Childish Analysis

국가 Turkey - 재정 사업 - 12 Aug 2016 03:14 - 27

Hi! In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.

I invite you to use the comment section as the trading area, post your offer, with this format please: 


This Edition's Notes:
Sorry for the one week interval without any articles, I was on vacation, but now I'm back :)
More ridiculously awesome banners! TY Flindix!
TWO NEW SECTIONS!!! "Other Awesome Articles" & "Avarage Salary"!

Food is unchanged.
Q5 Helis are stable around 0,062, Q3s are cheaper, and Q1s are ridiculously cheaper, because of the update (fire power nerfed to 2,0)
Q1 Houses are more expensive, but the whole House industry is looking very weird... HRM is very hard to find at the moment...

1G = 1600 - 1700 energy

FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,00025 - 0,00035   

Q1 Helis = 0,027 - 0,030

Q2 Helis = 0,035 - 0,039
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,034 - 0,037
Q5 Helis = 0,061 - 0,062

WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,00045 - 0,00050

Q1 = 4,3 - 4,50
Q2 = 5,0 - 5,5
Q3 = 6,0 - 6,5
Q4 = 8,0 - 8,5
Q5 = 11,0 - 12,0

HRM - House Raw Material = 0,0008 - 0,0010

ONE Work Session per Day - 1G

TWO Work Sessions per Day - 2G

In this section I will put all the countrys with a good bonus on any of the industries. For Food and Weapons I only included 100% bonus, because there are many, but for Houses I also included 90% and 80% bonus.
I marked with...

    red the countries with bonus on Food , Weapon and House Industries.
    orange the countries with bonus on Food and Weapons;
    green the countries with bonus on Food and Houses;
    blue the countries with bonus on Weapons and Houses.

If you're wondering, this information can be useful for people who have more then one type of industry, and don't want to travel twice.

Also, I crossed all the countries that had certain bonuses, but seized having it recently, and will probably get it back in no time (god you serbia!!!)

0,024 G per Company - MexicoSouth Korea, Turkey
0,027 G per Company - Iran
0,030 G per Company - France, Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Taiwan
0,033 G per Company - Japan
0,036 G per Company - Poland
0,056 G
per Company - Greece
0,102 G per Company -

0,018 G per Company - Bulgaria, Serbia
0,024 G per Company - Turkey
0,027 G per Company - Iran
0,030 G per Company - France, Germany, Taiwan, Romania
0,036 G
 per Company - Poland
0,039 G per Company - Argentina
0,045 G per Company - Croatia
0,048 G per Company - Brazil
0,102 G per Company - USA

100% Bonus - 0,018 G per Company - Serbia
100% Bonus - 0,036 G per Company - Poland
100% Bonus - 0,056 G per Company - Greece

90% Bonus - 0,024 G per Company - Turkey

80% Bonus - 0,027 G per Company - Iran
80% Bonus - 0,030 G per Company - France, Portugal, Romania
80% Bonus - 0,102 G per Company - USA

vooztrollin - My Vacation

Macedonia, not FYROM

MDP - New HQ

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
 If you found this article useful please Vote & Subscribe, it really DOES matter!



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PertamaX Smile)
keep it up.. o7
Keep making theese kind of articles , I luv it
thanks for putting my article in this list!
Thanks for the support everyone! Ill keep doing this, as long as you keep enjoying them! @vooztrollin Your just hilarious, I coulnd t skip it xD
Keep up the good work. Voted o7
Mexico has 100 food bonus.
México 100% Food.
Keep going my friend! o7
to be honest, it is not necessary to put greece and poland in house industry. you pay 1.5x gold to get 1.1x bonus? why dont you just spend that extra gold to buy HRM in market
for a example i have 100 Q3 house raw company,product 12000 materials daily go to turkey:12000x1.9=22800and spent 2.4g for product go to poland:12000x2=24000and spent 3.6g for product 3.6-2.4=1.2g, you use 1.2g to get 1200extra product wow, so 【smart】
True Mr. W, but that s what you guys have to think Cheeky I m not your brain ^^ Also, Mexico corrected, thx!
Nice job, keep on the good work.
Great man
SELL - Q1 Q2 houses.
Best journal ever!
Q2 heli price 0.029-0.032 Q3 house price 6-7g btw great articles continue doing this o7
The moust helpful article so far!
Thanks for the info