국가 Turkey - 정책 토론&분석 - 07 Aug 2016 17:33 - 31

SluttyOrphanAli Begenkarmonik댓글 (31)


kaçtı mı pirinç

Invasion is coming o7


ikinç sal ,o7


Ooo abi çok şekil olmuş çok hoşuma gitti



voted, güzel çalışma. DÜŞMANLAR KORKSUN TÜRKLERDEN!!11!!1!1

Gayet kaliteli ve hoş duruyor. Nice bonuslu topraklara 

Voted o7

helal olsun.


And yet, few weeks ago, Turkey was wiped. Nice comeback guys.

half of them from empty countries.. not impressive with that kind of advantage over others. It would be interesting if empty countries ware removed from game..

Hemen heryeri alalim

@TopSecret, don t forget that we conquered the regions from Israel and Saudi Arabia from countries like Croatia and Bulgaria

atila, thing is that regions ware not priority for ether country. And on top of that, did Israeli or Saudis ever put up fight at trying to liberate their regions , and im talking about real fight not just TP or drain battle ?? Come on, you know what im talking about. If it was same as taking from croatia, why havent you wiped croats when you ware in Croatia . With all respect, but you see my point, half of that regions are from dead countries, and that is giving you huge advantage over others, even you have to admit that. (btw, im not saying that turks made map, you are just doing what any country would in your position, use it to best advantage you can)

i dont see the point of this article

Orta dünyadakiler de sayılıyorsa 31 e tamamlanıyor