국가 Croatia - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 03 Jul 2016 07:02 - 7

AREA 51 | July 3, 2016. | day 175 | br.20
Dragi čitatelji,
ovo je jubilarni 20. broj ovih novina koje vam donose uvijek korisne i/ili zabavne informacije. U zadnje vrijeme je nažalost nestašica dobrih članaka, te pozivamo sve naše novinare da se vrate pisanju, a nove igrače da se ne boje napisati nešto (ako imaju što iole pametno), vjerujem da će ih starije kolege nagraditi sa ponekim endorseom.
Nedavno su admini objavili neke novosti:
- Novi način kontaktiranja podrške
Umjesto nepraktičnog slanja maila kada trebate neku pomoć od moderatora/admina, sada vam je jednostavnije poslati ticket, a tako možete i jednostavno pratiti (a isto tako i admini) dali vam je i kada odgovoreno.
With Support Ticket System you will be able to ask anything considered to accounts, problems with the game, just like now you were able with the mail support, but with the upgrade that some questions already answered you will be able to search and get the answer instantly without the need to write to us.

- Plaćanje Paysafe Card-om i Web stranice o igri
Uveden je novi način plaćanja, te su napravljene web stranice kao mjesto sa svim informacijama i linkovima, ovdje možete kupiti golde, pronaći Forum, Blog, Wiki i Ticket support.
With the arrival of Paysafecard we are also revealing you a new Support page eRevGame, where you will be able to buy with Paysafecard and access eRevollution s Forum, Wiki, Blog and new Support System

- (Novi) Forum
Forum postoji već neko vrijeme, no nije bio poznat većini igrača.
From the site you can access Forum to search anything about eRevollution, discuss new ideas
or just talk about what you like about this game so much or would want to change.

- Wiki stranice
Na Wiki stranicama bi trebale biti sve najvažnije informacije o svim stvarima u igri, kako tvornice funkcioniraju, oružja, izračun šteta i produktivnosti itd.
On Wiki page you can find all the information about game, considering what each company does, how much the upgrade costs, how the war system works.

- Blog
Na Blogu se može pogledati o razvoju same igre.
Blog will you the option to read about the eRevollution itself and it s development over time.

- Stižu nam sti
Od ostalih novosti najvažnija je da uskoro idu sti na tvrtke i poligone od 25%...
With Paysafecard being an option for more players to buy gold, who weren t able before, we are also offering you all a 25% discount on all Companies and Workout Area from 6th to 8th July, so be sure to grab those much need upgrades you have been waiting for quarter off!
Ako vas zanima više pogledajte ovaj članak > https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5859
- Ostale izmjene same igre
Također novost je sittanje računa, znači da možete pričuvati frendov račun sve do 30.9. no u tom periodu nesmije biti transakcija između igrača.
Player can set one of his friends to control his account until 30th of September during summer vacations. It is not recommended to set people you don't know as account sitters in order to prevent abuse. Game is not responsible for any abuse that your sitter makes.

Now CP and Prime Minister can accept citizenship requests as long as they have free law proposals(each time they accept one citizenship, they lose a law proposal).
It is now possible to set 3 Captains in Military unit.
Za kraj...

by Ahileus
