Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 08 Jul 2016 16:48 - 7

Hello, I'm Talesweaver.
I've introduced myself earlier about 20 days ago in an article but it was bit messy so I'll do it again here.

I'm currently with U.S. independent party.

Which is a home for all politically active independents that is not affiliated with current major power house. (Ex: Fed, PRP, ECP)
I'm afraid, that is all I have in eRev because I have not participated in eUSA government before.

My eHistory

Of the same genre game I play Ice-Apple, eSim and eRep as well.
For experiences
I'm currently serving iSK as 9th consecutive term CP (10 if I count Impeachment) + Alliance Finance Controller + x2 MoFA before serving as CP.

Honestly, type government I worked with is mostly single party government who has single/few players functioning central decision makers whom are elected so it can be consider democratic in some ways but I would like to start experience real democracy and stay politically active in eRev.

I would like to start serving eUSA by starting out as a Congressman.
I don't think I have right to complain about things in government unless I choose to actually participate in the government.
I've studied on both eUSA constitution  and congressional code but there is limit to what I can learn unless I gain real experience.

I'm not certain on full extent of power of eCongressman but current agenda I want to bring up as Congressman is

1. Exerct pressure on current government to hasten the return of our two core region of Idaho and South Dakota
2. Temporarily stop financing Maginot line a.k.a. Lincoln Line until eRev Admin figures out how many regions they want to delete from our country.
3. Fight against Minimum Wage raise
4. Propose Strategic Reserve.

I will add explanation at the below for each agenda but for who are done reading wall of Text
Please Vote for Talesweaver as your congressman for upcoming election of July 15, 2016.

Now for reasoning behind my 4 agenda.
1. I know for a fact our current president Abe is on the issue and is currently negotiating. I believed knowing that there is extra Congressman(wannabe) is publicly supporting the move would allow more pressure. And show other countries that it is WE who wants the regions back not only our government.

2. I am okay with the Defense System being implemented in our Core Regions and I believe Abe is privately supporting most of this project.
(Btw if I remember it correctly, our Q3 Hospital which was destroyed in the war against Japan led alliance and Q4 Hospital was built by Abe).
I'm unsure if our government will set apart fund for this but I believe waiting for the map change would allow us to actually know how much it will cost us.

3. There are plenty of JOBS that are available currently that are above 1 USD wage and my personal offer as well so there is absolutely no reason for increase of minimum wage. All increase of minimum wage do is to harm Small Company owners by forcing them to pay more money and Self Employed players due to Work Tax. 

4. I will post link from separate article explaining Strategic Reserve in details. Since  I have been writing/ editing this article for past 3 hours or so I want to take a short break :p.

~ Yours Truly Talesweaver

P.S. I do SUPPORT Abe as our CP. I believe he will not lead us astray. He is our most experienced and talent eUSA president.
P.P.S. I do have to confess though I voted for Ace a.k.a. spit this term. Both Ace and Abe was good candidate so I voted Last Minute before the election ended. Tough choices.
P.P.P.S. I always do have job Offers available, if you are curious either PM me or wait for my article on every Saturday. It does not offer USD or Gold but offers FOOD in return for your work.
P.P.P.P.S. Please let me know of any grammatical error that occured in the article. I did best I could but I'm not really a good writer or Grammatically correct person. Shame on me for letting my college level English Education going to waste :p.
P.PP.P.P.S. I'm always sleepy.



댓글 (7)

Good point about waiting to construct the Line until the Admin adjusts regions. Looking forward to your first term in our legislation. 07
No disrespect but you want a major core city like south Dakota back but you dont think we need a DS there or in our vaults to protect it when we have it. You dont think when map changes others wont be coming for US?
To clarify: I still think the Lincoln-Line is a necessity. But I figure we should stockpile them until the admin reorganizes the regions in case they combine some of our regions.
You can always choose to stock pile them. I prefer to set specific budget for specific purpose and the budgets require exact number of things, in this case shield, in order to get a budget for them. I don t believe we are not in any immediate threat from Brazil atm, our alliance is doing pretty well.
We aren t in threat by Brazil, but they are a strong enemy nation not to far from our borders. So it s best to keep an eye on them. And yeah more than likely regions will be combined to form things like US Pacific Coast, US Southeast, Midwest ect.
Tbh, if the admin chose to colonize the east coast, like new England, it would actually be a defensive bonus. @Admin