Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 16 Jul 2016 19:58 - 1

Quiz #2

So.... Last week when I did the quiz none was actually interested in solving them.
But I saw no reason NOT to do this again. 
So if anyone is interested leave correct answer in the comment section below to receive food.
Lets stick to 1 question per person.
I'll reuse most question I used last weeks this time... And probably next time if there isn't anyone solving them :p

If you are a newbie less than 1 Month Old, reward is 100 Q5 Food for eUSA newbie while it is 50 Q5 Food for non eUSA newbie.
If you are a newbie less than 2 Month Old, reward is 80 Q5 Food for eUSA newbie and 40 Q5 Food for non eUSA newbie.
If you are eUSA citizen and not newbie under my terms you will receive 50 Q5 Food 
If you are of foreign nationality, you will receive 25 Q5 Food for correct answer.

(Reward will not be same each time I issue the quiz article. It depends on how much food I have on hand.)

Now questions.
1. Current President of eUSA (July 2016)
2. Name of MU Commander for Seal Team 6
3. Three major political party in eUSA. (Must get all names correctly)
4. Name of MU Commander for rUSA Militia.
5. Name of alliance eUSA is in.
6. Give a name for one of the MU Captain from Seal Team 6. (There are three, one name will suffice.)
7. Country that is currently set as Natural Enemy to eUSA.
8. Current party leader of Federalist.
9. Current party leader of People's Revolutionary Party
10.  Name of current rUSA Militia's Captain (There is only 1!)

Bonus Questions x2 Rewards
11. Current head of Department of Citizen Affair

Newbie Bonus Question x3 Rewards
12. Name of council that advises President and Congress on all military matter

Job offer... 
There is high paying job offers in job market.
If you are working for any less than that, try to negotiate with your employer or feel free to get a better job.

Simple offer. Work for me and receive Q5 food for each day of work.

80 Q5 Food (800 energy) +1 USD

optional: Send back 1 USD, and receive 10 additional Q5 Food to make it overall 90 Q5 Food (900 energy) you receive each day of work.

If you actually do work for 1 USD or work for yourself in Q2 Food factory it ll be more beneficial to work for me.

P.S. Thank you for whoever voted me this congress election~
~Yours Truly, Talesweaver


댓글 (1)

5. MDP (mutual defense pact) Bonus x2. SpitfireYY