Childish Analysis

국가 Turkey - 재정 사업 - 16 Aug 2016 07:34 - 27

Hi! In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.
I invite you to use the comment section as the trading area, post your offer, with this format please: 


This Edition's Notes:
"Lost Memories" event explanation

Food has gravitated towards 1500-1600e=1G, becoming slightly more expensive.
Q5 Helis are very steady on the 0,060-0,062 mark, Q3s on 0,039, Q1s haven't stabilized yet, but are around 0,025-0,029.
Houses are unchanged.

Poland is the best country to travel to, with 100% on ALL BONUSES, and a work tax of 0,036G

1G = 1600 - 1700 energy

FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,00025 - 0,00035   

Q1 Helis = 0,025 - 0,029

Q2 Helis = 0,032 - 0,035
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,039
Q5 Helis = 0,060 - 0,062

WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,00045 - 0,00050

Q1 = 4,0 - 4,50
Q2 = 5,0 - 5,5
Q3 = 6,0 - 6,5
Q4 = 8,0 - 9,0
Q5 = 11,5 - 12,0

HRM - House Raw Material = 0,0008 - 0,0010
ONE Work Session per Day - 1G

TWO Work Sessions per Day - 2G

In this section I will put all the countrys with a good bonus on any of the industries. For Food and Weapons I only included 100% bonus, because there are many, but for Houses I also included 90% and 80% bonus.
I marked with...

    red the countries with bonus on Food , Weapon and House Industries.
    orange the countries with bonus on Food and Weapons;
    green the countries with bonus on Food and Houses;
    blue the countries with bonus on Weapons and Houses.

If you're wondering, this information can be useful for people who have more then one type of industry, and don't want to travel twice.
Also, I crossed all the countries that had certain bonuses, but seized having it recently, and will probably get it back in no time (god you serbia!!!)

0,024 G per Company - Mexico, South Korea, Turkey
0,027 G per Company - Iran
0,030 G per Company - France, Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Taiwan
0,036 G per Company - Poland
0,056 G
per Company - Greece
0,102 G per Company -

0,018 G per Company - Bulgaria
0,024 G per Company - Turkey
0,027 G per Company - Iran
0,030 G per Company - France, Germany, Romania
0,036 G
per Company -Poland
0,039 G per Company - Argentina

100% Bonus - 0,036 G per Company - Poland
100% Bonus - 0,056 G per Company - Greece

90% Bonus - 0,024 G per Company - Turkey
90% Bonus - 0,027 G per Company - Iran

80% Bonus - 0,030 G per Company - France, Portugal, Romania

New event for this week! It's very simple, all you have to do is follow one of the paths to get to the reward (5 RPG's, 50 Q5 Weapons, 30 Q5 Food)

- Path 1 - Work two times (using a house), Train in a Workout Area, Hit 100 times (2000 energy)

- Path 2 - Work as manager in two companies, Recover 1000 energy, Deal X amount of damage (depends from person to person)

- Path 3 - Train in a Workout Area, Buy 50 items from the market, Deal X amount of damage (depends from person to person)

I recommend Path 1
, as it is the easiest, but any of them will get you to the reward.

eRevollution in a Nuts - Dorian Grey
Damage Calculator - Me :D
TP Medals - kaandaskan1

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
If you found this article useful please Vote & Subscribe, it really DOES matter!




댓글 (27)

pirinç kanka sal
v nice work Smile
how can you say that house prices did not changed? are you spot the market? peah
Haven t changed since my last article, where they changed brutally
Tomorrow at Congress meeting we will talk about decrease cc value so it will be cheaper for everyone I think o7
voted Laugh
Sell q3 helis 0.038 PM me
If you can find me q1 houses for 4g i would eat them ;P
houses are more expensive, becuase the price of hrm is growing
yes ebajrektar, but I ve seen some sellers with the old price aswell... i m confused...
You might want to update Taiwan s weapon bonus
Done, sorry but it s very difficult to keep up with all the wars all over the world Cheeky
good job
House prices is not true mate )))
Selling - HQ5 = 0.061G | TQ5 = 0.039G = Private message or send golds Smile
the price is true. Smile i buy 2 houses for 4g every week and i also know someone who produces about 5 for week and sell at that price (but hes a nice person who sells to ppl who need so i dont do resell). im telling u, u can find houses for 4g Wink
Just bought one ^^
Buying house q1 for 4.5g pm me
Hail Bulgaria weapon industry !