국가 Poland - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 28 Jun 2016 20:04 - 14

As we know, we have a huuuge problem with the map. Please read about my thoughts about the system:

I know I won't be heard by many people, but still - to make the game way more balanced...
... there should be a limit of core regions
No country should have more than 12 core regions and more than 80% initial bonus. Also, if possible (Sorry, Singapore...), a country shouldn't have less than 3 core regions and less than 20% initial bonus.
... regions should be fairly distributed.
Boni should be located to encourage the rivalization between countries. Example? Just look at Norway, doomed here by their "ancestor game" decisions.
... there shouldn't be too much regions in minor countries
Let's have a small peak on the map. Yes, we see French Empire, Japanese Empire, Taiwanese Empire, German or even Lithuanian. But... can you see why those empires emerged?
Japan conquered... or rather I should say colonized most regions of Russia, India, Thailand and Malaysia.
France? Signed a document with both existing Benelux countries near the beginning of the game to expand there.
There are more examples like Greece and Turkey in Egypt, Iran in the UAE, Lithuania in Estonia, Multiple countries in different days in Moldova...
Almost all of the this game empires was made not by rivalization, but by colonization. Even my Polish Empire in first days of the game was made due to aggreement between Poland and then-Germany, led by RAF.
We may now clearly see big-but-rather-empty countries like China or India or small-but-puppet states (according to map) like Belgium, Netherlands or Thailand exist for nothing more than be a "region storage" for another countries. For most players it's fair ("If they want they may make a BB and take it back", blah blah blah blah), but answer this question:
If some countries can easily make an advantage, is the game fair?
Dear Admins, please keep that in mind during Map Rework. You want to achieve a fair game, don't you? :)
RAF904xtatrx댓글 (14)


Dajmy wszystkim po równo, co by nikt nie płakał, że gra jest niesprawiedliwa. Za to bedzie bardziej interesujaca....

Tom, to by było zbyt piękne... ale i złe. Fakt, że sam ucieszyłbym się ze zrobienia regionów Polski bardziej w stylu historycznym (Podział Śląska, pojawienie się Podlasie), ale aż tak bawić się nie będą. Z drugiej strony, zniknięcie/zablokowanie regionów w kilku krajach by się przydało - sama Japonia miesiące temu zKami onizowała cztery kraje i do tej pory je wszystkie utrzymuje bez najmniejszego problemu.

big vote... btw i am not sure but i think china is empty because such games are commonly blocked (because their RL leaders dont like free markets, elections and if they talk with people from all over the world...^^) there... wouldnt be a surprise if this game is blocked in china also...

So it s not fair if France have a biggest Empire because of her diplomatic skills ?

@Dorian, I look at the situation this way: Diplomacy is okay. The thing is France started the game with the largest number of regions in Europe (as far as I know, the only country who has more regions, is the US), for example almost twice as much as Germany, about 4 times more than Poland/Serbia/Hungary... @RAF904 Bingo. Chinese e-Wall makes continental China unplayable. Yet China, as one of the most populated countries, exists with a way more regions than people s activity. D:

All countries should have the same amount of regions!

@dorian i think phors point was that noone needed to fight seriously... poland and germany together allready have full food and full weapon bonus... plus 3 of 5 (4 of 5 if you add denmark wich is completely empty) house bonus just with working together with one country... same was with france... just adding some nearly empty countries and you have nearly full bonuses... tbh it was a bit more difficult for france (because UK wasnt that weak at the beginning like it is now) but still very easy... with just adding some UK regions... and there are a lot more examples...

Good point, RAF. There were times, when Polish empire was one of the largest on the map due to diplomacy. 

vote, vote, vote

Phor, kogo ja widze 

Nom, kogo Ty widzisz.