Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 25 Jun 2016 21:16 - 0

Simple offer. Work for me and receive Q4 food for each day of work.

80 Q4 Food (640 energy) +1 USD

optional: Send back 1 USD, and receive 10 additional Q4 Food to make it overall 90 Q4 Food (720 energy) you receive each day of work.

I scoff at idea of raising minimum wage.

If you actually do work for 1 USD or work for yourself in Q2 Food factory it'll be more beneficial to work for me.

And if you have better job offer than what I am currently offering feel free to create your own advertisement article or just PM me  and I'll add your offer in my article as well.

My current goal is to
1. Allow people to save up gold to upgrade training ground instead of wasting gold building another food factory.
2. Provide information about current job offers that is available in eUS so you do not have to travel outside.

P.S. Feel free to PM me with products you wish to sell (Make sure to offer price and quantity). Maybe I can make #eUSA trade market type of news going.
P.P.S. I'll publish an article every Saturday so no noobs end up working for 1 USD or their own Q2 Factory. (Even if it is same shtuff every week)
P.P.P.S. Next time, if eRev ever does company upgrade discounts again the offer will be upgrade to Q5 Food.


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