국가 Japan - 정책 토론&분석 - 04 Jul 2016 11:08 - 7
Emperor : Rapin
Governor : Yume Hime
Minister of Defense : Rapin
Minister of Foreign Affairs : Arshia
Minister of Education : Hildisvini
Assistant : Niroe // Spiritual Dante
If you want take part of my government as istant you can send me a PM and tell me what's your main domain and the domain you want learn, if you're already qualified you can be my personal istant, don't be shy and come on.
Program :-Fix economy (Rapin + Hildisvini)
=| Fix gold values and make our weapon market attractive.
-Make a public account balance (Rapin + Spiritual Dante)
=| Make a gdoc with public expenditure.
-Suppply for all not for Amaterasu only (Yume Hime + Niroe)
=| Amaterasu MU is independant they don't need supply since the start, this objective is for others MU like Shogun and Japan SelfDefense Forces (and maybe Amaterasu Auxialiary depends of the supply they already have).
-Maintain and make our relation better with ally and MDP (Arshia)
=| Arshia from Iran IRL and Rapin from France IRL, we will improve our relation with Iran, Turkey and France after we will improve our relation with others country.
-Investigate our ally opinion (Arshia)
=| We all love our ally but how they feel about Japan ?
- Create a training ground program helper for our citizens (Rapin)
=| It's just a project, the objective is Training Ground Q4 for all.
And more.
댓글 (7)