Muletov CKM

mule - 의 신문 Serbia -

국가 Serbia - 전장 분석 - 04 Jul 2016 16:38 - 12

We started it again. WAR. WAR. DAR MAR. WAR WAR. 

What to do??

Ok, somebody has other plans
But, right man on the right time, place whatever

But if u look closer u will see this
I am sorry but we have damage dealers army too
What about me ?? 
Well , mule is watching , maybe thinking probably not , looking for job....
I was going to Apulia, interupted i decided to change route
Okey, France, Turkey, MDP , BDP, OMG WTF LOL, you are nexxxt (16+)(eBabies dont remember this baloon and some happenings, but Serbs REMEMBER !!!! )



댓글 (12)

Imas vote, al slabo te kapiram Laugh
brate i meni je nejasniji clanak sve vise i vise haahahaha
Čudno izgleda a pri tom još i ne radi Laugh
CV pobedijo... xD
Svaka čast mule o/ pravoslavlje
JNA 84
Vladika brate najgori sam od sve djece Laugh braco i saborci hvala
Ubio mene bog dragi ako ja kontam nesto ovde Laugh Ali prost sam covjek vidim srpsku zastavu i srbovanje odma upvote o7
why 246 246 bernoldi ?
Ne kapiram
komeng , last elections Laugh that is picture of djurdjo Laugh
Kakav mule takav i clanak Laugh hehe CV ti najjaci Laugh sta je sledece? Cheeky