국가 Hungary - 정책 토론&분석 - 03 Jul 2016 12:01 - 18

During the last days a many, strange things happened. Please allow me to share my opinion about the situation.
Since the very beginning (when every country was creating itself), in Poland everyone were right about one thing: To always see Hungarians as our brothers and - despite the situation, which often threw us in opposite factions - keep the good relations. We both know it was a difficult part, because often alliances tried to press us into war.
And now... the problems started. One player saw one of the unliked by us information and decided to propose an MPP. With no other country than a Chronical Backstabbing Disorder piece of clay on your east. MDP used it as a trump card and decided if Poland doesn't want to cooperate, they will force their way to us "or else...". If only I would be someone with enough influence (but not a CP)...
It won't stop me from trying to keep them away of your cores. It will be just... more difficult. But I am looking for an option to show them they did two huge mistakes, which soon that alliance may... will regret. Starting negotiations with backstabbers was the first one.
Your #LengyelBarát
Phor Killick
Giovanno69RothbartNightwatcherHUNHun SoldierHuMaVi댓글 (18)


Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki
I do szabli, i do szklanki
Oba zuchy, oba żwawi
Niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi.


Lengyel Magyar ket jo barat! I m here to be proud fight for Magyarorszag!

My vote for NO was first there: https://www.erevollution.com/en/country/law/50/Poland/8461


..a Chronical Backstabbing Disorder piece of clay on your east... EPIC 

Respect to our Polish brothers! o/






Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki.
