Corleone News

국가 Germany - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 13 Jul 2016 06:33 - 4

Hello again Soldiers of Germany.

The new Military Unit Sons of Anarchy has a new Headquarter with some new soldiers in the Unit.

We are looking for more and more players from Germany to come in our Military Unit.As I posted in my last article we are Recruiting yet,Everyone is Welcome to our Unit.

Commander: Rragnar
-Former of the Sons of Anarchy very active ingame
Captain: DarkPrincess
-Former of Minister of Education in Albania, Know the Rules and he is active to change DO and Helps new Players in Unit.
Lieutenant: IMIGRAlboz
-A Diplomatic Lieutenant,Know the rules and he is famous.He can help with Damage.

One place is free for Lieutenant so who is interesting to take that place he must Message me,but he must have 2.500 strength,Rank General-Field Marshal.Thanks for Reading the article.

Commander of Sons of Anarchy


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Bukur...futni vetem shqiptare qe jane ne gjermani ne MU Smile
@AlbRevolution ashtu po bejme por nuk do jet international do jen vetem Gjerman dhe Shqiptar ne MU,dhe kur shenojm mesazhe permes MUs shenojm shqip dhe Anglisht! Dhe ato qe nuk jan ne MUn time dmth Shqiptar ju lutem thiri albrevollution ok?