cheeky Oricum, n-are sens să dai mesaje de eroare inutile.