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국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 09 Jul 2016 03:04 - 0

This is first time in my eHistory that I CHOSE to be born as eUSA citizen and wanted to propose safety plan for my country.
That is if you guys allow me to serve my country as Congressman

I’ll try to make it short. I like short article.

Instead of covering broad spectrum of national defense, Strategic Reserve is to be used when our necessary core regions are under attack.
Strategic reserve would serve to turn the tide of the war.
It is only to be used to deal with immediate threat and it is long term investment plan.
1. Receive budget to set aside specific amount of Gold, Weapon, or Food each month to save it.
It might be 1 gold, 1 weapon or 1 Food or more...
2.Whatever was set aside for this project cannot be accessed or used by any one until
its activation.
3. Specific personnel will be responsible to hold on to our supplies since eRev is
extremely picky about donating and prone to banning innocent players.
My preference is current CP or MoD. There is no MU storage either.
4. All transaction of supply must be recorded in detail in order to avoid possible abuse.

End of Specific points.
Skip to comment if you do not want to read more.

Bit of personal Ramble about why I came out with Strategic Reserve.

I usually choose to play in small countries. Small countries are always under threat of invasion,
and with weak military it is hard to stay independent even with diplomacy.
I've fought many wars and I'm not hard core fighter to refuse surrender.
I will surrender if that means I can live but ONLY if I can live to FIGHT another day.
If it comes to the worst case scenario, I will fight. No if and buts there. I will fight to my last supplies.

To me,worst doomsday scenario is enemy managing to gain enough control of lar vote to prevent our congress to function properly all the while we are being wiped. 
In event of war of attrition and all we can do is hold on and fight.

I've fought wars before where our supplies dwindled down to having 0 Foods left to use and no weapons to fight with even if we had food. And get annihilated because we couldn't fight any more.
Gotta say, I was extremely bitter. We did all we can do to fight and there was nothing we could do about it. Demoralized by the complete defeat,
some of the players decided to leave the games entirely.

Guess idea all comes down to me wanting to fight longer in worst case scenario.
It might not be enough to make any major differences every battle, but perhaps one day
in many years to come it may just save us.
Plan requires refinement.If anyone wishes to use it, feel free to do so. I only wanted to contribute
where I can and this idea is my contribution to eUSA since I did not hear any
project intended for Defense other than Maginot Line.
Feel free to point out any grammar errors or flaws in plan so I can correct it.

~Your truly, Talesweaver
Written in July 9th,2016.

P.S. I'm going back to sleep.
P.P.S. I'm always sleepy.
P.P.P.S. Only writing this article because I prefer short articles didn't want to make my last article longer than necessary and those who were curious would be able to get sufficient explanation. Hopefully.


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